Day 254-111 to go
12-28-2009 Mon
Weather: N9, a few clouds, 17°, 30.31 rising
Water conditions: 640.05 falling, 27.3 kcfs, 4”, clear
Pool 8– Dresbach Dam - point of long wall
1) Sauger (10"), Jigging Rap
Tonight was a short stint at walleye fishing. I did catch one small sauger and missed one other fish. I had never ice fished the end of the long wall before, so it was a new spot for me. I did mark some fish and they did show some interest in my bait, but they were not willing to strike. The ice in the short wall area has not re-formed enough to fish yet but hopefully with some colder weather moving in that may soon change.
Monday, December 28, 2009
day 253 12-27-2009 Sun 112 to go
Day 253-112 to go
12-27-2009 Sun
Weather: NW12, cloudy, 22°, 29.86 falling (12:05PM)
Blair and Ettrick
Weber, Mike Sloan and his kids Hanna and Hayden and the beagles Roxie and Dirt
Today was a rabbit hunting excursion with Weber and his friend Mike and mikes kids. The conditions for hunting were not good. There was a least one foot of snow on the ground with a healthy layer of ice on top of it and then it was topped off with a dusting of snow. I was able to get around quite well with snow shoes and they dogs stayed on top of the crust and could cover ground very easily.
We were not successful at bagging any rabbits. The dogs seemed unable to pick up the rabbits scent even when we put them on a track of a rabbit we had just flushed from it lair. Even though we did not bag any rabbits it was a very enjoyable day. The temperature was quite comfortable and there was little wind. The company was very enjoyable with Mike's kids being very well behaved and fun to have along. It is always satisfying to introduce a young person to outdoor activities.
12-27-2009 Sun
Weather: NW12, cloudy, 22°, 29.86 falling (12:05PM)
Blair and Ettrick
Weber, Mike Sloan and his kids Hanna and Hayden and the beagles Roxie and Dirt
Today was a rabbit hunting excursion with Weber and his friend Mike and mikes kids. The conditions for hunting were not good. There was a least one foot of snow on the ground with a healthy layer of ice on top of it and then it was topped off with a dusting of snow. I was able to get around quite well with snow shoes and they dogs stayed on top of the crust and could cover ground very easily.
We were not successful at bagging any rabbits. The dogs seemed unable to pick up the rabbits scent even when we put them on a track of a rabbit we had just flushed from it lair. Even though we did not bag any rabbits it was a very enjoyable day. The temperature was quite comfortable and there was little wind. The company was very enjoyable with Mike's kids being very well behaved and fun to have along. It is always satisfying to introduce a young person to outdoor activities.
day 252 12-26-2009 Sat 113 to go
Day 252-113 to go
12-26-2009 Sat
Weather: ESE6, sunny, 20°, 29.68 falling
Water conditions: 640.01 rising, 26.7 kcfs, 8-10”, clear
Pool 7 – Lake Onalaska - East of Rosebud Island
1) Bluegills (approx. 30) 4-7.5", Little Cecil (kept seven)
2) Crappies (4) 4-10", Little Cecil (kept three)
Adam and Buck
The fishing rocked today! I figured since I had found no fish in the weeds yesterday they must be utilizing the dredge holes, and I was right!
The fish were thick and they were aggressive. As soon as the bait came within three feet of the bottom the fish zoomed up to attack. I caught lots of bluegills and even a few crappies. The area I was fishing had twelve feet of water with a hard sand bottom.
12-26-2009 Sat
Weather: ESE6, sunny, 20°, 29.68 falling
Water conditions: 640.01 rising, 26.7 kcfs, 8-10”, clear
Pool 7 – Lake Onalaska - East of Rosebud Island
1) Bluegills (approx. 30) 4-7.5", Little Cecil (kept seven)
2) Crappies (4) 4-10", Little Cecil (kept three)
Adam and Buck
The fishing rocked today! I figured since I had found no fish in the weeds yesterday they must be utilizing the dredge holes, and I was right!
The fish were thick and they were aggressive. As soon as the bait came within three feet of the bottom the fish zoomed up to attack. I caught lots of bluegills and even a few crappies. The area I was fishing had twelve feet of water with a hard sand bottom.
day 251 12-25-09 Fri 114 to go
Day 251-114 to go
12-25-2009 Fri
Weather: E9, rain, 36°, 29.51 falling
Water conditions: 640.02 rising’, 26.8 kcfs, 8-10”, clear
Pool 7 – Lake Onalaska - Ashley Point, Landing Lights
It is Christmas day and nothing has changed; I am fishing in the rain and I did not catch any fish. The conditions were terrible, it was raining and there was several inches of water on top of the ice. In fact one of the holes I drilled the water was going down the hole so fast it looked like a vortex.
The first spot was Ashley Point. I have had pretty good success here early in the ice season, but after a dozen exploratory holes and not seeing any fish on the camera it was on to spot number two.
The next stop was the Landing Lights. At least here I saw a couple of bass and one perch on the camera, but I could not get either species to bite. It was a miserable day weather wise and I did not locate the fish I had hoped to.
12-25-2009 Fri
Weather: E9, rain, 36°, 29.51 falling
Water conditions: 640.02 rising’, 26.8 kcfs, 8-10”, clear
Pool 7 – Lake Onalaska - Ashley Point, Landing Lights
It is Christmas day and nothing has changed; I am fishing in the rain and I did not catch any fish. The conditions were terrible, it was raining and there was several inches of water on top of the ice. In fact one of the holes I drilled the water was going down the hole so fast it looked like a vortex.
The first spot was Ashley Point. I have had pretty good success here early in the ice season, but after a dozen exploratory holes and not seeing any fish on the camera it was on to spot number two.
The next stop was the Landing Lights. At least here I saw a couple of bass and one perch on the camera, but I could not get either species to bite. It was a miserable day weather wise and I did not locate the fish I had hoped to.
Friday, December 25, 2009
day 250 12-24-2009Thr 115 to go
Day 250-115 to go
12-24-2009 Thr
Weather: E5, rain, 34°, 29.98 falling
Water conditions: 639.98’, 26 kcfs, 6-8”, clear
Pool 7 – Black Deer’s
It is Christmas Eve day and I am sitting on the ice fishing in the rain! I am fishing a spot that was once a very popular and good ice fishing spot that is very close to home. Apparently this is no longer the case. I have tried this spot for the past two years and have not even seen a fish.
12-24-2009 Thr
Weather: E5, rain, 34°, 29.98 falling
Water conditions: 639.98’, 26 kcfs, 6-8”, clear
Pool 7 – Black Deer’s
It is Christmas Eve day and I am sitting on the ice fishing in the rain! I am fishing a spot that was once a very popular and good ice fishing spot that is very close to home. Apparently this is no longer the case. I have tried this spot for the past two years and have not even seen a fish.
day 249 12-23-2009wed 116 to go

Day 249-116 to go
12-23-2009 Wed
Weather: E13, snow, 26°, 30.12 falling
Water conditions: 5.38’, 36.5 kcfs, 10-12”, clear
Pool 8 – French Slough
Tonight I was fishing for crappies in a pre Christmas Eve blizzard! I marked lots of fish and they did show interest but I could not get any of them to take the bait. I tried both minnows and a ratso. Crappies on the river do get more active as the winter progresses, so I hope the future crappie fishing adventures will bring better results.
day 248 12-22-09 tue 117 to go
Day 248-117 to go
12-22-2009 Tue
Weather: E8, light snow, 23°, 30.19 rising
Water conditions: clear, 6-8”
Lake Neshonic – East of fishing dock
Well I was back to Neshonic early this morning before work trying for some slab crappies. I figured sooner or later I would score on Neshonic, but today was not the day!
I saw fish on the locator, but they could not be coaxed into biting
12-22-2009 Tue
Weather: E8, light snow, 23°, 30.19 rising
Water conditions: clear, 6-8”
Lake Neshonic – East of fishing dock
Well I was back to Neshonic early this morning before work trying for some slab crappies. I figured sooner or later I would score on Neshonic, but today was not the day!
I saw fish on the locator, but they could not be coaxed into biting
day 247 12-21-09mon 118 to go
Day 247-118 to go
12-21-2009 Mon
Weather: N3, overcast, 23°, 30.15 rising
Water conditions: 5.44', 37.4kcfs, 4-6"ice, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach bay south of Interstae
I had planned on jigging up some walleyes in the same spot I had fished for them the other night, but Mother Nature had changed that plan. The river was rising and the current was increasing and the ice I was standing on just a few days before was now gone!
I decided I would fish just to the south about a quarter of a mile, in an area that was a littler more protected from the current. I had seen other people fishing walleyes here threw the ice and I had always wanted to try it. I fished in about twelve feet of water just off the main channels current. The Rapala jigging rap did not do it job tonight. I doubt any fish were even in the area for I did not even mark any fish on the locator.
12-21-2009 Mon
Weather: N3, overcast, 23°, 30.15 rising
Water conditions: 5.44', 37.4kcfs, 4-6"ice, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach bay south of Interstae
I had planned on jigging up some walleyes in the same spot I had fished for them the other night, but Mother Nature had changed that plan. The river was rising and the current was increasing and the ice I was standing on just a few days before was now gone!
I decided I would fish just to the south about a quarter of a mile, in an area that was a littler more protected from the current. I had seen other people fishing walleyes here threw the ice and I had always wanted to try it. I fished in about twelve feet of water just off the main channels current. The Rapala jigging rap did not do it job tonight. I doubt any fish were even in the area for I did not even mark any fish on the locator.
day 246 12-20-09sun 119 to go
Day 246-119 to go
12-20-2009 Sun
Weather: S5, cloudy, 19°, 30.03 rising
Water conditions: 5.29', 34.9kcfs, 8"ice, clear
Pool 8 – Lauderdale and French Slough
1. Bluegills (8) 4-6”
2. Perch (2) 2”
3. LMB 14”, ratso
Josh and Adam
I teamed up with my co-worker Josh today. We had planned on meeting-up in the gravel pits behind Gunderson Lutheran Hospital. It so happened that my neighbor Adam got this spot before me and relayed the message that the fish were non-existent there.
I called Josh and told him the gravel pits were off and to meet me at Lauderdale. The fish were abundant there, but not in the feeding mood. Josh was monitoring the underwater situation with his underwater camera and commented on the parade of large mouth bass that were moving past. After a half dozen dinks – including my exceedingly small two inch perch I decided it was time for a move.
Our next stop was French Slough. It was pretty much the same story here; fish still in the lock jaw mood. I did catch one decent large mouth and several smallish bluegills, and I also lost a decent size crappie at the hole.
12-20-2009 Sun
Weather: S5, cloudy, 19°, 30.03 rising
Water conditions: 5.29', 34.9kcfs, 8"ice, clear
Pool 8 – Lauderdale and French Slough
1. Bluegills (8) 4-6”
2. Perch (2) 2”
3. LMB 14”, ratso
Josh and Adam
I teamed up with my co-worker Josh today. We had planned on meeting-up in the gravel pits behind Gunderson Lutheran Hospital. It so happened that my neighbor Adam got this spot before me and relayed the message that the fish were non-existent there.
I called Josh and told him the gravel pits were off and to meet me at Lauderdale. The fish were abundant there, but not in the feeding mood. Josh was monitoring the underwater situation with his underwater camera and commented on the parade of large mouth bass that were moving past. After a half dozen dinks – including my exceedingly small two inch perch I decided it was time for a move.
Our next stop was French Slough. It was pretty much the same story here; fish still in the lock jaw mood. I did catch one decent large mouth and several smallish bluegills, and I also lost a decent size crappie at the hole.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
day 245 12-29-2009 120 to go
Day 245-120 to go
12-19-2009 Sat
Weather: NW13, overcast, 27°, 30.07 rising
Water conditions: 5.26', 33.9kcfs, 2-3"ice, clear
Dresbach dam - short wall
1. Saugers (3) 11, 12, & 14", jigging rap
This evening I was targeting walleyes after work. Wednesday I had driven by the dam and was quite surprised to see fisherman on the ice. This has to be one of the earliest dates that we have had fishable ice below the dam.
Walking out to the short wall on clear two or three inches of ice is quite and experience below the dam. You can look down and see bubbles steaming by on the bottom side of the ice. You know that if you are unfortunate enough to go through here that you will be a goner.
The bite was typical for me, I caught fish right at dark; nothing before and nothing after!
12-19-2009 Sat
Weather: NW13, overcast, 27°, 30.07 rising
Water conditions: 5.26', 33.9kcfs, 2-3"ice, clear
Dresbach dam - short wall
1. Saugers (3) 11, 12, & 14", jigging rap
This evening I was targeting walleyes after work. Wednesday I had driven by the dam and was quite surprised to see fisherman on the ice. This has to be one of the earliest dates that we have had fishable ice below the dam.
Walking out to the short wall on clear two or three inches of ice is quite and experience below the dam. You can look down and see bubbles steaming by on the bottom side of the ice. You know that if you are unfortunate enough to go through here that you will be a goner.
The bite was typical for me, I caught fish right at dark; nothing before and nothing after!
day 244 12-18-2009 121 to go
Day 244-121 to go
12-18-2009 Fri
Weather: N6, overcast, 17°, 30.09 Falling
Water conditions: 6" of ice, clear
Lake Neshonic
Well I was back to Lake Neshonic before work and I was optimistic I would score on some fish this morning. It did not happen! I am still scoreless on this lake. I did mark lots of suspended fish on the locator, but they were not aggressive. A quick peek with the underwater camera confirmed my suspicion, the suspended fish were crappies. I threw lots of different baits at them, but I had no takers!
