4-25-2010 Sun
Weather: E14 / G22, overcast, 58°, 29.58 rising
H2O: 640.8 falling, 39 kcfs, 55°, clear
LMB (4) 20, 19, 13.5, 20 - spinner bait
Northern (2) 27, 24 - spinner bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
Gigantic! That is how I would describe ther size of the bass I caught tonight. The two pictures are of two different fish, and I did not even get a pic of the biggest bass. The first bass I caught which I did not take a picture of was twenty inches long and weighed 5lbs 1oz.
I was not very optimistic at the start of the evening. The water temperature had dropped five degrees since yesterday and the wind was out of the east. I could not buy a bite from where I had caught fish on the last couple of outings. I tried both a spinner bait and a swim jig and only got one bump. After a half hour and no fish it was time to do some exploring on the big body of water. It did pay off in a big way. The fish were not stacked on top of each other, but I did find some very nice ones. who says you cannot catch fish when the water temperature takes a dive and the wind is out of the east.
Seasonal note - Apple trees are in full bloom, lilacs are beginning to bloom and I have heard reports of morels being found.
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