4-28-2010 Wed
Weather: S14 / G21, clear, 65°, 29.79 falling
H2O: 5.8 falling, 40 kcfs, 59°, clear
White bass (2) 13", 14" - jig
Northern (1) 25" - rattle trap
Crappie (2) 9", 9" - jig
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach Dam
Jake and Ben
Tonight I had a request to go out fishing with Jake and his co-worker Ben. How could I refuse, we were taking Ben's boat!
With the strong south wind we could not have picked a worse location. The dam area is totally exposed to a south wind so we got bounced around quite a bit, which made fishing very difficult. We all caught fish, so I think we were all happy with the outcome.
I was really hoping and expecting to get into the stripers, but it did not happen. From the dimensions of the two I caught they have not spawned yet, so hopefully good time are yet to come.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
4-27-2010 Tue
4-27-2010 Tue
Weather: W5, clear, 57°, 29.89 steady
H2O: 640.6 falling, 40 kcfs, 60°, clear
LMB (2) 18", 13" - spinner bait
Northern (2) 22.5", 23" - in line spinner
Northern (4) 16", 28", 24", 27" - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
Tonight it was a one fish here one fish there type of evening. Which, is a good indication that the fish were inactive. When the sun went down it got very cold fast. The weatherman is predicting some frost around the area tonight. The trip back to the boat landing was made with me wearing my winter coat.
Weather: W5, clear, 57°, 29.89 steady
H2O: 640.6 falling, 40 kcfs, 60°, clear
LMB (2) 18", 13" - spinner bait
Northern (2) 22.5", 23" - in line spinner
Northern (4) 16", 28", 24", 27" - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
Tonight it was a one fish here one fish there type of evening. Which, is a good indication that the fish were inactive. When the sun went down it got very cold fast. The weatherman is predicting some frost around the area tonight. The trip back to the boat landing was made with me wearing my winter coat.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
4-25-10 Sun

4-25-2010 Sun
Weather: E14 / G22, overcast, 58°, 29.58 rising
H2O: 640.8 falling, 39 kcfs, 55°, clear
LMB (4) 20, 19, 13.5, 20 - spinner bait
Northern (2) 27, 24 - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
Gigantic! That is how I would describe ther size of the bass I caught tonight. The two pictures are of two different fish, and I did not even get a pic of the biggest bass. The first bass I caught which I did not take a picture of was twenty inches long and weighed 5lbs 1oz.
I was not very optimistic at the start of the evening. The water temperature had dropped five degrees since yesterday and the wind was out of the east. I could not buy a bite from where I had caught fish on the last couple of outings. I tried both a spinner bait and a swim jig and only got one bump. After a half hour and no fish it was time to do some exploring on the big body of water. It did pay off in a big way. The fish were not stacked on top of each other, but I did find some very nice ones. who says you cannot catch fish when the water temperature takes a dive and the wind is out of the east.
Seasonal note - Apple trees are in full bloom, lilacs are beginning to bloom and I have heard reports of morels being found.
4-24-2010 Sat
4-24-2010 Sat
Weather: E9, cloudy, 58°, 29.58 falling
H2O: 640.94 steady, 41.1 kcfs, 60°, semi-clear
LMB 19.5 - spinner bait
Northern 27 - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska & protected areas
I did not have much time this evening so I decided to explore. I am a firm believer of always trying something different, whether it be a new location or a new bait. I concentrated on main lake areas, but I never caught a fish or had a strike. I ended up catching both fish in an area that has been producing the past couple of days.
Weather: E9, cloudy, 58°, 29.58 falling
H2O: 640.94 steady, 41.1 kcfs, 60°, semi-clear
LMB 19.5 - spinner bait
Northern 27 - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska & protected areas
I did not have much time this evening so I decided to explore. I am a firm believer of always trying something different, whether it be a new location or a new bait. I concentrated on main lake areas, but I never caught a fish or had a strike. I ended up catching both fish in an area that has been producing the past couple of days.