12-18-2009 Fri
Weather: N6, overcast, 17°, 30.09 Falling
Water conditions: 6" of ice, clear
Lake Neshonic
Well I was back to Lake Neshonic before work and I was optimistic I would score on some fish this morning. It did not happen! I am still scoreless on this lake. I did mark lots of suspended fish on the locator, but they were not aggressive. A quick peek with the underwater camera confirmed my suspicion, the suspended fish were crappies. I threw lots of different baits at them, but I had no takers!
day 243 12-17-09 122 to go
Day 243-122 to go
12-17-2009 Thr
Weather: calm, clear, 18°, 30.19 Falling (11:53AM)
Water conditions: 639.58', 17.2kcfs rising, 4-6" of ice, clear
Lake Onalaska - in front of Shaffer's
1. LMB (5) 19, 19, 18, 16, 13 inches, shiners
2. Perch (6) 6-7", ice jig
3. Bluegills (approx. 50), 4-8", (kept 10), ice jig
4. Crappie (1) 4", ice jig
Today was my day off during the week, and I intended to take full advantage of it. In a quick summary the fishing was good. There were plenty of bluegills to be caught and I did catch two giant bass. I did notice since last Sunday that the fishing pressure has definitely picked-up! Last Sunday we had maybe six people sharing the ice with us, but today we had probably two-hundred keeping me company.
I was lucky enough to watch a deer cross the ice from the main land over to Rosebud Island. It did run, but it did so in a very cautious manner.
12-17-2009 Thr
Weather: calm, clear, 18°, 30.19 Falling (11:53AM)
Water conditions: 639.58', 17.2kcfs rising, 4-6" of ice, clear
Lake Onalaska - in front of Shaffer's
1. LMB (5) 19, 19, 18, 16, 13 inches, shiners
2. Perch (6) 6-7", ice jig
3. Bluegills (approx. 50), 4-8", (kept 10), ice jig
4. Crappie (1) 4", ice jig
Today was my day off during the week, and I intended to take full advantage of it. In a quick summary the fishing was good. There were plenty of bluegills to be caught and I did catch two giant bass. I did notice since last Sunday that the fishing pressure has definitely picked-up! Last Sunday we had maybe six people sharing the ice with us, but today we had probably two-hundred keeping me company.
I was lucky enough to watch a deer cross the ice from the main land over to Rosebud Island. It did run, but it did so in a very cautious manner.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
day 242 12-16-2009 Wed 123 to go
Day 242-123 to go
12-16-2009 Wed
Weather: calm, clear, 14°, 30.41 steady
Water conditions: 4.79', 13kcfs rising, 4" of ice
LaCrosse-Black River-south end of French Island
1. Nothing
The spot I chose to fish tonight was another first for me. I was told that it was a good walleye spot, and I wanted to find out for myself. I was alone here tonight, so I could not use a concentration of fishermen to guide me to the honey hole! But thanks to tracks in the snow and frozen over holes left by my predecessors, I at least had some sort of clue as to where to start my quest.
I tried three different spots, with the last location showing the most promise. At least at this spot I did see fish on the locator. These fish were anywhere from right on the bottom to five feed off. Unfortunately whatever they were, they showed no interest in my bait. I suspect they may have been white bass!
12-16-2009 Wed
Weather: calm, clear, 14°, 30.41 steady
Water conditions: 4.79', 13kcfs rising, 4" of ice
LaCrosse-Black River-south end of French Island
1. Nothing
The spot I chose to fish tonight was another first for me. I was told that it was a good walleye spot, and I wanted to find out for myself. I was alone here tonight, so I could not use a concentration of fishermen to guide me to the honey hole! But thanks to tracks in the snow and frozen over holes left by my predecessors, I at least had some sort of clue as to where to start my quest.
I tried three different spots, with the last location showing the most promise. At least at this spot I did see fish on the locator. These fish were anywhere from right on the bottom to five feed off. Unfortunately whatever they were, they showed no interest in my bait. I suspect they may have been white bass!
day 241 Tue 12-15-2009 124 to go
Day 241-124 to go
12-15-2009 Tue
Weather: W9, few clouds, 4°, 30.50 falling
Water conditions: 4" ice, clear water
Lake Neshonic, northwest of east boat landing
1. Nothing
Tonight I again was back to Lake Neshonic, except this time I was fishing an area I have never fished before. The only clue I had of where to go was the areas that I had seen ice shacks set-up on last year. I am assumed everyone concentrates on fishing the cribs. They were easy to find, all I had to do was look for concentrations of holes that were drilled by other fisherman in pursuit of the cribs. A quick look with the locator would then verify they were indeed close by. I did not catch any fish, but I did learn more about the lake.
12-15-2009 Tue
Weather: W9, few clouds, 4°, 30.50 falling
Water conditions: 4" ice, clear water
Lake Neshonic, northwest of east boat landing
1. Nothing
Tonight I again was back to Lake Neshonic, except this time I was fishing an area I have never fished before. The only clue I had of where to go was the areas that I had seen ice shacks set-up on last year. I am assumed everyone concentrates on fishing the cribs. They were easy to find, all I had to do was look for concentrations of holes that were drilled by other fisherman in pursuit of the cribs. A quick look with the locator would then verify they were indeed close by. I did not catch any fish, but I did learn more about the lake.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 240-125 to go
12-14-2009 Mon
Weather: NW14, fog/mist, 22°, 29.84 rising
Water conditions: 639.04, N/A kcfs, clear 2-5” ice
Pool 7-lake Onalaska – Shaffer’s
1. LMB (2) 17 & 19", shiner
I got out this morning before work and I was concentrating on bass and northerns. Three tip-ups were set up and the jig pole was left cased. I caught two very nice bass and missed no others. Apparently the northerns are not very active. I know they are in the area but they are not yet in the feeding mood! Caution on the ice is still the name of the game, in some areas the thickness is questionable.
day 239 12-13-2009 Sun 126 to go

Day 239-126 to go
12-13-2009 Sun
Weather: Calm, overcast, 28°, 29.98 falling
Water conditions: 639.0, N/A kcfs, clear 1-4” ice
Pool 7-lake Onalaska – Shaffer’s
1. Bluegills (30 )6-8”, flipper jig and ice jig
2. LMB 16”, shiner
Today’s plan was to jig up some bluegills and set up tip-ups for northerns and bass. I had seen quite a few northerns yesterday on the fish camera, so I was optimistic. I did catch one decent bass but Ty did much better. He caught a nineteen inch bass and a beautiful thirty one inch northern. Again today the bluegills were quite active.
Monday, December 14, 2009
day 238 12-12-2009Sat 127 to go

Day 238-127 to go
12-12-2009 Sat
Weather: S9, clear, 29°, 29.92 falling
Water conditions: 639.08, N/A kcfs, clear 1-4” ice
1. Nothing
Pool 7-lake Onalaska – Shaffer’s
1. Bluegills (24) 6-8”, Ratso
2. Northern 24”, Ratso
Today was the first real day of ice fishing for me, and it was a pretty good one. The fish were not thick on the camera, but they were fairly common. They were not all that shy about pouncing on the bait either, they were very aggressive.
I was fishing in about seven to eight feet of water. I saw all types of fish on the camera.
There was Bluegills, perch, crappies northern and bass. It was a very good way to kick off the season!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
day 237 12-11-2009 Fri 128 to go
Day 237-128 to go
12-11-2009 Fri
Weather: SW6, clear, 14°, 30.22 falling
Water conditions: clear, 1 1/2-4 inches of ice
1. Nothing
Lake Neshonic - fishing dock area
Tonight I can celebrate. I actually had a bite and I should get caught up on my blog tomorrow. My dads funeral and deer hunting really put me behind on my blog.
I was able to move around on the ice a little more tonight, but some areas were still not very safe. I did mark some fish and I actually did get a bite; I had almost forgotten what that was like! Hopefully the start of some legitimate ice-fishing is here.
12-11-2009 Fri
Weather: SW6, clear, 14°, 30.22 falling
Water conditions: clear, 1 1/2-4 inches of ice
1. Nothing
Lake Neshonic - fishing dock area
Tonight I can celebrate. I actually had a bite and I should get caught up on my blog tomorrow. My dads funeral and deer hunting really put me behind on my blog.
I was able to move around on the ice a little more tonight, but some areas were still not very safe. I did mark some fish and I actually did get a bite; I had almost forgotten what that was like! Hopefully the start of some legitimate ice-fishing is here.
day 236 12-10-2009 Thr 129 to go

Day 236-129 to go
12-10-2009 Thr
Weather: SW9, overcast, 6°, 29.94 rising
Water conditions: clear, 1-3 inches of ice with slush
1. Nothing
Lake Neshonic - fishing dock area
Tonight I was back to Lake Neshonic. Again, I did not catch anything, but that is fishing. The ice conditions were somewhat better. The areas where the water had seeped up on the ice were now frozen more solid than the snow covered areas. These areas actually had two layers of ice; a top layer separated by slush from the bottom layer.
day 235 12-9-09 Wed 130 to go

Day 235-130 to go
12-9-2009 Wed
Weather: NW15, light snow, 11°, 29.66 rising
Water conditions: clear, one inch of ice with slush
1. Nothing
Pool 7 – behind house
The blizzard has ended, but we still have some blowing snow. The weight of the sixteen inches of new snow on the ice has caused the water to seep up above the ice and cause slushy conditions.
I was fishing in the bay behind the house. I did not expect to catch anything, but it gave me a chance to try out my fish camera and to see if any fish were back there. It was really quite interesting fishing in the portable listening to all the sounds of the night. I could hear the migrating swans whooping it up, snowblowers and snowmobiles running for the first time in months and the scraping of the county snow plows as they busily tried to clear the roads. The wind was also making rather interesting sounds as it tried to rearrange the freshly fallen snow.
day 234 12-8-2009 131 to go
Day 234-131 to go
12-8-2009 Tue
Weather: N7, light snow, 26°, 29.88 falling
H20: Clear with one inch of ice
Lake Neshonic
Tonight the blizzard of 09' has started. The prediction is 12-18 inches of snow with very strong winds. I fished the same area tonight, but I did venture off the dock. I was able to check and probe the ice depth with a spud a brought along. The ice did not seem any thicker tonight than it was last night. There was another fisherman standing on the dock fishing and playing with his locator and he was quite nervous of me standing on the ice. He did make the comment that he really did not want to have to rescue me. I did not catch any fish, but I did mark some on the locator.
12-8-2009 Tue
Weather: N7, light snow, 26°, 29.88 falling
H20: Clear with one inch of ice
Lake Neshonic
Tonight the blizzard of 09' has started. The prediction is 12-18 inches of snow with very strong winds. I fished the same area tonight, but I did venture off the dock. I was able to check and probe the ice depth with a spud a brought along. The ice did not seem any thicker tonight than it was last night. There was another fisherman standing on the dock fishing and playing with his locator and he was quite nervous of me standing on the ice. He did make the comment that he really did not want to have to rescue me. I did not catch any fish, but I did mark some on the locator.
day 233 12-7-2009 132 to go
Day 233-132 to go
12-7-2009 Mon
Weather: NW7, clear, 21°, 30.26 rising
H20: Clear with one inch of ice
Lake Neshonic
Tonight was the first day of the ice fishing season for me. The ice was thick enough to support my weight, but it was not trust-worthy enough for me. In fact, I drilled three different holes and fished all three while standing on the public fishing dock! Tonight I was fishing without bait, as the local sport shop does not yet have waxies in stock.
12-7-2009 Mon
Weather: NW7, clear, 21°, 30.26 rising
H20: Clear with one inch of ice
Lake Neshonic
Tonight was the first day of the ice fishing season for me. The ice was thick enough to support my weight, but it was not trust-worthy enough for me. In fact, I drilled three different holes and fished all three while standing on the public fishing dock! Tonight I was fishing without bait, as the local sport shop does not yet have waxies in stock.
day 232 12-6-2009 133 to go
Day 232-133 to go
12-6-2009 Sun
Weather: N7, clear, 31°, 30.19 steady
H20: Probably above normal, clear and quite fast
1. Drake mallards-2 (Josh)
La Crosse River
Today Josh and I floated the La Crosse River between Bangor and West Salem. The weather has really changed to winter and ninety percent of the surface water in the area is frozen over. I figured any ducks still in the area would be resting in the river. Well, I do not think there are many ducks around as the river was pretty void of ducks.
The float took about two and one half hours to get down to the Lake Neshonic delta. Josh was able to get two mallards on the float and all I got was feathers. The one drake Josh bagged was fairly interesting. Josh was the up-front gunner and I was the paddler. We jumped a lone drake and Josh fired multiple times but the duck flew off unscathed - or so we thought. After a little ribbing from me and floating about another one hundred yards we rounded a corner and lo and behold there lay a dead drake mallard. After Josh picked up the bird I was on the receiving end of some ribbing.
The trip back up river was not flawless. We used a small outboard for the upriver trip. I had filled the tank on the motor but the distance was much farther and the current much faster than I had anticipated. Guess what? We ran out of go juice about three-quarters of the way back to the truck! The last quarter of the trip back on manual power was definitely taxing. If I would have been a native indian centuries ago traveling by canoe I do not think I would have ever made it home. I probably would have ended up in the Gulf of Mexico!
