Weather: (1853) NW9, clear, 80°, 30.14 steady
H20: 7.18↓, 56 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bluegills, catfish, carp, suckers, drum, small mouth bass
My brother Dick requested that I take him and his grand kids Nora and Ike out fishing, so I graciously agreed. From the smiles on their faces and the giggles in their voices I would have to say they had a good time.
We started out fishing for panfish and that was slow. we then went bottom fishing and we caught a multitude of different fish. Nora's main goal was to catch a catfish for a fish fry and we caught two for her to take home. Ike really enjoyed reeling in the fish and was a little hoggish on the bites. Nora seemed to enjoy other people catching fish even more than herself, which was very nice to see.
There was no sign of any fish flies tonight. The river continues to recede and the rice is starting to stand up.
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