10-11-2009 Sun
Day 176-189 to go
2:00 PM - 7:30PM
Weather: SE6, mostly sunny, 42°,30.31 falling
Water conditions: 3.74’ falling, .972 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
(2)wood ducks
(4) Drake Mallards (green heads)
Area hunted
Black RIver bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I had duck hunting on the agenda. I headed back to the same area I was at last night, except this time I would be set up where the ducks wanted to be. All I can say is that the hunting was great. The ducks were readily decoying, my marksmanship was on and Fritz was a retrieving machine. He found three of the ducks that I never would have found without him.
If a duck is crippled and on the run I can count on Fritz to find, catch and bring that bird back to my hand alive. Fritz is just a couple months shy of ten years old, but he still has the ability and desire to hunt. Hopefully he will be able to accompany me on one or two more seasons in the field.
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