12-6-2009 Sun
Weather: N7, clear, 31°, 30.19 steady
H20: Probably above normal, clear and quite fast
1. Drake mallards-2 (Josh)
La Crosse River
Today Josh and I floated the La Crosse River between Bangor and West Salem. The weather has really changed to winter and ninety percent of the surface water in the area is frozen over. I figured any ducks still in the area would be resting in the river. Well, I do not think there are many ducks around as the river was pretty void of ducks.
The float took about two and one half hours to get down to the Lake Neshonic delta. Josh was able to get two mallards on the float and all I got was feathers. The one drake Josh bagged was fairly interesting. Josh was the up-front gunner and I was the paddler. We jumped a lone drake and Josh fired multiple times but the duck flew off unscathed - or so we thought. After a little ribbing from me and floating about another one hundred yards we rounded a corner and lo and behold there lay a dead drake mallard. After Josh picked up the bird I was on the receiving end of some ribbing.
The trip back up river was not flawless. We used a small outboard for the upriver trip. I had filled the tank on the motor but the distance was much farther and the current much faster than I had anticipated. Guess what? We ran out of go juice about three-quarters of the way back to the truck! The last quarter of the trip back on manual power was definitely taxing. If I would have been a native indian centuries ago traveling by canoe I do not think I would have ever made it home. I probably would have ended up in the Gulf of Mexico!
Day 231 12-5-9 134 to go
Day 231-134 to go
12-5-2009 Sat
Weather: SE5, clear, 17°, 30.04 rising
1. Drake gadwall
2. Drake bluebill
Lake Neshonic
Today is the second to the last day of the duck season. I decided to try something different today, and it was not too successful. I was hoping for some opportunities for some geese and maybe a bonus duck or two. The conditions were perfect; most of the lake was frozen over with open water just at the lake inlet.
The only ducks we got were two cripples that were slowly getting iced in. We did see approximately twenty-five mallards in total. We did miss out on a nice drake mallard that we did not see land in our decoys. The geese were non-existant. We only saw a total of two.
12-5-2009 Sat
Weather: SE5, clear, 17°, 30.04 rising
1. Drake gadwall
2. Drake bluebill
Lake Neshonic
Today is the second to the last day of the duck season. I decided to try something different today, and it was not too successful. I was hoping for some opportunities for some geese and maybe a bonus duck or two. The conditions were perfect; most of the lake was frozen over with open water just at the lake inlet.
The only ducks we got were two cripples that were slowly getting iced in. We did see approximately twenty-five mallards in total. We did miss out on a nice drake mallard that we did not see land in our decoys. The geese were non-existant. We only saw a total of two.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
day 230 12-4-2009 135 to go
Day 230-135 to go
12-4-2009 Fri
Weather: SW13, cloudy, 20°, 30.08 rising
Pool eight, Goose Island area (radio towers)
I took one half day of vacation to do what I was hoping to be some fantastic late season duck hunting. Unfortunately the duck hunting was non-existent. My original plan was to hunt the Stoddard Prairie area, but an over abundance of hunters foiled those plans.
Since I was packed light and using a canoe my plan B options were limited. I decided to hunt west of the radio towers on Goose Island. I think I saw a total of five ducks. But the geese were quite thick. Unfortunately I had neither geese decoys nor a goose call. I did not get a shot at any type of fowl.
12-4-2009 Fri
Weather: SW13, cloudy, 20°, 30.08 rising
Pool eight, Goose Island area (radio towers)
I took one half day of vacation to do what I was hoping to be some fantastic late season duck hunting. Unfortunately the duck hunting was non-existent. My original plan was to hunt the Stoddard Prairie area, but an over abundance of hunters foiled those plans.
Since I was packed light and using a canoe my plan B options were limited. I decided to hunt west of the radio towers on Goose Island. I think I saw a total of five ducks. But the geese were quite thick. Unfortunately I had neither geese decoys nor a goose call. I did not get a shot at any type of fowl.
day 229 12-3-2009 136 to go
Day 229-136 to go
12-3-2009 Thr
Weather: NNW14, light snow, 25°, 30.03 rising
Midway bike trail
Well the mercury is dropping in the thermometer, and winter has begun! I have wanted to get Fritz back out raccoon hunting for some time, and tonight was the time.
I did not have much confidence that we would see much. The temperature was in the upper twenty's with about an inch on new snow covering the ground. We did not get any raccoons nor did we see any of their tracks. But we did see tracks from skunks, cats, rabbits, coyotes and deer.
I just love being out and about in the winter after a snowfall, the night is so fresh and peaceful.
12-3-2009 Thr
Weather: NNW14, light snow, 25°, 30.03 rising
Midway bike trail
Well the mercury is dropping in the thermometer, and winter has begun! I have wanted to get Fritz back out raccoon hunting for some time, and tonight was the time.
I did not have much confidence that we would see much. The temperature was in the upper twenty's with about an inch on new snow covering the ground. We did not get any raccoons nor did we see any of their tracks. But we did see tracks from skunks, cats, rabbits, coyotes and deer.
I just love being out and about in the winter after a snowfall, the night is so fresh and peaceful.
day 228 12-2-2009 137 to go
Day 228-137 to go
12-2-2009 Wed
Weather: NNW13, cloudy, 32°, 29.83 steady
Water conditions: 5.03’, 21.7kcfs-falling, 40°, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
Tonight was a late night fishing trip and possibly the last of the open water season. It was a very cold evening and I did not catch anything. However, I did stop at Fleet Farm and stocked up on ice fishing lures and equipment. So, all was not lost!
12-2-2009 Wed
Weather: NNW13, cloudy, 32°, 29.83 steady
Water conditions: 5.03’, 21.7kcfs-falling, 40°, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
Tonight was a late night fishing trip and possibly the last of the open water season. It was a very cold evening and I did not catch anything. However, I did stop at Fleet Farm and stocked up on ice fishing lures and equipment. So, all was not lost!
day 227 12-1-2009 138 to go
Day 227-138 to go
12-1-2009 Tue
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, 47°, 29.67 rising
Water conditions: 5.09’, 25.4kcfs-falling, 40°, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
I caught no fish tonight, nor did I have any bites. I did see a few fish caught at the south end of the wall. I believe they were having success using minnows.
12-1-2009 Tue
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, 47°, 29.67 rising
Water conditions: 5.09’, 25.4kcfs-falling, 40°, clear
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
I caught no fish tonight, nor did I have any bites. I did see a few fish caught at the south end of the wall. I believe they were having success using minnows.
day 226 11-30-2009 139 to go
Day 226-139 to go
11-30-2009 Mon
Weather: S12, overcast, 44°, 29.77 steady
Water conditions: 5.12’, 27.2kcfs-steady, 40°, clear
1. Sauger 13”, hair jig
2. Walleye (2) 13”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
The fish have definitely slowed down. The fish I did catch felt like weight on the line; there was no noticeable strike. The minnows that had infested this area one week ago have vanished and I assume the fish with them.
11-30-2009 Mon
Weather: S12, overcast, 44°, 29.77 steady
Water conditions: 5.12’, 27.2kcfs-steady, 40°, clear
1. Sauger 13”, hair jig
2. Walleye (2) 13”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
The fish have definitely slowed down. The fish I did catch felt like weight on the line; there was no noticeable strike. The minnows that had infested this area one week ago have vanished and I assume the fish with them.
day 225 11-29-2009 140 to go
Day 225-140 to go
11-29-2009 Sun
Weather: NW5, overcast, 36°, 29.33 steady (The ground had a light covering of snow until about 12)
Small six point buck
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
The key to my success today was the overnight snowfall that was barely covering the ground. It was not much, but it was enough to be able to look for fresh tracks. The morning started out as a four-wheeler ride to if we could cut some fresh tracks in the snow. The biggest track we saw was directly behind and to the east of the cabin. The track did have snow in it, so it was at least several hours old. From the direction the track was going I had an idea the deer would bed down on the edge of swamp and stay put for awhile. I knew this area and how the deer may react when pushed and thought the deer may pass through a necked-down area if pushed.
I put Tom on the track and I took a stand a couple hundred yards away in the bottleneck. Well the plan worked perfectly. Tom said he found the deer’s fresh bed about seventy yards off the trail from where we found the track. Tom was able to follow this guys tracks right to where I shot him. I caught the buck trying to sneak through heavy cover about forty yards from where I waited in ambush. One shot would have been all that was necessary, but he was still running after the first and I followed up with a second to anchor him.
The buck was a small one and a half year old six pointer. It was not a trophy deer, but it was a rarely seen north-woods buck!
11-29-2009 Sun
Weather: NW5, overcast, 36°, 29.33 steady (The ground had a light covering of snow until about 12)
Small six point buck
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
The key to my success today was the overnight snowfall that was barely covering the ground. It was not much, but it was enough to be able to look for fresh tracks. The morning started out as a four-wheeler ride to if we could cut some fresh tracks in the snow. The biggest track we saw was directly behind and to the east of the cabin. The track did have snow in it, so it was at least several hours old. From the direction the track was going I had an idea the deer would bed down on the edge of swamp and stay put for awhile. I knew this area and how the deer may react when pushed and thought the deer may pass through a necked-down area if pushed.
I put Tom on the track and I took a stand a couple hundred yards away in the bottleneck. Well the plan worked perfectly. Tom said he found the deer’s fresh bed about seventy yards off the trail from where we found the track. Tom was able to follow this guys tracks right to where I shot him. I caught the buck trying to sneak through heavy cover about forty yards from where I waited in ambush. One shot would have been all that was necessary, but he was still running after the first and I followed up with a second to anchor him.
The buck was a small one and a half year old six pointer. It was not a trophy deer, but it was a rarely seen north-woods buck!
day 224 11-28-2009 141 to go
Day 224-141 to go
11-28-2009 Sat
Weather: calm, clear, 41°, 29.79 steady
Doe (Tom)
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
Today was day two of our north woods deer hunt. This morning I put Tom up in the tree stand I had set up the previous night. Then, I made a circle drive around the swamp that the stand was set up in.
About half-way through the drive I kicked up a small deer, but all I could see was its butt going away from me. Shortly thereafter I heard a single shot come from Tom’s direction. Tom had four antlerless deer come through with a fifth lagging behind by about eighty yards. He thought it may be a buck so he passed on the other four in the hopes he would get a chance at a buck! Unfortunately it was not a buck, and the other four were gone. He did shoot the lagging doe, but it did not immediately drop. The doe ended up traveling another one half mile before succumbing to its wound. This poor animal was gut shot and was loosing a considerable amount of intestines as it ran. It is just amazing how these animals can keep going with the type of wounds that are inflicted upon them. It is my opinion that if you shoot at an animal you keep shooting till it drops or it is out of range.
I still hunted and did some sitting the last hour of daylight and did not see any deer.
11-28-2009 Sat
Weather: calm, clear, 41°, 29.79 steady
Doe (Tom)
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
Today was day two of our north woods deer hunt. This morning I put Tom up in the tree stand I had set up the previous night. Then, I made a circle drive around the swamp that the stand was set up in.
About half-way through the drive I kicked up a small deer, but all I could see was its butt going away from me. Shortly thereafter I heard a single shot come from Tom’s direction. Tom had four antlerless deer come through with a fifth lagging behind by about eighty yards. He thought it may be a buck so he passed on the other four in the hopes he would get a chance at a buck! Unfortunately it was not a buck, and the other four were gone. He did shoot the lagging doe, but it did not immediately drop. The doe ended up traveling another one half mile before succumbing to its wound. This poor animal was gut shot and was loosing a considerable amount of intestines as it ran. It is just amazing how these animals can keep going with the type of wounds that are inflicted upon them. It is my opinion that if you shoot at an animal you keep shooting till it drops or it is out of range.
I still hunted and did some sitting the last hour of daylight and did not see any deer.
day 223 11-27-09 142 to go
Day 223-142 to go
11-27-2009 Fri
Weather: SE6, partly cloudy, 31°, 29.99 steady (La Crosse)
H20: 639.94, 25.4kcfs, approx. 42°, cloudy
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, 37°, 29.84 steady
Bagged /caught
Mississippi R./ pool 7/ behind house
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
I was heading up to the north woods for a little deer hunting. The plan was to leave at 10am so we would be able to get a few hours of hunting in before darkness overtook the landscape. Tom called about 9:30am stating he was running late and would not be able to make it until 11am. I was all packed and ready to go, so I took the extra time and try my luck at bluegill fishing in the backyard. All I could muster was one bite.
Once we made it to the shack and got un-packed I still had some time for a little hunting. I put up a tree stand south of the road in a swamp that always holds deer. I did get about forty-five minutes of sitting in, but never saw a deer.
11-27-2009 Fri
Weather: SE6, partly cloudy, 31°, 29.99 steady (La Crosse)
H20: 639.94, 25.4kcfs, approx. 42°, cloudy
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, 37°, 29.84 steady
Bagged /caught
Mississippi R./ pool 7/ behind house
Moose Junction hunting shack
Tom W.
I was heading up to the north woods for a little deer hunting. The plan was to leave at 10am so we would be able to get a few hours of hunting in before darkness overtook the landscape. Tom called about 9:30am stating he was running late and would not be able to make it until 11am. I was all packed and ready to go, so I took the extra time and try my luck at bluegill fishing in the backyard. All I could muster was one bite.
