Weather: (2153) SE9 overcast 83°, 29.93 falling
H20: 7.89↓, 64 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: all: bluebills, Riley: 3 flat heads 8-14 lbs.
I had a request from my old friend norm to take him and his daughter out flat head fishing. How could I refuse! From a past outing with Riley I knew she had a passion for fishing, and I can truthfully say that fire is still burning.
Riley got to handle all the flat head bites, and she did a good job of it. We had good action and three fish made it boat side.
The river is finally in good shape for flat head fishing. We were easily able to anchor on a main side channel next to the main navigation channel. A major fish fly hatch was taking place this evening out on the man made islands.
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