4-23-2010 Thr
Weather: S14, cloudy / light rain, 56°, 29.79 steady
H2O: 640.93 steady, 40.9 kcfs, 60°, semi-clear
LMB (6) 15, 17, 15, 18, 14, 16 - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska - protected areas
Jake V.
Tonight Jake was fishing with me. Jake does not have a lot of fishing experience, but he did catch a couple of nice bass. Since the weather was so nasty out on the main lake we stayed in the areas that were sheltered from the wind.
Fishing was pretty good, and the fish were staying extremely shallow again. I had heard rumors that the bass had spawned or were in the process of spawning, but I believe that is false. We did keep a couple of smaller fish for supper and they still had spawn in them.
Contrary to popular belief, if cooked on the grill bass are one of the best eating fish around. Cook bass or any other white flaky fish on the grill in this manner and I think you will agree.
1. Make an open pan out of foil.
2. Melt an ample amount of butter and cover the bottom of you pan with it.
3. Put your fillets in the pan and turn to coat both sides.
4. Sprinkle the top side of the fillets with seasoned salt and dill weed if you have it.
5. Put pan and fish on the grill and put cover on grill, cook till almost done.
6. Poke holes in foil to allow butter to drip onto coals and produce smoke.
7. Cover grill (to prevent a fire) **note: this only works with charcoal, if you were to do this on a gas grill you would have an inferno
8. Cook / butter smoke fish several more minutes until fish flakes easily
9. Enjoy!
I am not an advocate of harvesting large amounts of fish of any species, but if a person enjoys eating fish, harvest in a responsible manner. What I mean by this is selective harvest; keep a limited amount of fish and return the larger fish of all species so someone else can enjoy catching them.
4-21-10 Wed

4-21-2010 Wed
Weather: NNE7, partly cloudy, 68°, 29.80 falling (5:05 PM)
H2O: 641.09 falling, 43.2 kcfs, 60°, clear
Dogfish 31" - spinner bait
LMB (15) 16, 10, 20, 10, 17, 15, 16.5, 11, 13.5, 14, 11, 14, 16, 18, 14.5(kept) - spinner bait
LMB (1) 16.5 - in-line spinner
Northern (3) 23, 27, 27 - spinner bait
Northern 27 - buzz bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska - Boat club, north east shoreline
I took a half day off work today to take advantage of the awesome weather. I fished very hard and caught fish, but they were not jumping in the boat. The dogfish I caught was the biggest I have ever seen, it is to bad that the picture did not turn out very well.
I missed / lost several pike that were in that mid thirties to around forty inch size. I am really struggling with hooking and keeping these larger size fish on. The majority of the fish I caught were in extremely shallow water.
Monday, April 19, 2010
day 366 4-19-2010 Mon

Day 366
4-19-2010 Mon
Weather: calm, clear, 63°, 30.09 rising
H2O: 641.43 falling, 47.7 kcfs, 63°, clear but muddy in areas infested with carp
LMB (3) 14.5", 17.5", 16" - spinner bait
LMB (2) 17", 17" - in-line spinner
Northern (2) 34", 27" - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
I have my year in, but with weather like this and me knowing the fish are biting how could I stay off the water. I have not gotten out on the lake during decent weather for some time so I figured tonight was going to be a good night. I wanted to hit some of the spots that were productive for me last year during this stage of the season.
The first spot produced a quick bass and a decent pike in the first ten minutes. I was searching for fish, so I moved onto spot two.
This spot was not holding anything except carp, and I believe that was the problem. The carp had really stirred the sediment up and made the visibility very poor. I believe water clarity is a major factor in catching or not catching fish. It did not take long for me to come to my senses and get the heck out of this loser spot. I zipped back to my original starting point and dissected it further. I fished this area for about twenty-five minutes and did real well. I also lost one giant pike after a very brief hook-up!
day 365 4-18-2010 Sun 0 to go

Day 365-NO MORE TO GO (don't tell Karen that)
4-18-2010 Sun
Weather: W6, clear, 65°, 30.15 falling (5:53PM)
H2O: 8.83 steady, 48.7 kcfs, 62°, semi-clear
LMB (2) 12", 13" - spinner bait
LMB 15.5" - in-line spinner
Northern (5) 18", 35", 20", 18", 26" - spinner bait
Norhtern (2) 27", 17" - in-line spinner
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 4 - Big Lake
Jake and Mark T.