Once we made it to the shack and got un-packed I still had some time for a little hunting. I put up a tree stand south of the road in a swamp that always holds deer. I did get about forty-five minutes of sitting in, but never saw a deer.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
day 222 11-26-2009 143 to go
Day 222-143 to go
11-26-2009 Thr
Weather: WNW12, cloudy, 33°, 30.00 rising
Water conditions: NA
1. Sauger (6) 10-13”, hair jig
2. Walleye (2) 12 & 13”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
Today is Thanksgiving and it is cold! Even with the cold , stiff north wind the fishing was pretty good.
11-26-2009 Thr
Weather: WNW12, cloudy, 33°, 30.00 rising
Water conditions: NA
1. Sauger (6) 10-13”, hair jig
2. Walleye (2) 12 & 13”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
Today is Thanksgiving and it is cold! Even with the cold , stiff north wind the fishing was pretty good.
day 221 11-25-2009 144 to go
Day 221-144 to go
11-25-2009 Wed
Weather: WNW6, cloudy, 45°, 29.74 steady
Water conditions: NA
1. Perch (5) 7-9”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
All I could catch this morning was a few small perch.
11-25-2009 Wed
Weather: WNW6, cloudy, 45°, 29.74 steady
Water conditions: NA
1. Perch (5) 7-9”, hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach dam, west wall
All I could catch this morning was a few small perch.
day 220 11-24-2009 145 to go
Day 220-145 to go
11-24-2009 Tue
Weather: NA
Water conditions: NA
Pool 7 (Lake Onalaska) hen mallard pond
There is one word to describe the duck hunting tonight; and that word is sad! I never even got a shot. I was hoping at least the last half hour would have been a little exciting. Even after shooting hours were over the duck never materialized like they usually do.
11-24-2009 Tue
Weather: NA
Water conditions: NA
Pool 7 (Lake Onalaska) hen mallard pond
There is one word to describe the duck hunting tonight; and that word is sad! I never even got a shot. I was hoping at least the last half hour would have been a little exciting. Even after shooting hours were over the duck never materialized like they usually do.
day 219 11-23-2009 146 to go
Day 219-146 to go
11-23-2009 Mon
Weather: NA
Water conditions: NA
Fish caught
1. Sauger (15) 10-13", hair jig, I kept six
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
The saugers were biting rather well tonight. It did not take much effort to catch them.
11-23-2009 Mon
Weather: NA
Water conditions: NA
Fish caught
1. Sauger (15) 10-13", hair jig, I kept six
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
The saugers were biting rather well tonight. It did not take much effort to catch them.
day 218 11-22-2009 147 to go
Day 218-147 to go
11-22-2009 Sun
Weather: NA
Douglas County hunting shack
Dick and Jake
It was the second day of the deer season and we got nothing. Dick did see a doe, but that was all that was seen.
11-22-2009 Sun
Weather: NA
Douglas County hunting shack
Dick and Jake
It was the second day of the deer season and we got nothing. Dick did see a doe, but that was all that was seen.
day 217 11-21-2009 148 to go
Day 217-148 to go
11-21-2009 Sat
Weather: NA
An adult doe
Douglas County hunting shack
Dick and Jake
Today was the opening day of the 2009 Wisconsin gun deer season. We did not see anything during our early morning stands. We did have a little excitement just before daylight when wolves cut loose with a little morning serenade.
I did shoot a doe later in the day when Dick chased a doe and a fawn by me on a deer drive.
11-21-2009 Sat
Weather: NA
An adult doe
Douglas County hunting shack
Dick and Jake
Today was the opening day of the 2009 Wisconsin gun deer season. We did not see anything during our early morning stands. We did have a little excitement just before daylight when wolves cut loose with a little morning serenade.
I did shoot a doe later in the day when Dick chased a doe and a fawn by me on a deer drive.
day 216 11-20-2009 149 to go
Day 216-149 to go
11-20-2009 Fri
Weather: Calm, cloudy, 42°, 30.12 steady
Water conditions: 5.35’ steady, 36 kcfs, 45°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger 10", hair jig
2. Perch 8" and 10", hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
I am heading up north to the hunting shack tonight for the 2009 gun deer season. This morning was the only opportunity I would have to do my daily outdoor activity.
The morning bite on the wall is definitely not there. I had that feeling as I pulled into the parking lot and it was empty. I did try the landing barge landing dock in the bay and that is where I caught the perch.
11-20-2009 Fri
Weather: Calm, cloudy, 42°, 30.12 steady
Water conditions: 5.35’ steady, 36 kcfs, 45°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger 10", hair jig
2. Perch 8" and 10", hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
I am heading up north to the hunting shack tonight for the 2009 gun deer season. This morning was the only opportunity I would have to do my daily outdoor activity.
The morning bite on the wall is definitely not there. I had that feeling as I pulled into the parking lot and it was empty. I did try the landing barge landing dock in the bay and that is where I caught the perch.
day 215 11-19-2009 150 to go
Day 215-150 to go
11-19-2009 Thr
Weather: W6, cloudy, 45°, 30.03 rising
Water conditions: 5.35’ steady, 36 kcfs, 45°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (6) 10-14", hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
I fished right after work tonight. The bite was not fantastic but the size of the fish were pretty good. It seems as if the fish are more active an hour or so after dark. The lights were also on and it seems as if the fish bite better when they are off. Fishing here is like a community event, all the regulars know each other.
11-19-2009 Thr
Weather: W6, cloudy, 45°, 30.03 rising
Water conditions: 5.35’ steady, 36 kcfs, 45°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (6) 10-14", hair jig
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along West wall
I fished right after work tonight. The bite was not fantastic but the size of the fish were pretty good. It seems as if the fish are more active an hour or so after dark. The lights were also on and it seems as if the fish bite better when they are off. Fishing here is like a community event, all the regulars know each other.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
day 214 11-18-2009 Wed
Day 214-151 to go
11-18-2009 Wed
Weather: E9, light rain, 46°, 30.03 steady
Water conditions: 639.96’ falling, 25.6 kcfs, ?°, clear (the water in the back yard seem very low)
Ducks bagged
1. one drake mallard and one hen mallard
Pool 7 – junk dock bay
Well after finalizing the arangments for dad I got out to do a little duck hunting. I met up with my neighbor Adam out in a shallow bay about one quarter mile away from the refuge line. The action was not fast and furious, but we did bag five mallards in total.
11-18-2009 Wed
Weather: E9, light rain, 46°, 30.03 steady
Water conditions: 639.96’ falling, 25.6 kcfs, ?°, clear (the water in the back yard seem very low)
Ducks bagged
1. one drake mallard and one hen mallard
Pool 7 – junk dock bay
Well after finalizing the arangments for dad I got out to do a little duck hunting. I met up with my neighbor Adam out in a shallow bay about one quarter mile away from the refuge line. The action was not fast and furious, but we did bag five mallards in total.
dat 213 11-17-2009
Day 213-152 to go
11-17-2009 Tue
Weather: NE6, clear, 42°, 30.17 falling
Water conditions: 5.46’ falling, 37.6 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (approx. 10) 10-13", hair jig, I kept four
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Troy and Curt
Fishing was not as good tonight. The baitfish were in the bay, but the bite just was not on. The lights above the wall were on most of the time and I think that may have had an adverse effect on the fish.
11-17-2009 Tue
Weather: NE6, clear, 42°, 30.17 falling
Water conditions: 5.46’ falling, 37.6 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (approx. 10) 10-13", hair jig, I kept four
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Troy and Curt
Fishing was not as good tonight. The baitfish were in the bay, but the bite just was not on. The lights above the wall were on most of the time and I think that may have had an adverse effect on the fish.
day 212 11-16-2009
Day 212-153 to go
11-16-2009 Mon
Weather: N7, clear, 47°, 30.23 rising
Water conditions: 5.6’ falling, 39.2 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (approx. 20) 10-14", hair jig I kept six
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Troy and Curt
Tonight was another good night for the sauger bite. Troy and Curt stopped by to see how I was doing and to fish a little bit.
Last night my dad died. He was eighty-six and in failing health. He was an avid outdoorsman in his day, and he passed this onto my brothers and myself. I thank him for this! If I did not have the passion for fishing and hunting I do not know what I would have to look forward to each day.
11-16-2009 Mon
Weather: N7, clear, 47°, 30.23 rising
Water conditions: 5.6’ falling, 39.2 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger (approx. 20) 10-14", hair jig I kept six
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Troy and Curt
Tonight was another good night for the sauger bite. Troy and Curt stopped by to see how I was doing and to fish a little bit.
Last night my dad died. He was eighty-six and in failing health. He was an avid outdoorsman in his day, and he passed this onto my brothers and myself. I thank him for this! If I did not have the passion for fishing and hunting I do not know what I would have to look forward to each day.
day 211 11-15-2009
Day 211-154 to go
11-15-2009 Sun
Weather: NW9, cloudy, 50°, 29.79 rising 10:53AM
NW5, clear, 37°, 30.25 rising 7:53PM
Water conditions: 5.69’ falling, 40.1 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught and rabbits bagged
1. Sauger (15) 10-13", hair jig
2. No rabbits bagged
Ty's property near North Bend
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Ty and his dog speedy and a young female pup, and Roxie
This morning after a quick stop at the rifle range to sight in my new deer rifle, I met up with my friend Ty to run some rabbits. His two dogs did not take too long in awakening the bunnies that were making the standing corn field their home for the past several months. It did take Roxie awhile to join the howling duet. But, after a very short time we had a bunny chasing threesome. We did not shoot any rabbits today, but a good time was had by all.
This evening I tried a little walleye fishing after dark. It took a little while for me to make the necessary adjustments to get into the fish catching game. I knew the fish were there and active by the actions of the other fisherman. Once I figured out the technique it was quite easy. Almost all of the fish were sauger and the size was not great, but I was releasing all fish that I caught anyhow. The amount of bait fish in the bay I was fishing was just incredible. The surface of the whole bay was just teaming with emerald shiners!
11-15-2009 Sun
Weather: NW9, cloudy, 50°, 29.79 rising 10:53AM
NW5, clear, 37°, 30.25 rising 7:53PM
Water conditions: 5.69’ falling, 40.1 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught and rabbits bagged
1. Sauger (15) 10-13", hair jig
2. No rabbits bagged
Ty's property near North Bend
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Ty and his dog speedy and a young female pup, and Roxie
This morning after a quick stop at the rifle range to sight in my new deer rifle, I met up with my friend Ty to run some rabbits. His two dogs did not take too long in awakening the bunnies that were making the standing corn field their home for the past several months. It did take Roxie awhile to join the howling duet. But, after a very short time we had a bunny chasing threesome. We did not shoot any rabbits today, but a good time was had by all.
This evening I tried a little walleye fishing after dark. It took a little while for me to make the necessary adjustments to get into the fish catching game. I knew the fish were there and active by the actions of the other fisherman. Once I figured out the technique it was quite easy. Almost all of the fish were sauger and the size was not great, but I was releasing all fish that I caught anyhow. The amount of bait fish in the bay I was fishing was just incredible. The surface of the whole bay was just teaming with emerald shiners!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day 210-155 to go
11-14-2009 Sat
Weather: NW7, cloudy, 52°, 29.75-rising (9:53AM)
Bagged – nothing
Island of Mississippi river on pool 7
Jeff, Josh and Tom
This morning I got a small group of bow hunters together for a couple of deer drives on the islands. We did not get any deer, but we did move a few around. Jeff did get a shot at a respectable buck, albeit a poor opportunity.
We did have another group of bow hunters beat us to one of the other islands that we started to drive. I did not know this until we were half-way through the drive. They were successful in harvesting a doe and were in the process of blood trailing another deer.
11-14-2009 Sat
Weather: NW7, cloudy, 52°, 29.75-rising (9:53AM)
Bagged – nothing
Island of Mississippi river on pool 7
Jeff, Josh and Tom
This morning I got a small group of bow hunters together for a couple of deer drives on the islands. We did not get any deer, but we did move a few around. Jeff did get a shot at a respectable buck, albeit a poor opportunity.
We did have another group of bow hunters beat us to one of the other islands that we started to drive. I did not know this until we were half-way through the drive. They were successful in harvesting a doe and were in the process of blood trailing another deer.
Day 209-156 to go
11-13-2009 Fri
Weather: S5, cloudy, 53°, 29.65-steady
Bagged – nothing
Brice Prairie (bike trail between midway and Lytles).
Fritz, Jeff and Jeff's dog Charlie
Tonight myself and Jeff and our respective dogs went raccoon hunting. We hunted the bike trail between Midway and Lytles, which we figured to be a distance of about four miles.
We did not get any raccoons. The dogs did act like they had one pinpointed several times, but no amount of probing the trees with our lights produced the tell tale glow of the raccoons eyes. It was a long walk with no results, however it was a gorgeous night.
11-13-2009 Fri
Weather: S5, cloudy, 53°, 29.65-steady
Bagged – nothing
Brice Prairie (bike trail between midway and Lytles).
Fritz, Jeff and Jeff's dog Charlie
Tonight myself and Jeff and our respective dogs went raccoon hunting. We hunted the bike trail between Midway and Lytles, which we figured to be a distance of about four miles.
We did not get any raccoons. The dogs did act like they had one pinpointed several times, but no amount of probing the trees with our lights produced the tell tale glow of the raccoons eyes. It was a long walk with no results, however it was a gorgeous night.
