4-21-2010 Wed
Weather: NNE7, partly cloudy, 68°, 29.80 falling (5:05 PM)
H2O: 641.09 falling, 43.2 kcfs, 60°, clear
Dogfish 31" - spinner bait
LMB (15) 16, 10, 20, 10, 17, 15, 16.5, 11, 13.5, 14, 11, 14, 16, 18, 14.5(kept) - spinner bait
LMB (1) 16.5 - in-line spinner
Northern (3) 23, 27, 27 - spinner bait
Northern 27 - buzz bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska - Boat club, north east shoreline
I took a half day off work today to take advantage of the awesome weather. I fished very hard and caught fish, but they were not jumping in the boat. The dogfish I caught was the biggest I have ever seen, it is to bad that the picture did not turn out very well.
I missed / lost several pike that were in that mid thirties to around forty inch size. I am really struggling with hooking and keeping these larger size fish on. The majority of the fish I caught were in extremely shallow water.
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