Today the plan was to get back up to pool four and find the pike that Terry and I had gotten into last week. My partners were Jake and his son Mark. Mark was excited to get into some pike and I hoped I would not let him down. We did quite a bit of searching and caught a fish here and there, but the numbers were not fantastic. There did seem to be fish just about everywhere though.
The size structure started out rather small and I was beginning to wonder if this area had any quality size pike. We did end up catching some nice fish with Jake catching the beauty of the day ( 38"). I have to take my hat off to Mark (poor kid). The kid is only ten and he fished hard all day and never hooked and caught a fish completely on his own, while Jake and I combined for over twenty between the two of us.
My strawberries have started to bloom; this spring sure seems advanced.
day 364 4-17-2010 Sat 1 to go
Day 364-1 to go
4-17-2010 Sat
Weather: N12, clear, 41°, 30.25 rising (5:35AM)
N14, clear, 64°, 30.13 steady (5:53PM)
H2O: 641.77 falling, 51.9kcfs, 59°, clear
LMB 14", - spinner bait
Location: Strum, Wisconsin - turkey hunting
Jeremy P.
I started the day out turkey hunting with Jeremy on his land by Strum. We found the turkeys to be not very active. I did manage to call one in, but it hung up at about sixty yards. This distance was just a little beyond Jeremy's range.
Late in the afternoon I got out for a little fishing on the lake. It was still very windy, and I only managed one bass.
A couple of seasonal observations: The dandelions and plums are blooming profusely, and the milfoil has really shot up towards the water surface. These nasty aquatic weeds are really stating to choke the open water areas out.
4-17-2010 Sat
Weather: N12, clear, 41°, 30.25 rising (5:35AM)
N14, clear, 64°, 30.13 steady (5:53PM)
H2O: 641.77 falling, 51.9kcfs, 59°, clear
LMB 14", - spinner bait
Location: Strum, Wisconsin - turkey hunting
Jeremy P.
I started the day out turkey hunting with Jeremy on his land by Strum. We found the turkeys to be not very active. I did manage to call one in, but it hung up at about sixty yards. This distance was just a little beyond Jeremy's range.
Late in the afternoon I got out for a little fishing on the lake. It was still very windy, and I only managed one bass.
A couple of seasonal observations: The dandelions and plums are blooming profusely, and the milfoil has really shot up towards the water surface. These nasty aquatic weeds are really stating to choke the open water areas out.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
day 363 4-16-2010 Fri 2 to go
Day 363-2 to go
4-16-2010 Fri
Weather: NW18, clear, 51°, 30.10 rising
Location: Ft McCoy, WI
Today was my last day of turkey hunting and the conditions just happened to be very windy. I started out in the same area that I had hunted the past two days. At first light it became apparent that the turkeys were not roosted in their usual spot. I quickly made a half-mile hike to the area where I could hear some toms gobbling. I got within about one-hundred yards of one tom and set up. I called and tried to entice him in for a half hour, but he would not budge from his strutting zone. I did not see any hens with him, so he was just playing hard to get.
I moved onto another tom that I had been hearing sounding off in the distance. I got too close to this one and we spotted each other at the same instance. I guess I should know by now to keep a reasonable distance between yourself and the tom, and if he does no close the distance then try to move in on him.
That was it for my last day. The wind really played a role in my lack of success this season.
4-16-2010 Fri
Weather: NW18, clear, 51°, 30.10 rising
Location: Ft McCoy, WI
Today was my last day of turkey hunting and the conditions just happened to be very windy. I started out in the same area that I had hunted the past two days. At first light it became apparent that the turkeys were not roosted in their usual spot. I quickly made a half-mile hike to the area where I could hear some toms gobbling. I got within about one-hundred yards of one tom and set up. I called and tried to entice him in for a half hour, but he would not budge from his strutting zone. I did not see any hens with him, so he was just playing hard to get.
