Day 352-13 to go
4-5-2010 Mon
Weather: calm, light rain, 63°, 29.88, falling
H2O: 644.22' falling, 83.1 kcfs, 56°, clear
1. LMB (7) 13', 16", 12", 13.5", 16", 18", 14" - spinner bait
2. Northern 31", - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (back waters)
Work delayed my fishing starting time by one and one half hours tonight. I was really disappointed to, because with the approaching storm front I had a feeling the fish would be quite active. The fish were in the same haunts where I had left them yesterday. The biggest surprise of the night came just at dark. I was ready to call it an evening and I told myself after three more casts I would be done (you would think I would be sick of fishing after a year and be ready to quit at the end of the night, but oh no, it is very hard for me to stop most days). I knew it was possible to put a bass in the boat, but I figured it was way too dark for a pike. But on my third and final cast my spinnerbait just got hammered by a nice healthy pike. I was rewarded with a great battle and a nice picture for my persistence.
Spring this year seems advanced by about two weeks. Some of the natural indicators of spring I am seeing early are: the lilac bushes started to develop leaves about a week ago, periwinkles and some of the bulb plants have started blooming, and the hard maples are showing their red buds.
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