10-8-2009 Thr
Day 173-192 to go
7:30AM -5:00PM
Weather: WNW3, cloudy, 48°, 29.97 rising (12:05AM)
Water conditions: 621.62’ falling, 24.7 kcfs, 52°, clear, lots of weeds floating in river.
Fish caught
1. (7) Sauger, 11-13", jig/minnow
2. SMB 19", 11:15 AM, Ringworm
3. LMB 13", 11:17 AM, Ringworm
4. Sheep head 17", 12:35 PM, Ringworm
5. SMB 13", 2:00 PM, Chug Bug
6. Walleye 16", 4:30 PM, jig/minnow
Area fished
Pool 9 - Genoa dam
Fishing Partners
Norm and Grant
The fishing conditions below the dam were still rather adverse. We did not have the wind to contend with today, but yesterdays wind had displaced a ton of weeds and they were all floating downstream and congregating below the dam. It was very difficult fishing for even a brief moment without having your jig run afoul of the aquatic salad. Norm ended up with four sauger and two walleyes for the freezer. If you take a close look at Grant's catfish you will see he did not hook the fish, but the line that was attached to a hook that was imbedded in the catfishes mouth!
During part of the day I was by myself while Norm went in to catch up on work. All day is long time for me to fish, so I took a little walkabout on one of the islands. I did end up seeing quite a bit of deer sign and even found a five point shed antler.
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