I moved onto another tom that I had been hearing sounding off in the distance. I got too close to this one and we spotted each other at the same instance. I guess I should know by now to keep a reasonable distance between yourself and the tom, and if he does no close the distance then try to move in on him.
That was it for my last day. The wind really played a role in my lack of success this season.
day 362 4-15-2010 Thr 3 to go

Day 362-3 to go
4-15-2010 Thr
5:45AM-12:00PM, 5:00PM-6:00PM
Weather: S13/G23, clear, 76°, 30.05 falling
H2O: 6.49' falling, 53.3 kcfs, 66°, clear and muddy in some spots from wind
Location: Ft McCoy, WI / Mississippi R. - pool 7 upper stump fields
The turkeys were not as active this morning and it was quite windy. It did not help that I had some other hunters move into my area about fifteen minutes after first light. I did manage to call two different toms in throughout the course of the morning, but they came in silent. I did not realize they were there until I got up to leave and I saw them and they saw me and I was busted.
I did get out fishing this evening for an hour. It was extremely windy, but I was curious as to what the water temperature was and if the fish were biting. I was astounded at the sixty-six degree water temperature. It was very difficult fishing and the fish were not biting.
day 361 4-14-2010 Wed 4 to go
Day 361-4 to go
4-14-2010 Wed
Weather: S15, clear, 63°, 30.22 steady
H2O: N/A
Location: Ft McCoy, WI
Today was my first of three days of turkey hunting on Ft. McCoy. The birds were quite active up until about 11:00AM. I had a group of hens with three gobblers come out on the trail about seventy yards from me. With some persistent calling and patience I eventually called all three toms within about twenty yards of me.
I had the gun up and the scope on the closest one, but decided to pass it up. After all I still had the rest of the day and two full days left to hunt, and I wanted to make the most of this season.
Later in the morning I did call in another tom to about ten yards from my location, but it was so brushy that I only got one glimpse of that bird. This bird came in how they should: constantly gobbling and coming straight at me on a steady pace.
4-14-2010 Wed
Weather: S15, clear, 63°, 30.22 steady
H2O: N/A
Location: Ft McCoy, WI
Today was my first of three days of turkey hunting on Ft. McCoy. The birds were quite active up until about 11:00AM. I had a group of hens with three gobblers come out on the trail about seventy yards from me. With some persistent calling and patience I eventually called all three toms within about twenty yards of me.
I had the gun up and the scope on the closest one, but decided to pass it up. After all I still had the rest of the day and two full days left to hunt, and I wanted to make the most of this season.
Later in the morning I did call in another tom to about ten yards from my location, but it was so brushy that I only got one glimpse of that bird. This bird came in how they should: constantly gobbling and coming straight at me on a steady pace.
day 360 4-13-2010 Tue 5 to go
Day 360-5 to go
4-13-2010 Tue
Weather: calm, partly cloudy, 40°, 30.33, falling
H2O: 7.66' falling, 69.7 kcfs, ?°, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
This morning I got up early and went fishing before work. I was fishing from shore below the Information Center in Minnesota. I wanted to get my fishing done, so I could possibly put some turkeys to bed this evening. I did not catch a fish or even get a strike, which is very unusual for this time of year below the dam. Putting the turkeys to bed did not go any easy. I did not even hear any gobbles at sunset.
4-13-2010 Tue
Weather: calm, partly cloudy, 40°, 30.33, falling
H2O: 7.66' falling, 69.7 kcfs, ?°, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
This morning I got up early and went fishing before work. I was fishing from shore below the Information Center in Minnesota. I wanted to get my fishing done, so I could possibly put some turkeys to bed this evening. I did not catch a fish or even get a strike, which is very unusual for this time of year below the dam. Putting the turkeys to bed did not go any easy. I did not even hear any gobbles at sunset.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 359-6 to go
4-12-2010 Mon
Weather: SE6, partly cloudy, 67°, 30.30, steady
H2O: milky
1. Brook trout 7" - spinner
Location: Ft. McCoy, WI - East Silver creek
I headed to Ft. McCoy this evening with the primary mission of turkey scouting. Of course I had to get my fishing in also. About the only option was catch and release trout fishing on the streams. The fish were not hitting very hard. I probably missed six fish and only caught one small brook trout.
