Weather: (2053) calm, clear, 75°, 30.08 rising
H20: 5.76↓, 36.6 kcfs, 80°, semi clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: bait: bluegills and one crappie, 15 lb flat head
It was my first day back from vacation at Hayward and as tradition dictates when I get home I have to go out fishing to catch something. It is always nice to get back to the home waters.
Both the bluegills and the flat heads were utilizing the the wooded areas for both cover and food. The rock areas along the main channel were pretty much void of and bluegills. The deep scour hole areas along the main channel were also not holding any flatheads.
The reduced flow summer time conditions are starting to emerge with the exception of the bluegills on the rocks and the flat heads in the deep scour hole areas.
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