10-22-2009 Thr
Day 187-178 to go
5:45 PM -7:00 PM
Weather: E8, light rain, 44°, 30.01 falling
Water conditions: 639.8’, 24.4 kcfs, 49°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger 10", 6:00 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
2. SMB 21”, 6:20PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
3. Walleye 22", 6:30 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
4. Walleye 20", 6:50 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
Well the old saying wind from the East fish bite the least did not hold too much water tonight. Overall I would have had to rate the fishing as good tonight. The largest walleye I caught dam near tore the pole out of my hands, it hit with such ferocity. The smallie I caught was definitely a chunk and the largest of the season.
As far as the fall colors are concerned I would have to say we are a few days past the peak. The ash and walnut trees are barren. However the maples and the oaks are very vibrant, but they are rapidly losing their leaves.
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