I did see some turkeys, so at least now I know there will be some turkeys around when my season opens on Wednesday.
4-12-2010 Mon
Weather: SE6, partly cloudy, 67°, 30.30, steady
H2O: milky
1. Brook trout 7" - spinner
Location: Ft. McCoy, WI - East Silver creek
I headed to Ft. McCoy this evening with the primary mission of turkey scouting. Of course I had to get my fishing in also. About the only option was catch and release trout fishing on the streams. The fish were not hitting very hard. I probably missed six fish and only caught one small brook trout.
I did see some turkeys, so at least now I know there will be some turkeys around when my season opens on Wednesday.

Day 358-7 to go
4-11-2010 Sun
Weather: NW6, sunny, 64°, 30.34, steady (12:05 pm)
H2O: 9.83' falling, 62.6 kcfs, 49-52°, clear
1. SMB 14” – spinner bait
2. Northern (8) 28", 24.5", 24.5", 28", 25.5", 28", 18", 27.5" – spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 4 – Big Lake and
Robinson Lake
Terry C.
Today I was teaming up with Terry C. and we were headed to Alma, WI. We both had fished here together several years ago, but neither one of us had been back during the open water season. We primarily concentrated on the Big Lake area, but we did try a few other spots. Navigation was the hardest part of the whole trip. Motoring in the back water areas always calls for caution, especially in unfamiliar waters.
The bass bite was very non-existent, but we did manage some pike. The key to the pike was stumps in two to three feet of water. I believe the fish were on stumps because there is no vegetation yet. We did not catch any monsters, but the common size was around twenty-eight inches.
day 357 4-10-2010 Sat 8 to go
Day 357-8 to go
4-10-2010 Sat
Weather: NW8, clear, 57°, 30.15, rising
H2O: 643.16' falling, 68.2 kcfs, 53°, clear – except sailboat club was muddy
1. LMB (5) 12”, 15”, 15”, 16”, 14” – spinner bait
2. Northern (2) 18”, 18” – spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 – middle and lower Lake Onalaska
I really needed to get out turkey scouting tonight but the water was persuading me otherwise. After two hours I was fishless and thinking I had chosen the wrong activity.
Not wanting to go fishless two nights in a row I motored to one of the most consistent fish catching spots I knew of. After just a couple of casts it was fish on. I was very surprised at how many fish I did catch here, after all I was hitless at all the other spots I had tried. It just goes to show; do not give up and somewhere fish are waiting to be caught.
4-10-2010 Sat
Weather: NW8, clear, 57°, 30.15, rising
H2O: 643.16' falling, 68.2 kcfs, 53°, clear – except sailboat club was muddy
1. LMB (5) 12”, 15”, 15”, 16”, 14” – spinner bait
2. Northern (2) 18”, 18” – spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 – middle and lower Lake Onalaska
I really needed to get out turkey scouting tonight but the water was persuading me otherwise. After two hours I was fishless and thinking I had chosen the wrong activity.
Not wanting to go fishless two nights in a row I motored to one of the most consistent fish catching spots I knew of. After just a couple of casts it was fish on. I was very surprised at how many fish I did catch here, after all I was hitless at all the other spots I had tried. It just goes to show; do not give up and somewhere fish are waiting to be caught.
day 356 4-9-2010 Fri 9 to go
Day 356-9 to go
4-9-2010 Fri
Weather: SE8, clear, 61°, 29.97, rising
H2O: 643.27' falling, 69.6 kcfs, 52°, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 – upper end of Lake Onalaska
Tonight was one of those nights where not only was the fishing bad, but lots of other things went wrong. I did have about a thirty inch northern come un-buttoned at boat side. I also had another hit my spinner-bait immediately after it hit the water. I set the hook but missed and that same fish kept on nipping at my bait on that retrieve and after missing it six times I finally connected on it. The fight did not last long because the fish cut my line. About thirty seconds after cutting my line the fish jumped out of the water in an attempt to dislodge the strange meal it had engulfed.