Day 208-157 to go
11-12-2009 Thr
4:55PM -5:55PM
Weather: S16 G23, clear, 50°, 29.86 dropping steadily
Water conditions: 5.79’, 40.9 kcfs, ?°, clear-some weeds
Fish caught
1. Sauger 11", 5:00PM, Jig and Ring Worm
2. Sauger 11”, 5:03PM, Jig and Ring Worm
3. Sauger 12", 5:35PM, Jig and Ring Worm
4. Sauger 11", 5:39PM, Jig and Ring Worm
5. Sauger 10", 5:42PM, Jig and Ring Worm
Area fished
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Fishing Partners
I have not been fishing for some time, so it was in the cards for tonight. I have never fished off the wall before and I have always wanted to give it a try. Even though the conditions were horrible, I think I did alright. The saugers were fairly aggressive and the weeds fouled my jig only every third cast or so. The water was clear and teaming with minnows.
11-12-2009 Thr
4:55PM -5:55PM
Weather: S16 G23, clear, 50°, 29.86 dropping steadily
Water conditions: 5.79’, 40.9 kcfs, ?°, clear-some weeds
Fish caught
1. Sauger 11", 5:00PM, Jig and Ring Worm
2. Sauger 11”, 5:03PM, Jig and Ring Worm
3. Sauger 12", 5:35PM, Jig and Ring Worm
4. Sauger 11", 5:39PM, Jig and Ring Worm
5. Sauger 10", 5:42PM, Jig and Ring Worm
Area fished
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall
Fishing Partners
I have not been fishing for some time, so it was in the cards for tonight. I have never fished off the wall before and I have always wanted to give it a try. Even though the conditions were horrible, I think I did alright. The saugers were fairly aggressive and the weeds fouled my jig only every third cast or so. The water was clear and teaming with minnows.

Day 207-158 to go
11-11-2009 Wed
Weather: SE10, clear, 46°, 30.26-falling
Bagged – one raccoon, and treed one other plus an opossum.
Brice Prairie
I wanted to verify Fritz's raccoon finding ability tonight. So, I went back to the spot where we had gotten one on Monday. Fritz again did well. I cannot say he treed them, but he did locate them in the trees for me.
The one I did shoot hit the ground alive. Well inexperienced Fritz flung himself into the business end of this very large and angry raccoon. Immediately Fritz was squealing in pain and back pedaling. Well this raccoon was attached to Fritz like a blood sucker attaches to a persons leg. After a few head shakes he was freed of this pain inflicting critter. Fritz kept his distance as I finished this fighter off.
I cannot wait to see how he reacts to his next encounter!
Day 206-159 to go
11-10-2009 Tue
Weather: SE3, clear, 43°, 30.48-rising
Bagged – Treed one opposum
South of Lytles
Tonight we found no raccoons, but we did tree one opossum. It was a perfect night for raccoon hunting, but I do not think their are too many at this spot.
11-10-2009 Tue
Weather: SE3, clear, 43°, 30.48-rising
Bagged – Treed one opposum
South of Lytles
Tonight we found no raccoons, but we did tree one opossum. It was a perfect night for raccoon hunting, but I do not think their are too many at this spot.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 205-160 to go
11-9-2009 Mon
Weather: calm, clear, 41°, 30.42-steady, 8:53PM
Bagged – One raccoon
I am need of an activity I can do after work in the dark and tonight I found it. I had wanted to find out if Fritz would be any good at hunting raccoon. I thought he would be able to do this. Since he had done so well at tracking the bear I had shot earlier this fall I decided to give it a try. And for his first time out he did very well.
He actually located three different raccoon that were already up in trees or he had treed. Once I illuminated the critters Fritz figured out what was going on. He would then bark tree and jump at the base of the tree. Unfortunately I was using my air rifle and either my aim was off or the scope was. It took quite a number of pellets to dispatch the first raccoon. Once the critter fell out of the tree Fritz was all over it! The second treed raccoon was spared after I ran out of pellets without ever hitting it.
For our first trip out we did well: Fritz treed three coon and we bagged one.
day 204/ 11-8-2009 /161 to go
Day 204-161 to go
11-8-2009 Sun
Weather: SE3, sunny, 39°, 30.05-rising, 6:53AM
Bagged - nothing
Today was the last day of vacation for me, and my chance to get a deer was almost over. Well I did not get a deer today. I only had one chance while on vacation, and that was a bleating fawn that walked directly under me as I sat in my tree stand.
11-8-2009 Sun
Weather: SE3, sunny, 39°, 30.05-rising, 6:53AM
Bagged - nothing
Today was the last day of vacation for me, and my chance to get a deer was almost over. Well I did not get a deer today. I only had one chance while on vacation, and that was a bleating fawn that walked directly under me as I sat in my tree stand.
Monday, November 9, 2009
day 203 11-7-09 Sat
Day 203-162 to go
11-7-2009 Sat
Weather: WSW5, sunny, 45°, 29.61-rising, 7:05AM
W7, sunny, 63°, 29.85-rising, 4:05PM
Bagged - nothing
Jeremy's in AM and Lytles in PM
I saw four deer at Jeremy's this morning and nothing at Lytles this afternoon. Jeremy called me later in the evening and told me he had hit a large buck at around 4PM. From the last I heard he had not recovered the deer. He said the shot looked high.
11-7-2009 Sat
Weather: WSW5, sunny, 45°, 29.61-rising, 7:05AM
W7, sunny, 63°, 29.85-rising, 4:05PM
Bagged - nothing
Jeremy's in AM and Lytles in PM
I saw four deer at Jeremy's this morning and nothing at Lytles this afternoon. Jeremy called me later in the evening and told me he had hit a large buck at around 4PM. From the last I heard he had not recovered the deer. He said the shot looked high.
day 202 11-6-09 Fri
Day 202-163 to go
11-6-2009 Fri
Weather: SE13, sunny, 47°, 29.98-falling, 7:05AM
S10, mostly cloudy, 62°, 29.70-falling, 4:05PM
Bagged - one mallard
Out front
This morning I set up my stand where I had seen all the deer yesterday morning. Guess what? I saw no deer! Duck hunting actually wasn't too bad, we had some wind which did cause some birds to fly. I ended up with one mallard.
11-6-2009 Fri
Weather: SE13, sunny, 47°, 29.98-falling, 7:05AM
S10, mostly cloudy, 62°, 29.70-falling, 4:05PM
Bagged - one mallard
Out front
This morning I set up my stand where I had seen all the deer yesterday morning. Guess what? I saw no deer! Duck hunting actually wasn't too bad, we had some wind which did cause some birds to fly. I ended up with one mallard.
day 201 11-5-09 Thr
Day 201-164 to go
11-5-2009 Thr
Weather: SSW8, sunny, 30°, 30.30-steady, 7:05AM
SE5, sunny, 54°, 30.22-falling, 4:05PM
Bagged - Nothing
I bow hunted all day at Lytles. I had quite a bit of activity in the morning. I saw four deer chasing one doe. They were a long ways away, but I assume they were all bucks. The evening was a total bust, I saw nothing.
11-5-2009 Thr
Weather: SSW8, sunny, 30°, 30.30-steady, 7:05AM
SE5, sunny, 54°, 30.22-falling, 4:05PM
Bagged - Nothing
I bow hunted all day at Lytles. I had quite a bit of activity in the morning. I saw four deer chasing one doe. They were a long ways away, but I assume they were all bucks. The evening was a total bust, I saw nothing.
day 200 11-4-09 Wed
Day 200-165 to go
11-4-2009 Wed
11:00 AM-1:00PM
Weather: NW9, cloudy, 37°, 30.18 rising, 12:05PM
NW7, cloudy, 39°, 30.23-rising, 4:05PM
Bagged - Nothing
Lytles for squirrel and deer
I went squirrel hunting and deer scouting at the same time. I did not get any squirrels but I did find some deer sign. I did see three deer tonight while on stand, and I think at least two of them were bucks. However, nothing ever came within range.
11-4-2009 Wed
11:00 AM-1:00PM
Weather: NW9, cloudy, 37°, 30.18 rising, 12:05PM
NW7, cloudy, 39°, 30.23-rising, 4:05PM
Bagged - Nothing
Lytles for squirrel and deer
I went squirrel hunting and deer scouting at the same time. I did not get any squirrels but I did find some deer sign. I did see three deer tonight while on stand, and I think at least two of them were bucks. However, nothing ever came within range.
day 199 11-3-09 Tue
Day 199-166 to go
11-3-2009 Tue
Weather: S5, partly cloudy, 43°, 30.27-steady,
Bagged - Nothing, we never fired a shot
Out front by Black River chute
Dick, Fritz
Since I did well on ducks yesterday I was counting on a repeat today. Well, I did not materialize! We did get burned a couple of times, but we still never fired a shot.
11-3-2009 Tue
Weather: S5, partly cloudy, 43°, 30.27-steady,
Bagged - Nothing, we never fired a shot
Out front by Black River chute
Dick, Fritz
Since I did well on ducks yesterday I was counting on a repeat today. Well, I did not materialize! We did get burned a couple of times, but we still never fired a shot.
day 198 11-2-09
Day 198-167 to go
11-2-2009 Mon
Weather: NW14, cloudy, 38°, 30.12, 7:05AM (full moon)
WNW16, sunny, 53°, 30.20-steady, 3:05PM
Bagged - four mallards and two gadwall
Lytles-bow hunting, out front-duck hunting
I saw one fawn this morning, it was by itself and constantly bleating. This evening the duck shooting was good. I had four mallards in less than one hour. We did end up losing one gadwall. I believe I mistakenly called Fritz off this cripple.
11-2-2009 Mon
Weather: NW14, cloudy, 38°, 30.12, 7:05AM (full moon)
WNW16, sunny, 53°, 30.20-steady, 3:05PM
Bagged - four mallards and two gadwall
Lytles-bow hunting, out front-duck hunting
I saw one fawn this morning, it was by itself and constantly bleating. This evening the duck shooting was good. I had four mallards in less than one hour. We did end up losing one gadwall. I believe I mistakenly called Fritz off this cripple.
day 197 11-1-09 Sun
Day 197-168 to go
11-1-2009 Sun
Weather: SE 5, 30°,mostly cloudy, 30.11, 7:00AM
Bagged - Nothing
Blair-south end
This morning I bow hunted a ridge on public land in Blair. All I saw was one small buck at about 8:30AM.
11-1-2009 Sun
Weather: SE 5, 30°,mostly cloudy, 30.11, 7:00AM
Bagged - Nothing
Blair-south end
This morning I bow hunted a ridge on public land in Blair. All I saw was one small buck at about 8:30AM.
day 196 10-31-09
Day 196-169 to go
10-31-2009 Sat
Weather: High 47°,partly cloudy, NW 26, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
I still hunted and scouted at Blair today. I did see five deer, but did not get any shots.
10-31-2009 Sat
Weather: High 47°,partly cloudy, NW 26, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
I still hunted and scouted at Blair today. I did see five deer, but did not get any shots.
day 195 10-30-09
Day 195-170 to go
10-30-2009 Fri
Weather: High 64°,cloudy, SW 33, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
I pheasant hunted and deer scouted at Ettrick today. I only saw one woodcock and no pheasants. There is quite a bit of deer sign in the woods here. Two of my friends already shot pretty nice bucks here.
10-30-2009 Fri
Weather: High 64°,cloudy, SW 33, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
I pheasant hunted and deer scouted at Ettrick today. I only saw one woodcock and no pheasants. There is quite a bit of deer sign in the woods here. Two of my friends already shot pretty nice bucks here.
day 194 10-29-09 Thr
Day 194-171 to go
10-29-2009 Thr
Weather: High 55°,rain, SE 23, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
The water is very high back in Lytles. I did not have any problems running with the electric trolling motor. I did not fire a shot this evening.
I also scouted one of the islands out in front, and saw one deer and one raccoon.
10-29-2009 Thr
Weather: High 55°,rain, SE 23, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
The water is very high back in Lytles. I did not have any problems running with the electric trolling motor. I did not fire a shot this evening.
I also scouted one of the islands out in front, and saw one deer and one raccoon.
day 193 10-28-09 Wed
Day 193-173 to go
10-28-2009 Wed
5:00 PM -6:30 PM
Weather: High 54°, SE 15, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
Rose Bud Island
I still-hunted Rose Bud island for deer tonight. I did see one deer and saw quite a bit of sign.
10-28-2009 Wed
5:00 PM -6:30 PM
Weather: High 54°, SE 15, (archived data)
Bagged - Nothing
Rose Bud Island
I still-hunted Rose Bud island for deer tonight. I did see one deer and saw quite a bit of sign.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
day 192 10-27-09 Tue
Day 192-173 to go
10-27-2009 Tue
5:00 PM -6:30 PM
Weather: S5, clear, 49°, 29.83 steady
Water conditions: 6.2’, 46.1 kcfs, 47°, clear-lots of floating weeds
Fish caught
1. Sauger 11", 5:30 PM, Jig and Ring Worm
2. Sauger 11”, 6:15PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
3. Sauger 12", 6:17 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
Area fished
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam and down to Pettibone Park
Fishing Partners
I had been wanting to get below the Dresbach Dam for some walleye fishing and tonight was that night. I did learn a hard lesson on the interstate between work and the dam. In my boat I have a large cooler that is used as a seat and storage space. Well, I had stored lots of extra outerwear in this cooler. Approximately one mile from my destination I caught a glimpse of my rain jacket flying over the boat motor. I was unable to do a sudden stop, since I was on a busy interstate road. When I did get pulled over I discovered that the latches on the cooler had disengaged and the lid had popped open. As a result I lost lots of outerwear which included: gloves, hats, rain jacket and pants. I was really bummed!
