10-13-2009 Tue
Day 178-187 to go
5:30 PM -8:00 PM
Weather: Calm, clear, 40°, 30.38 rising
Water conditions: 639.73’ falling, 18.5 kcfs, ?°, very clear
Fish caught
1. Walleye 16”, 6:35 PM, Storm Thunder Crank
2. Walleye 20”, 7:00 PM, Storm Thunder Crank
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel area
Fishing Partners
Tonight I was able to target walleyes. I did start out seeing if I could locate any toothy critters first. I was not successful on the northern, but I did have a bump from either a northern or bass.
The walleye fishing however was pretty good. I did boat the two, but I also lost two others. The first fish I lost felt real good, but unfortunately it came unbuttoned about a minute into the battle. The situation on losing the other fish was a little different. I decided to fish the wing dam a little different by casting from the downstream side of a wing dam over the top and above the face of the dam. On my first cast I hooked into a fish, but unfortunately it had to be fought over the rocks. It did not take long and my line was cut by the multitude of zebra mussels that cling to these rocks. I am actually not a critic of these invasive mussels. They have done a tremendous job of clarifying the water. I believe these invasive species have improved the fishing on the river tremendously.
It has been about two weeks since I have been out in the boat, and I must say it has changed! The aquatic vegetation and all the wild rice has really started to die-off and is disappearing very quickly. Wow what a pic!
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