Weather: (1653) W9, clear, 84°, 30.05 steady
H20: 5.7↓, 36.1 kcfs, 80°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 6 LMB 15-17", 1 SMB 13", 4 pike 22 - 32"
It was a Sunday evening fishing trip and I was targeting bass. Even though I was fishing bass, I also caught plenty of pike. The largest pike in particular gave me a great thrill. The first time I saw it the fish had come completely out of the water when it tried to ambush my frog. On the next cast it was not quite so fortunate when it successfully grabbed the frog and I set the hook on it.
I used two baits tonight: a white frog and a swim jig. Each bait accounted for about half of the fish each.
The summer high water has filled in many portions of the back waters. It has also done considerable damage to the many islands.

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