Fishing was very difficult. With the influx high water and more current weeds are everywhere. It is close to impossible to fish up close to the dam without constantly fouling your bait in the floating salad bar. One thing I did learn is that if you go downstream a couple of miles the water column is ninety percent free of the pesky weeds.
10-27-2009 Tue
5:00 PM -6:30 PM
Weather: S5, clear, 49°, 29.83 steady
Water conditions: 6.2’, 46.1 kcfs, 47°, clear-lots of floating weeds
Fish caught
1. Sauger 11", 5:30 PM, Jig and Ring Worm
2. Sauger 11”, 6:15PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
3. Sauger 12", 6:17 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
Area fished
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam and down to Pettibone Park
Fishing Partners
I had been wanting to get below the Dresbach Dam for some walleye fishing and tonight was that night. I did learn a hard lesson on the interstate between work and the dam. In my boat I have a large cooler that is used as a seat and storage space. Well, I had stored lots of extra outerwear in this cooler. Approximately one mile from my destination I caught a glimpse of my rain jacket flying over the boat motor. I was unable to do a sudden stop, since I was on a busy interstate road. When I did get pulled over I discovered that the latches on the cooler had disengaged and the lid had popped open. As a result I lost lots of outerwear which included: gloves, hats, rain jacket and pants. I was really bummed!
Fishing was very difficult. With the influx high water and more current weeds are everywhere. It is close to impossible to fish up close to the dam without constantly fouling your bait in the floating salad bar. One thing I did learn is that if you go downstream a couple of miles the water column is ninety percent free of the pesky weeds.
Day 191 10-26-09
Day 191-174 to go
10-26-2009 Mon
5:00 PM – 6:200PM
Weather: NW7, overcast, 46°, 30.05 steady
Water conditions: 7.0’ steady, 4.6 kcfs, ?°, fairly clear
Game Bagged
2 squirrels
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Tonight after work it was a combination squirrel hunt and deer scouting adventure. I really did not expect to see many squirrels, on account of the small mast crop in the swamp this year. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of squirrels I did see. The deer sign was not overly abundant, but I did see some scrapes and rubs. Most of the leaves are still on the oaks, making it rather difficult to see the little tree rats.
10-26-2009 Mon
5:00 PM – 6:200PM
Weather: NW7, overcast, 46°, 30.05 steady
Water conditions: 7.0’ steady, 4.6 kcfs, ?°, fairly clear
Game Bagged
2 squirrels
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Tonight after work it was a combination squirrel hunt and deer scouting adventure. I really did not expect to see many squirrels, on account of the small mast crop in the swamp this year. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of squirrels I did see. The deer sign was not overly abundant, but I did see some scrapes and rubs. Most of the leaves are still on the oaks, making it rather difficult to see the little tree rats.
day 190 10-25-09 /Sun
10-25-2009 Sun
Day 190-175 to go
2:00 PM – 7:00PM
Weather: Calm, partly sunny, 54°, 29.92 rising
Water conditions: 7.1’ rising, 4.6 kcfs, ?°, fairly clear
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I made the choice to hunt ducks. Unfortunately the ducks did not materialize. I really wished I would have made the bow hunting choice instead. The water is rapidly rising and most all areas in the marsh are flooded. I hunted approximately four hours and probably saw a total of twelve ducks. Fritz was so bored he even laid down in the boat and took a little snooze. I hope he retrieved more ducks in his dreams than he did with me today.
Day 190-175 to go
2:00 PM – 7:00PM
Weather: Calm, partly sunny, 54°, 29.92 rising
Water conditions: 7.1’ rising, 4.6 kcfs, ?°, fairly clear
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I made the choice to hunt ducks. Unfortunately the ducks did not materialize. I really wished I would have made the bow hunting choice instead. The water is rapidly rising and most all areas in the marsh are flooded. I hunted approximately four hours and probably saw a total of twelve ducks. Fritz was so bored he even laid down in the boat and took a little snooze. I hope he retrieved more ducks in his dreams than he did with me today.
day 189 10-24-09 Sat
10-24-2009 Sat
Day 189-176 to go
12:00 PM -4:00 PM
Weather: W7, mostly sunny, 53°, 29.57 falling
Water conditions: 640.2’ rising, 27 kcfs, 48°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
The water is rapidly rising from all the rain we have had the last couple of days. Unfortunately for me that did not equate into fish caught. I targeted wing dams and rocks along the main channel.
I did do a little scouting for deer on a couple of the islands. As usual there are deer around, but not in great numbers.
Day 189-176 to go
12:00 PM -4:00 PM
Weather: W7, mostly sunny, 53°, 29.57 falling
Water conditions: 640.2’ rising, 27 kcfs, 48°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
The water is rapidly rising from all the rain we have had the last couple of days. Unfortunately for me that did not equate into fish caught. I targeted wing dams and rocks along the main channel.
I did do a little scouting for deer on a couple of the islands. As usual there are deer around, but not in great numbers.
Friday, October 23, 2009
day 188 10-23-09 Fri
10-23-2009 Fri
Day 188-177 to go
7:15 AM -7:45 AM
Weather: NE13, mist, 40°, 29.63 falling
Water conditions: N/A
Fish caught
Area fished
Lake Neshonic: Fishing pier
Fishing Partners
Today I fished for crappies before work on Lake Neshonic. It was a total bust! The weather was very nasty; The wind and the rain made fishing very brutal. The water was also very muddy from all the rain of the past couple of days.
I did learn that the delta of the La Crosse river here, attracts both ducks and duck hunters. I never did see the hunters but I did hear the report of their shotguns as unsuspecting ducks came within their range.
Day 188-177 to go
7:15 AM -7:45 AM
Weather: NE13, mist, 40°, 29.63 falling
Water conditions: N/A
Fish caught
Area fished
Lake Neshonic: Fishing pier
Fishing Partners
Today I fished for crappies before work on Lake Neshonic. It was a total bust! The weather was very nasty; The wind and the rain made fishing very brutal. The water was also very muddy from all the rain of the past couple of days.
I did learn that the delta of the La Crosse river here, attracts both ducks and duck hunters. I never did see the hunters but I did hear the report of their shotguns as unsuspecting ducks came within their range.
day 187 10-22-09 Thr

10-22-2009 Thr
Day 187-178 to go
5:45 PM -7:00 PM
Weather: E8, light rain, 44°, 30.01 falling
Water conditions: 639.8’, 24.4 kcfs, 49°, clear
Fish caught
1. Sauger 10", 6:00 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
2. SMB 21”, 6:20PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
3. Walleye 22", 6:30 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
4. Walleye 20", 6:50 PM, Storm Thunder Crank TC06
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
Well the old saying wind from the East fish bite the least did not hold too much water tonight. Overall I would have had to rate the fishing as good tonight. The largest walleye I caught dam near tore the pole out of my hands, it hit with such ferocity. The smallie I caught was definitely a chunk and the largest of the season.
As far as the fall colors are concerned I would have to say we are a few days past the peak. The ash and walnut trees are barren. However the maples and the oaks are very vibrant, but they are rapidly losing their leaves.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
day 186 10-21-09 Wed
10-21-2009 Wed
Day 186-179 to go
5:15 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: NW10, heavy rain, 48°, 29.86 rising
Water conditions: 3.58’ rising, .85 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Tonight Fritz and I did a quick duck hunt after work. It really was more of a scouting trip than a hunt. I did have a couple of opportunities at some mallards, but they were somewhat iffy shots. Chasing cripples in this area is not a walk in the park. There were lots of ducks tonight, but they did not want to be where I was waiting in ambush. The weather tonight was double nasty. Fritz and I had constant rain and at times it was very heavy.
Day 186-179 to go
5:15 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: NW10, heavy rain, 48°, 29.86 rising
Water conditions: 3.58’ rising, .85 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Black River bottoms
Hunting Partners
Tonight Fritz and I did a quick duck hunt after work. It really was more of a scouting trip than a hunt. I did have a couple of opportunities at some mallards, but they were somewhat iffy shots. Chasing cripples in this area is not a walk in the park. There were lots of ducks tonight, but they did not want to be where I was waiting in ambush. The weather tonight was double nasty. Fritz and I had constant rain and at times it was very heavy.
day 185 10-20-09 Tue
10-20-2009 Tue
Day 185-180 to go
5:55 PM -7:00 PM
Weather: E8, overcast, 53°, 30.01 rising
Water conditions: 639.5’, 20 kcfs, 49°, very clear
Fish caught
1. SMB 13”, 6:25PM, Storm Thunder Crank
2. SMB 13”, 6:30PM, Storm Thunder Crank
3. Walleye 21”, 6:55PM, Storm Thunder Crank
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
Have you ever heard the expression wind from the east fish bite the least? Well, I never put much stock in the phrase until tonight. It definitely seemed to shut down the walleyes. I did catch the one and missed a couple others, but the fish just seemed to nip at the bait, not attack it.
However, the small mouths did not seem to mind the East wind.
Day 185-180 to go
5:55 PM -7:00 PM
Weather: E8, overcast, 53°, 30.01 rising
Water conditions: 639.5’, 20 kcfs, 49°, very clear
Fish caught
1. SMB 13”, 6:25PM, Storm Thunder Crank
2. SMB 13”, 6:30PM, Storm Thunder Crank
3. Walleye 21”, 6:55PM, Storm Thunder Crank
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
Have you ever heard the expression wind from the east fish bite the least? Well, I never put much stock in the phrase until tonight. It definitely seemed to shut down the walleyes. I did catch the one and missed a couple others, but the fish just seemed to nip at the bait, not attack it.
However, the small mouths did not seem to mind the East wind.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10-19-2009 Mon
Day 184-181 to go
5:30 PM -7:30 PM
Weather: Calm, clear, 64°, 29.85 rising
Water conditions: 639.5’ falling, 18 kcfs, 49°, very clear
Fish caught
1. Walleyes 16, 15, 13, 23, 24 inches, Storm Thunder Crank
2. Sauger 12”, Storm Thunder Crank
3. SMB 14,12,12 inches, Storm Thunder Crank, Rattle Trap
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel wing dams
Fishing Partners
It was a pretty good night of walleye fishing. I caught fish on every wing dam that I fished. The temperature of the water has increased a few degrees since the last time I was out. All the fish were caught in front of the wing dams in six to eight feet of water. I caught some of the walleyes before it got dark and some of them after it got dark.
day 183 10-18-09 Sun
10-18-2009 Sun
Day 183-182 to go
11:00AM – 1:00PM
Weather: SW14, partly cloudy, 43°, 29.94 falling
Game Bagged
(2) Woodcock
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Hunters Trail
Hunting Partners
Today I am past the half way point of my 365 days of fishing and hunting. The time has gone by quick, but I am afraid the real difficultly is just beginning!
Tom and I hunted an area that I did quite well on grouse two years ago. Today the grouse were not plentiful, but we did manage to put two woodcock in the game bag.
After three days of bear baiting and checking the baits, we had no hits on the bait sites. I believe the unseasonably cool weather has moved the bears into their dens, or is making them stick close to their den sites.
Day 183-182 to go
11:00AM – 1:00PM
Weather: SW14, partly cloudy, 43°, 29.94 falling
Game Bagged
(2) Woodcock
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Hunters Trail
Hunting Partners
Today I am past the half way point of my 365 days of fishing and hunting. The time has gone by quick, but I am afraid the real difficultly is just beginning!
Tom and I hunted an area that I did quite well on grouse two years ago. Today the grouse were not plentiful, but we did manage to put two woodcock in the game bag.
After three days of bear baiting and checking the baits, we had no hits on the bait sites. I believe the unseasonably cool weather has moved the bears into their dens, or is making them stick close to their den sites.
day 182 10-17-2009 Sat
10-17-2009 Sat
Day 182-183 to go
2:00 PM – 4:00PM
Weather: W9, mostly cloudy, 42°, 30.31 falling
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Tin Shack
Hunting Partners
Jeremy and I took a four wheeler trip back to the Tin Shack for some remote grouse hunting. I do not know what Fritz thought about being put in a kennel and strapped to the back of a four wheeler, but he seemed to do just fine. He did get pretty excited when his box slid off the back of my four wheeler and landed in a water filled rut. I did not have any opportunities at birds, but Jeremy missed two.
Day 182-183 to go
2:00 PM – 4:00PM
Weather: W9, mostly cloudy, 42°, 30.31 falling
Game Bagged
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Tin Shack
Hunting Partners
Jeremy and I took a four wheeler trip back to the Tin Shack for some remote grouse hunting. I do not know what Fritz thought about being put in a kennel and strapped to the back of a four wheeler, but he seemed to do just fine. He did get pretty excited when his box slid off the back of my four wheeler and landed in a water filled rut. I did not have any opportunities at birds, but Jeremy missed two.
day 181 10-16-2009 Fri
10-16-2009 Fri
Day 181-184 to go
1:00 PM – 2:30PM/5:00PM – 6:30PM
Weather: WNW5, light rain, 41°, 30.19 rising
Game Bagged
(1) Grouse
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Fall Road
Hunting Partners
I got a grouse today right at the start of the hunt. Another year has slowed Fritz down, but it has positively affected his grouse hunting skills. He now is more deliberate on his locating and tracking skills. When he catches bird scent he locks-up and waits for me to get up to him. Then if the bird has moved off he begins a slow and careful process of re-locating the restless bird. My shooting was not good again today and my 28 gauge jammed beyond field repair!
I did bow hunt this evening over a new clear cut that is located behind the cabin. The deer have definitely been using the area, but they were a no show tonight.
