Weather: (2153), N6, clear, 76°, 29.97↑
H2O: 5.42↑, 37 kcfs, 76°, fairly green
Where: Mississippi R. middle pool 7
Caught: Bait, Me: 2 flats 8&27 lbs Ryan: 3 flats 5,8 & 50 lbs
It was the big flat tourney night and Ryan and I won it with a fifty pound flat. We had good action all night with five fish making it to our hands. We got a total of twelve bites, which made for an action packed night. Ryan caught the big fish of the night, but I just had to get a picture of myself holding such an impressive sized fish.
The flats seem to be on the main channel areas that have submerged wood. We fished depths between twelve and twenty-five feet.

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