When it was time to leave my trolling motor would not release from the deployed position and my front light was as dark as a starless night in the north woods. When I got back to the landing I had to take the trolling motor bracket apart in order to lift it out of the water and into the boat. This is the part that got painful. The dam thing smacked me in the head as I was trying to stow it. I am hoping tonight is as bad as it gets for the season.
4-9-2010 Fri
Weather: SE8, clear, 61°, 29.97, rising
H2O: 643.27' falling, 69.6 kcfs, 52°, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 – upper end of Lake Onalaska
Tonight was one of those nights where not only was the fishing bad, but lots of other things went wrong. I did have about a thirty inch northern come un-buttoned at boat side. I also had another hit my spinner-bait immediately after it hit the water. I set the hook but missed and that same fish kept on nipping at my bait on that retrieve and after missing it six times I finally connected on it. The fight did not last long because the fish cut my line. About thirty seconds after cutting my line the fish jumped out of the water in an attempt to dislodge the strange meal it had engulfed.
When it was time to leave my trolling motor would not release from the deployed position and my front light was as dark as a starless night in the north woods. When I got back to the landing I had to take the trolling motor bracket apart in order to lift it out of the water and into the boat. This is the part that got painful. The dam thing smacked me in the head as I was trying to stow it. I am hoping tonight is as bad as it gets for the season.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
day 355 4-8-2010 Thr 10 to go
Day 355-10 to go
4-8-2010 Thr
Weather: NE9, overcast, 50°, 29.77, steady
H2O: 9.01' falling, 80.3 kcfs, ?°, fairly dirty
1. Sauger 6" - jig
2. White Bass 12", - jig
3. Walleye 16", - jig
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach Dam (from shore)
Yesterday while fishing below the dam by boat I had seen a shore angler doing quite well on the saugers. Seeing that fisherman catching fish inspired me to fish form shore tonight. I did catch a couple fish, but it was very slow. That is one thing about walleye fishing, nothing is consistent. The night time temperatures have been very cold, and I think this has had a negative impact on the bite.
4-8-2010 Thr
Weather: NE9, overcast, 50°, 29.77, steady
H2O: 9.01' falling, 80.3 kcfs, ?°, fairly dirty
1. Sauger 6" - jig
2. White Bass 12", - jig
3. Walleye 16", - jig
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach Dam (from shore)
Yesterday while fishing below the dam by boat I had seen a shore angler doing quite well on the saugers. Seeing that fisherman catching fish inspired me to fish form shore tonight. I did catch a couple fish, but it was very slow. That is one thing about walleye fishing, nothing is consistent. The night time temperatures have been very cold, and I think this has had a negative impact on the bite.
day 354 4-7-2010 Wed 11 to go
Day 354-11 to go
4-7-2010 Wed
Weather: NE13, mist, 49°, 29.60, rising
H2O: 9.23' falling, 82.9 kcfs, 49°, fairly dirty
1. Sauger (4) 11", 11", 11", 11" - Ripple Shad
2. White Bass 12.5", - Ripple Shad
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach Dam
I had not been walleye fishing for awhile and I had heard they were biting, so it was time to give them a try. You may ask why give up the bass and pike bite; well sometimes walleye fishing can be fun and addicting.
It was quite cold and the fish were not snapping. I did see a few other fish caught but it was not fantastic.
4-7-2010 Wed
Weather: NE13, mist, 49°, 29.60, rising
H2O: 9.23' falling, 82.9 kcfs, 49°, fairly dirty
1. Sauger (4) 11", 11", 11", 11" - Ripple Shad
2. White Bass 12.5", - Ripple Shad
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach Dam
I had not been walleye fishing for awhile and I had heard they were biting, so it was time to give them a try. You may ask why give up the bass and pike bite; well sometimes walleye fishing can be fun and addicting.