Day 181-184 to go
1:00 PM – 2:30PM/5:00PM – 6:30PM
Weather: WNW5, light rain, 41°, 30.19 rising
Game Bagged
(1) Grouse
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Fall Road
Hunting Partners
I got a grouse today right at the start of the hunt. Another year has slowed Fritz down, but it has positively affected his grouse hunting skills. He now is more deliberate on his locating and tracking skills. When he catches bird scent he locks-up and waits for me to get up to him. Then if the bird has moved off he begins a slow and careful process of re-locating the restless bird. My shooting was not good again today and my 28 gauge jammed beyond field repair!
I did bow hunt this evening over a new clear cut that is located behind the cabin. The deer have definitely been using the area, but they were a no show tonight.
day 180 10-15-09 Thr

10-15-2009 Thr
Day 180-185 to go
3:00 PM – 5:00PM
Weather: E6, light drizzle, 35°, 30.11 steady
Game Bagged
(1) grouse
Area hunted
Moose Junction – Spruce River cutover
Hunting Partners
Today was day one of a four day hunting trip up to the cabin. The four hour drive up to the cabin was marred by on and off again snow showers. During this trip I was going to help out with bear baiting, and hunt grouse and whitetail deer.
Fritz is getting old and consequently he is slowing down. I now try to limit him to about two hours of hunting at a time. He did have some pretty good points on both grouse and woodcock, but unfortunately I was off the mark on most
Thursday, October 15, 2009
10-14-2009 Wed
Day 179-186 to go
6:55 AM -7:30 AM
Weather: N5, overcast, 37°, 30.33 rising
Water conditions: 5.24’ falling, 33.2 kcfs, ?°, very clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 8 – Main channel area below the Dresbach Dam
Fishing Partners
Since I was successful walleye fishing last night and I was on a limited time budget, I fished from shore below the dam before work. I fished above and below a wing dam with various presentations. I fished with a crank bait, jig and ringworm combo and jig and crawler combo. I caught nothing and had no strikes.
Day 179-186 to go
6:55 AM -7:30 AM
Weather: N5, overcast, 37°, 30.33 rising
Water conditions: 5.24’ falling, 33.2 kcfs, ?°, very clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 8 – Main channel area below the Dresbach Dam
Fishing Partners
Since I was successful walleye fishing last night and I was on a limited time budget, I fished from shore below the dam before work. I fished above and below a wing dam with various presentations. I fished with a crank bait, jig and ringworm combo and jig and crawler combo. I caught nothing and had no strikes.
day 178 10-13-2009 Tue

10-13-2009 Tue
Day 178-187 to go
5:30 PM -8:00 PM
Weather: Calm, clear, 40°, 30.38 rising
Water conditions: 639.73’ falling, 18.5 kcfs, ?°, very clear
Fish caught
1. Walleye 16”, 6:35 PM, Storm Thunder Crank
2. Walleye 20”, 7:00 PM, Storm Thunder Crank
Area fished
Pool 7 – Main channel area
Fishing Partners
Tonight I was able to target walleyes. I did start out seeing if I could locate any toothy critters first. I was not successful on the northern, but I did have a bump from either a northern or bass.
The walleye fishing however was pretty good. I did boat the two, but I also lost two others. The first fish I lost felt real good, but unfortunately it came unbuttoned about a minute into the battle. The situation on losing the other fish was a little different. I decided to fish the wing dam a little different by casting from the downstream side of a wing dam over the top and above the face of the dam. On my first cast I hooked into a fish, but unfortunately it had to be fought over the rocks. It did not take long and my line was cut by the multitude of zebra mussels that cling to these rocks. I am actually not a critic of these invasive mussels. They have done a tremendous job of clarifying the water. I believe these invasive species have improved the fishing on the river tremendously.
It has been about two weeks since I have been out in the boat, and I must say it has changed! The aquatic vegetation and all the wild rice has really started to die-off and is disappearing very quickly. Wow what a pic!
Monday, October 12, 2009
day 177, 10-12-09
10-12-2009 Mon
Day 177-188 to go
6:00 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: Calm, overcast, 36°,30.17 rising
Water conditions: no data available, ?°, clear
Area fished
Pool 7 - Behind house
Fishing Partners
My original plan was to cast wing dams for walleyes, but a late doctors appointment changed those plans. Instead I went behind the house to see if the bluegills had moved in; well they had not. I did not even get a bite. Either they are not there or the cold, snowy weather we had today turned them off.
Day 177-188 to go
6:00 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: Calm, overcast, 36°,30.17 rising
Water conditions: no data available, ?°, clear
Area fished
Pool 7 - Behind house
Fishing Partners
My original plan was to cast wing dams for walleyes, but a late doctors appointment changed those plans. Instead I went behind the house to see if the bluegills had moved in; well they had not. I did not even get a bite. Either they are not there or the cold, snowy weather we had today turned them off.
day 176, 10-11-09

10-11-2009 Sun
Day 176-189 to go
2:00 PM - 7:30PM
Weather: SE6, mostly sunny, 42°,30.31 falling
Water conditions: 3.74’ falling, .972 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
(2)wood ducks
(4) Drake Mallards (green heads)
Area hunted
Black RIver bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I had duck hunting on the agenda. I headed back to the same area I was at last night, except this time I would be set up where the ducks wanted to be. All I can say is that the hunting was great. The ducks were readily decoying, my marksmanship was on and Fritz was a retrieving machine. He found three of the ducks that I never would have found without him.
If a duck is crippled and on the run I can count on Fritz to find, catch and bring that bird back to my hand alive. Fritz is just a couple months shy of ten years old, but he still has the ability and desire to hunt. Hopefully he will be able to accompany me on one or two more seasons in the field.
day 175, 10-10-09
10-10-2009 Sat
Day 175-190 to go
5:30 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: W10, partly cloudy, 39°,30.23 steady
Water conditions: 4.0’ steady, 1.2 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
(2)wood ducks
Area hunted
Black RIver bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I got out duck hunting for hour after work. It was a walk-in spot and it was not where the ducks wanted to be. There was an awesome flight of wood ducks, but they were not flying over me. I did manage to bag two wood ducks and Fritz was flawless on the retrieves. I continue to have jamming problems with my Benelli Super Black Eagle. From now on I am going to try cleaning it after each use and monitor the results.
Day 175-190 to go
5:30 PM - 6:30PM
Weather: W10, partly cloudy, 39°,30.23 steady
Water conditions: 4.0’ steady, 1.2 kcfs, ?°, clear
Game Bagged
(2)wood ducks
Area hunted
Black RIver bottoms
Hunting Partners
Today I got out duck hunting for hour after work. It was a walk-in spot and it was not where the ducks wanted to be. There was an awesome flight of wood ducks, but they were not flying over me. I did manage to bag two wood ducks and Fritz was flawless on the retrieves. I continue to have jamming problems with my Benelli Super Black Eagle. From now on I am going to try cleaning it after each use and monitor the results.
day 174, 10-9-09
10-9-2009 Fri
Day 174-191 to go
8:25AM -9:05AM
Weather: N5, clear, 33°,30.08 rising
Water conditions: 5.15’ falling, 28.8 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
(2)Bluegills 5&6", fig/worm
Area fished
Pool 8 - I-90 rest area
Fishing Partners
Today was a late shift for me at work, so I got my fishing in before punching the clock. Fishing was very slow, I am thinking the cold weather has changed their location or put them in a negative mood. I did see my begging buddy the blue heron again today. I did try to to feed it a deeply hooked bluegill, but the bluegill still had some life left and swam off as soon as it hit the water.
Day 174-191 to go
8:25AM -9:05AM
Weather: N5, clear, 33°,30.08 rising
Water conditions: 5.15’ falling, 28.8 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
(2)Bluegills 5&6", fig/worm
Area fished
Pool 8 - I-90 rest area
Fishing Partners
Today was a late shift for me at work, so I got my fishing in before punching the clock. Fishing was very slow, I am thinking the cold weather has changed their location or put them in a negative mood. I did see my begging buddy the blue heron again today. I did try to to feed it a deeply hooked bluegill, but the bluegill still had some life left and swam off as soon as it hit the water.
day 173, 10-8-09

10-8-2009 Thr
Day 173-192 to go
7:30AM -5:00PM
Weather: WNW3, cloudy, 48°, 29.97 rising (12:05AM)
Water conditions: 621.62’ falling, 24.7 kcfs, 52°, clear, lots of weeds floating in river.
Fish caught
1. (7) Sauger, 11-13", jig/minnow
2. SMB 19", 11:15 AM, Ringworm
3. LMB 13", 11:17 AM, Ringworm
4. Sheep head 17", 12:35 PM, Ringworm
5. SMB 13", 2:00 PM, Chug Bug
6. Walleye 16", 4:30 PM, jig/minnow
Area fished
Pool 9 - Genoa dam
Fishing Partners
Norm and Grant
The fishing conditions below the dam were still rather adverse. We did not have the wind to contend with today, but yesterdays wind had displaced a ton of weeds and they were all floating downstream and congregating below the dam. It was very difficult fishing for even a brief moment without having your jig run afoul of the aquatic salad. Norm ended up with four sauger and two walleyes for the freezer. If you take a close look at Grant's catfish you will see he did not hook the fish, but the line that was attached to a hook that was imbedded in the catfishes mouth!
During part of the day I was by myself while Norm went in to catch up on work. All day is long time for me to fish, so I took a little walkabout on one of the islands. I did end up seeing quite a bit of deer sign and even found a five point shed antler.
day 172, 10-7-09

10-7-2009 Wed
Day 172-193 to go
5:00PM -8:00PM
Weather: S13, Sunny, 61°, 29.81 falling
Water conditions: 621.96’ falling, 25.4 kcfs, 53°, clear
Fish caught
(5) Sauger between 10-13", Jig/minnow
Area fished
Pool 9 - Genoa dam
Fishing Partners
Norm and Grant
Today I met up with a friend of mine and his son for some fall walleye fishing. The fall sauger bite is definitely on! The conditions this evening made efficient fishing very difficult. A stiff south breeze below any dam on the Mississippi makes boat control very difficult. And when you are talking walleye fishing boat control is the name of the game.
Norm ended up keeping three saugers and one flat head for the skillet.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Day 171, 10-6-09
10-6-2009 Tue
Day 171-194 to go
5:45PM -6:15PM
Weather: NW25 G36, rain, 48°, 29.47 rising
Water conditions: 5.3’ rising, 35.3 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Dresbach-underneath I-90 bridge and shoreline to south
Fishing Partners
Tonight I tried a new location, and came up empty handed. The conditions were brutal and I was glad when I made my last cast.
Day 171-194 to go
5:45PM -6:15PM
Weather: NW25 G36, rain, 48°, 29.47 rising
Water conditions: 5.3’ rising, 35.3 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Dresbach-underneath I-90 bridge and shoreline to south
Fishing Partners
Tonight I tried a new location, and came up empty handed. The conditions were brutal and I was glad when I made my last cast.
Day 170, 10-5-09
10-5-2009 Mon
Day 170-195 to go
8:15AM -8:55PM
Weather: SSW3, 43°, fog, 30.12 rising
Water conditions: 3.5’ rising, .79 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Lytles canoe landing
Fishing Partners
Fishing at Lytles has been tough for me lately. However, I did see a few crappies caught by fishermen using minnows.
Day 170-195 to go
8:15AM -8:55PM
Weather: SSW3, 43°, fog, 30.12 rising
Water conditions: 3.5’ rising, .79 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Lytles canoe landing
Fishing Partners
Fishing at Lytles has been tough for me lately. However, I did see a few crappies caught by fishermen using minnows.
Day 169, 10-4-09
10-4-2009 Sun
Day 169-196 to go
2:30PM - 6:45PM
Weather: W7, 52°, 30.01 rising, light rain
Water conditions: 3.52, .804 kcfs, ?°, clear
1. wood ducks (2)
Area Hunted
Hunting Partners
Myself/Fritz-my dog
I was quit sore from yesterdays hunt, so I decided to hunt a spot that was a little easier to access. I hunted the east slough instead of the south slough. I did have some shooting, but it was not great! I do know that if I would have gone to where I was yesterday(the south slough) I would have had much better shooting.
I have no doubt that Fritz is starting to feel his age and is slowing down. He did find the two ducks for me but we did lose one. His nose is still very keen, but his stamina is fading.
Day 169-196 to go
2:30PM - 6:45PM
Weather: W7, 52°, 30.01 rising, light rain
Water conditions: 3.52, .804 kcfs, ?°, clear
1. wood ducks (2)
Area Hunted
Hunting Partners
Myself/Fritz-my dog
I was quit sore from yesterdays hunt, so I decided to hunt a spot that was a little easier to access. I hunted the east slough instead of the south slough. I did have some shooting, but it was not great! I do know that if I would have gone to where I was yesterday(the south slough) I would have had much better shooting.
I have no doubt that Fritz is starting to feel his age and is slowing down. He did find the two ducks for me but we did lose one. His nose is still very keen, but his stamina is fading.
Day 168, 10-3-09
10-3-2009 Sat
Day 168-197 to go
5:30AM - 5:30PM
Weather: NW7, 45°, 29.72 steady, rain, at 12PM
Water conditions: no info available, ?°, clear
1. wood ducks (3)
2. blue wing teal (1)
3. green wing teal (1)
Area Hunted
Hunting Partners
Dick/Arrow-Dick's dog, Ty
Today was opening of duck season, and it was a typical opening; lots of ducks before the opening time, and then come legal shooting time and they have disappeared. there were more wood ducks than I have ever seen, in fact ninety-nine percent of the ducks were wood ducks. Vegetation in this area is quit thick, in fact the wild rice is everywhere.
