Day 353-12 to go
4-6-2010 Tue
Weather: NE10/G20, rain, 50°, 29.58, falling
H2O: 643.85' falling, 77.8 kcfs, 51°, clear but muddy in open windy areas
1. LMB (7) 16", 14", 11.5", 13", 15.5", 19", 12" - spinner bait
2. Northern 28", - spinner
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (back waters and the channel)
Miserable, that is how I would describe the weather tonight. The wind was blowing, it was raining and the water temperature had dropped five degrees since yesterday.
No too bad is how I would describe the fishing. It did take me awhile to figure out where to go to find active fish. I always use the saying "I bet someone is catching fish somewhere and I just need to find that somewhere". I had been getting fish in the open areas of the lake, but not tonight.
I had come back to the landing in defeat and that is when I noticed the water temperature in the channel was two to three degrees warmer. I had a few more casts left in me so I gave it a whirl. I was rewarded with a pretty decent bite. Apparently the few degree difference in water temperature made the bass come out of hiding.
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