It was quite cold and the fish were not snapping. I did see a few other fish caught but it was not fantastic.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
day 353 4-6-2010 Tue 12 to go

Day 353-12 to go
4-6-2010 Tue
Weather: NE10/G20, rain, 50°, 29.58, falling
H2O: 643.85' falling, 77.8 kcfs, 51°, clear but muddy in open windy areas
1. LMB (7) 16", 14", 11.5", 13", 15.5", 19", 12" - spinner bait
2. Northern 28", - spinner
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (back waters and the channel)
Miserable, that is how I would describe the weather tonight. The wind was blowing, it was raining and the water temperature had dropped five degrees since yesterday.
No too bad is how I would describe the fishing. It did take me awhile to figure out where to go to find active fish. I always use the saying "I bet someone is catching fish somewhere and I just need to find that somewhere". I had been getting fish in the open areas of the lake, but not tonight.
I had come back to the landing in defeat and that is when I noticed the water temperature in the channel was two to three degrees warmer. I had a few more casts left in me so I gave it a whirl. I was rewarded with a pretty decent bite. Apparently the few degree difference in water temperature made the bass come out of hiding.
day 352 4-5-2010 Mon 13 to go

Day 352-13 to go
4-5-2010 Mon
Weather: calm, light rain, 63°, 29.88, falling
H2O: 644.22' falling, 83.1 kcfs, 56°, clear
1. LMB (7) 13', 16", 12", 13.5", 16", 18", 14" - spinner bait
2. Northern 31", - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (back waters)
Work delayed my fishing starting time by one and one half hours tonight. I was really disappointed to, because with the approaching storm front I had a feeling the fish would be quite active. The fish were in the same haunts where I had left them yesterday. The biggest surprise of the night came just at dark. I was ready to call it an evening and I told myself after three more casts I would be done (you would think I would be sick of fishing after a year and be ready to quit at the end of the night, but oh no, it is very hard for me to stop most days). I knew it was possible to put a bass in the boat, but I figured it was way too dark for a pike. But on my third and final cast my spinnerbait just got hammered by a nice healthy pike. I was rewarded with a great battle and a nice picture for my persistence.
Spring this year seems advanced by about two weeks. Some of the natural indicators of spring I am seeing early are: the lilac bushes started to develop leaves about a week ago, periwinkles and some of the bulb plants have started blooming, and the hard maples are showing their red buds.
Monday, April 5, 2010
day 351 4-4-2010 Sun 14 to go

Day 351-14 to go
4-4-2010 Sun
Weather: SW10, clear, 65°, 29.75, rising
H2O: 644.4' falling, 85.7 kcfs, 56°, clear in back waters, muddy in dredge areas
1. LMB (5) 15", 12", 14.5", 17", 9" - spinner bait
LMB 14" - smoke/glitter grub
2. Northern (4) 30", 20", 34.5", 20"
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
partners: None
Today I got out after the Easter gathering at the in-laws. I was targeting bass and pike, although I did not expect much in the way of pike. But, I was quite surprised by the pike bite, they were very aggressive. The fishing was very good in the shallow back water areas, but of course I wanted to see what was around the next corner.
I moved to the dredge areas on the lake, which caused me to struggle with the bass bite. I think the biggest reason for my lack of fish here was the dingy water. Heavy winds the last couple of days had really stirred up the water and consequently reduced its clarity.
day 350 4-3-2010 Thr 15 to go

Day 350-15 to go
4-3-2010 Sat
Weather: W15/G20, a few clouds, 45°, 29.70, rising
H2O: 644.8' falling, 91.4 kcfs, 54°, clear
1. Bluegills (5) 6-7" - worms
2. Perch 9" - worms
3. Painted Turtle 10" - minnow
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (Black Deer's)
Brandon and Dwayne
I was fishing with my brother in law Dwayne and my nephew Brandon. We were after panfish in the channel behind my house. The morning started out rather cold and blustery, and the fish thought so too. Each one of us caught some fish but it was rather dismal.
I did have one rather interesting moment when my bobber slowly sank out of sight below the waters surface. This is typical in the way a crappie will take a minnow and that is what I thought was on the other end. A hook set and a few cranks of the reel handle revealed otherwise. To my surprise was a very agitated painted turtle being pulled through the water against its will. To my relief it came unbuttoned as I attempted to pull it into the boat. I do believe this is the first turtle ever for me.
Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 349-16 to go
4-2-2010 Fri
Weather: S17, clear, 66°, 29.53, steady
H2O: 645.1' falling, 95.7 kcfs, 59°, clear
1. LMB (4) 12-15", grub-smoke/glitter
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
Terry C.
A day off, fishing with a friend, and catching bass, it just does not get much better. The fishing was not fantastic, but it was not bad either considering we had just turned the calendar to April the day before.
All my fish came on a grub and Terry caught all his on a spinnerbait. I do have to admit Terry did up me be one bass and one northern (I knew we should have fished the only spot that I caught fish at longer) just kidding. We did have a little competitiveness going.
day 348 4-1-2010 Thr 17 to go
Day 348-17 to go
4-1-2010 Thr
Weather: S12, sunny, 78°, 29.47, steady
H2O: 4.35' steady, 1.5 kcfs, ?°, clear
1. Rock Bass 7" - worm
2. Perch 8" - worm
Location: Black R - Lytles
I was out to catch about four perch for supper, but the bite was not there. I did get bit by more mosquitoes than I had fish bite my bait. I was totally dismayed that I am already having to deal with these skeets.
Although the fishing was not good the bird watching was just amazing. It is just awesome to hear air ripping over the feathers of ducks and looking up and catching a glimpse of them streaking by. I am always impressed by the amount of waterfowl and other birds I see here in the spring. About the only time their wingbeats are absent is when they are drowned out by the rumbling of the many passing trains.
4-1-2010 Thr
Weather: S12, sunny, 78°, 29.47, steady
H2O: 4.35' steady, 1.5 kcfs, ?°, clear
1. Rock Bass 7" - worm
2. Perch 8" - worm
Location: Black R - Lytles
I was out to catch about four perch for supper, but the bite was not there. I did get bit by more mosquitoes than I had fish bite my bait. I was totally dismayed that I am already having to deal with these skeets.
Although the fishing was not good the bird watching was just amazing. It is just awesome to hear air ripping over the feathers of ducks and looking up and catching a glimpse of them streaking by. I am always impressed by the amount of waterfowl and other birds I see here in the spring. About the only time their wingbeats are absent is when they are drowned out by the rumbling of the many passing trains.
day 347 3-31-2010 Wed 18 to go

Day 347-18 to go
3-31-2010 Wed
Weather: S9, sunny, 77°, 29.61, rising
H2O: 645.6' falling, 103 kcfs, 56°, clear
1. LMB 15.5", jerk bait
Location: Mississippi R, pool 7 - Back waters
Tonight was my first attempt of the year fishing the more open water areas for bass. The air temperature was telling me the bass should be on, but the calendar was telling me it was too early. The calendar won out!
I did manage one decent bass after a couple of hundred casts. I thought would have been able to at least pick up a few northerns. They must still be in the process of doing the wild thing! The weather is unbelievable for this time of year: 77°, sunny and totally flat water (it's calm out).
day 346 3-30-2010 Tue 19 to go
Day 346-19 to go
3-30-2010 Tue
Weather: S19, mostly clougy, 69°, 29.57, rising
H2O: 646.03' falling, 110 kcfs, ?°, clear
Location: Mississippi R - back bay behind house
1. nothing
I have seen other fisherman catch bluegills behind the house this year, so I surely should be able to. But, I could not even get a bite. Usually this bay is filled with bluegills for about a couple of weeks early in the spring. I guess this year is not normal and the fish are probably randomly moving in and out of here.
3-30-2010 Tue
Weather: S19, mostly clougy, 69°, 29.57, rising
H2O: 646.03' falling, 110 kcfs, ?°, clear
Location: Mississippi R - back bay behind house
1. nothing
I have seen other fisherman catch bluegills behind the house this year, so I surely should be able to. But, I could not even get a bite. Usually this bay is filled with bluegills for about a couple of weeks early in the spring. I guess this year is not normal and the fish are probably randomly moving in and out of here.
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