Weather: (1853) thunderstorms in vicinity, E5, 80˚, 29.67 ↓
Water: 36.6 steady, .781kcfs, 72˚, semi clear
Where: Black River Flowage, Black River Falls, WI
Caught: 3 small mouths 12-16", no muskies
Today was another exploratory trip around the Black River Falls area. I was targeting both muskies and small mouth bass. I did not have any success on the muskies, but I did catch a few smallies.
This body of water was extremely beautiful, especially the upper portions where it was shallow and there were no dwellings. From the landing I headed upstream until it got too shallow for a normal boat, then I went upstream another half mile. All the bass I caught came upstream of the railroad bridge. The only muskie action I had was a possible follow (wake) that happened in the shallow upstream area.
This flowage is not very wide but it is fairly deep and protected by high rocky banks. The scenery is very beautiful and very pristine in the upper shallow stretches.

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