I did see some fisherman that were fishing out of a boat catching crappies by the canoe landing.
Day 168-197 to go
5:30AM - 5:30PM
Weather: NW7, 45°, 29.72 steady, rain, at 12PM
Water conditions: no info available, ?°, clear
1. wood ducks (3)
2. blue wing teal (1)
3. green wing teal (1)
Area Hunted
Hunting Partners
Dick/Arrow-Dick's dog, Ty
Today was opening of duck season, and it was a typical opening; lots of ducks before the opening time, and then come legal shooting time and they have disappeared. there were more wood ducks than I have ever seen, in fact ninety-nine percent of the ducks were wood ducks. Vegetation in this area is quit thick, in fact the wild rice is everywhere.
I did see some fisherman that were fishing out of a boat catching crappies by the canoe landing.
Day 167, 10-2-09
10-2-2009 Fri
Day 167-198 to go
5:50PM - 6:50PM
Weather: calm, 53°, 29.42 rising
Water conditions: 4.87’ steady, 15.6 kcfs-rising, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Bluegills 7", 7", 6", 8", 4", 4", 6" jig/crawler
2. sheep head 16", jig/crawler
3. LMB 11", jig/crawler
Area fished
Pool 8 - I90 rest area
Fishing Partners
I did catch some fish tonight but it was nothing fantastic. I did not see my buddy the blue heron either.
Day 167-198 to go
5:50PM - 6:50PM
Weather: calm, 53°, 29.42 rising
Water conditions: 4.87’ steady, 15.6 kcfs-rising, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Bluegills 7", 7", 6", 8", 4", 4", 6" jig/crawler
2. sheep head 16", jig/crawler
3. LMB 11", jig/crawler
Area fished
Pool 8 - I90 rest area
Fishing Partners
I did catch some fish tonight but it was nothing fantastic. I did not see my buddy the blue heron either.
Friday, October 2, 2009
10-1-2009 Thr
Day 166-199 to go
4:15PM - 5:00PM
Weather: SE14 G25, fog, rain, mist, 52°, 29.67 falling
Water conditions: 4.71’ steady, 10.3 kcfs, °, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 12", 4:17PM, crawler
2. Bluegill 7", 4:20PM, crawler - fed to blue heron
3. Bluegill 6", 4:29PM, crawler
4. Bluegill 5", 4:35PM, crawler - fed to blue heron
5. Bluegill 5", 4:40PM, crawler
6. Bluegill 4", 4:43PM, crawler
7. Sheep Head 14", 4:55PM, crawler
Area fished
Pool 8 - I90 rest area
Fishing Partners
Tonight I was fished a spot I had never fished before. The weather was just plan nasty: rain, wind and cold. From litter left from past fisherman it looked to be a very popular spot. The bluegills were fairly active tonight.
I did have an encounter with a beggar tonight. Now this was not your run of the mill hold their hand out type of beggar. It was more like hold your bill out. You see it was a blue heron, shy poke, cream shitter or whatever you would like to label it as. I first noticed this bird on the opposite shore trying to catch its own supper. It then saw me catch a few bluegills and the next thing I know it is standing about ten yards away from me batting its big eyes at me.
I deeply hooked a bluegill, so I thought what the hell, we’ll see if the bird is really looking for a hand out. I tossed the bluegill towards my new found buddy and sure enough that bird scarfed that bluegill down like it was a guppy. I did deeply hook another bluegill and that one met the same fate, shortly after the bird flew off with a full tummy of bluegills.
Day 166-199 to go
4:15PM - 5:00PM
Weather: SE14 G25, fog, rain, mist, 52°, 29.67 falling
Water conditions: 4.71’ steady, 10.3 kcfs, °, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 12", 4:17PM, crawler
2. Bluegill 7", 4:20PM, crawler - fed to blue heron
3. Bluegill 6", 4:29PM, crawler
4. Bluegill 5", 4:35PM, crawler - fed to blue heron
5. Bluegill 5", 4:40PM, crawler
6. Bluegill 4", 4:43PM, crawler
7. Sheep Head 14", 4:55PM, crawler
Area fished
Pool 8 - I90 rest area
Fishing Partners
Tonight I was fished a spot I had never fished before. The weather was just plan nasty: rain, wind and cold. From litter left from past fisherman it looked to be a very popular spot. The bluegills were fairly active tonight.
I did have an encounter with a beggar tonight. Now this was not your run of the mill hold their hand out type of beggar. It was more like hold your bill out. You see it was a blue heron, shy poke, cream shitter or whatever you would like to label it as. I first noticed this bird on the opposite shore trying to catch its own supper. It then saw me catch a few bluegills and the next thing I know it is standing about ten yards away from me batting its big eyes at me.
I deeply hooked a bluegill, so I thought what the hell, we’ll see if the bird is really looking for a hand out. I tossed the bluegill towards my new found buddy and sure enough that bird scarfed that bluegill down like it was a guppy. I did deeply hook another bluegill and that one met the same fate, shortly after the bird flew off with a full tummy of bluegills.
day 165 9-30-09 Wed
9-30-2009 Wed
Day 165-200 to go
6:55AM - 7:25AM
Weather: calm, clear, 37°, 30.19 rising
Water conditions: 3.24’ steady, .621 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Fishing Partners
I fished before work this morning. I had wanted to have some time after work to get my airboat ready for the upcoming duck season. Surprisingly I did not catch anything, usually I always get something from shore at Lytles.
Day 165-200 to go
6:55AM - 7:25AM
Weather: calm, clear, 37°, 30.19 rising
Water conditions: 3.24’ steady, .621 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
Area fished
Fishing Partners
I fished before work this morning. I had wanted to have some time after work to get my airboat ready for the upcoming duck season. Surprisingly I did not catch anything, usually I always get something from shore at Lytles.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
day 164 201 to go 9-29-09 Tue
9-29-2009 Tue
Day 164-201 to go
6:15PM - 6:45PM
Weather: N7, overcast, 51°, 30.12 falling
Water conditions: 639.16’ steady, NA kcfs, 55°, cloudy
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 7 - Channel opening out to lake
Fishing Partners
Fall is into full swing and my fishing success is down the tubes! The water has drastically cooled and it has become cloudy from the winds of the past couple of days. Tonight I was looking to fill the live well with some nice perch. Unfortunately the perch nor anything else for that matter were cooperative.
The north winds of the past couple of days have really brought the ducks in. I am getting both excited and prepared for the upcoming season on Saturday.
Day 164-201 to go
6:15PM - 6:45PM
Weather: N7, overcast, 51°, 30.12 falling
Water conditions: 639.16’ steady, NA kcfs, 55°, cloudy
Fish caught
Area fished
Pool 7 - Channel opening out to lake
Fishing Partners
Fall is into full swing and my fishing success is down the tubes! The water has drastically cooled and it has become cloudy from the winds of the past couple of days. Tonight I was looking to fill the live well with some nice perch. Unfortunately the perch nor anything else for that matter were cooperative.
The north winds of the past couple of days have really brought the ducks in. I am getting both excited and prepared for the upcoming season on Saturday.
Monday, September 28, 2009
day 163, 9-28-09
9-28-2009 Mon
Day 163-202 to go
5:45PM - 6:30PM
Weather: NW24 G32, cloudy, rain, 57°, 29.72 rising
Water conditions: 3.37’ steady, .702 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Channel cat 20", 6:10 PM, jig and crawler
2. perch 10", 6:14 PM, jig and crawler
Area fished
Fishing Partners
Today a major cold front moved into the area. Yesterday we were in the 70's and today we will be lucky to break 60. This cold is being pushed in by winds roaring out of the northwest.
I honestly did not expect to catch anything tonight, but once again I was proven wrong on my prediction. Fishing was not fantastic, but I would have to say with the brutal conditions it was not too bad. I am always truly amazed at the awesome fishing we have locally.
I did notice that the wood ducks are starting to show up in good numbers. They are after the wild rice that has been produced from the numerous rice beds around the area.
Day 163-202 to go
5:45PM - 6:30PM
Weather: NW24 G32, cloudy, rain, 57°, 29.72 rising
Water conditions: 3.37’ steady, .702 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Channel cat 20", 6:10 PM, jig and crawler
2. perch 10", 6:14 PM, jig and crawler
Area fished
Fishing Partners
Today a major cold front moved into the area. Yesterday we were in the 70's and today we will be lucky to break 60. This cold is being pushed in by winds roaring out of the northwest.
I honestly did not expect to catch anything tonight, but once again I was proven wrong on my prediction. Fishing was not fantastic, but I would have to say with the brutal conditions it was not too bad. I am always truly amazed at the awesome fishing we have locally.
I did notice that the wood ducks are starting to show up in good numbers. They are after the wild rice that has been produced from the numerous rice beds around the area.
day 162, 9-27-09
9-27-2009 Sun
Day 162-203 to go
7:30AM - 10:15AM
Weather: S21, partly cloudy, 61°, 29.52 falling
Water conditions: 639.44’ steady, 13.9 kcfs, 65°, clear
Fish caught
1. Perch(3) 11, 10, 9", spinner bait and jig and plastic
2. Crappie (3) 8, 8, 7", jig and plastic
3. Bluegill 7", jig and plastic
4. LMB 11", jig and plastic
Area fished
Pool 7, Back sloughs
Fishing Partners
A major weather change is in progress, and we shall have more seasonal temperatures shortly. Again, the bass and pike were non-existent. However when I caught a perch on a spinner bait that clued me in on what I should be fishing for.
The aquatic weeds area quickly dying off and the wild rice has ripened and falling from the plant. Geese, gulls, cormorants, pelicans and ducks are congregating on the lake.
Day 162-203 to go
7:30AM - 10:15AM
Weather: S21, partly cloudy, 61°, 29.52 falling
Water conditions: 639.44’ steady, 13.9 kcfs, 65°, clear
Fish caught
1. Perch(3) 11, 10, 9", spinner bait and jig and plastic
2. Crappie (3) 8, 8, 7", jig and plastic
3. Bluegill 7", jig and plastic
4. LMB 11", jig and plastic
Area fished
Pool 7, Back sloughs
Fishing Partners
A major weather change is in progress, and we shall have more seasonal temperatures shortly. Again, the bass and pike were non-existent. However when I caught a perch on a spinner bait that clued me in on what I should be fishing for.
The aquatic weeds area quickly dying off and the wild rice has ripened and falling from the plant. Geese, gulls, cormorants, pelicans and ducks are congregating on the lake.
day 161, 9-26-09

9-26-2009 Sat
Day 161-204 to go
2:30PM - 5:30PM
Weather: SSW10, cloudy, 70°, 29.83 falling
Water conditions: 639.29’ steady, .10.8 kcfs, 70°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern 32", 2:45PM, Spinner Bait
2. LMB 14", 4:40PM, Senko
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska and main channel area
Fishing Partners
I knew Cade was itching to go fishing, and when I asked his mom if he would want to go along she did not hesitate to answer with "he would love to go". Cade showed up with his new pole and a net and was exited to get on the water.
When I hooked into the northern, Cade grabbed his net and was ready. With a little direction from myself he netted the fish like a pro. We did have a little problem later on when Cade dropped his new pole overboard in about ten feet of water. After a few tense moments and a few shed tears I was able to get the pole back into the boat. He was very relieved to have his new pole back in hand.
Fishing was not great today, but we both had a good time.
day 160, 9-25-09
9-25-2009 Fri
Day 160-205 to go
6:45AM – 7:25AM
Weather: ESE6, cloudy, 65°, 30.11 rising
Water conditions: 3.21’ steady, .603 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Crappies, (2) 7&8", Jig and Plastic
2. Bluegills (10) 7,7,7,7,6,7,7,6,6,7 " Jig and Worm
Area fished
Fishing Partners
With a change of weather on the horizon the fish were very aggressive. The bluegills were relating to a sand drop with current.
Day 160-205 to go
6:45AM – 7:25AM
Weather: ESE6, cloudy, 65°, 30.11 rising
Water conditions: 3.21’ steady, .603 kcfs, ?°, clear
Fish caught
1. Crappies, (2) 7&8", Jig and Plastic
2. Bluegills (10) 7,7,7,7,6,7,7,6,6,7 " Jig and Worm
Area fished
Fishing Partners
With a change of weather on the horizon the fish were very aggressive. The bluegills were relating to a sand drop with current.
day 159, 9-24-09
9-24-2009 Thr
Day 159-206 to go
6:00PM – 7:15PM
Weather: SSW3, partly cloudy, 71°, 30.12 steady
Water conditions: 639.32’ steady, 11.4 kcfs, 70°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 27", 6:25PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 15", 7:10PM, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-man made islands area
Fishing Partners
I did catch a few fish, but fish activity was really non-existent!
Day 159-206 to go
6:00PM – 7:15PM
Weather: SSW3, partly cloudy, 71°, 30.12 steady
Water conditions: 639.32’ steady, 11.4 kcfs, 70°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 27", 6:25PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 15", 7:10PM, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-man made islands area
Fishing Partners
I did catch a few fish, but fish activity was really non-existent!
day 158, 9-23-09
9-23-2009 Wed
Day 158-207 to go
5:30PM – 7:00PM
Weather: W5, overcast, 76°, 30.13 falling
Water conditions: 639.35’ steady, 12.0 kcfs, 74°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 29", 6:15PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 15", 6:19PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 13", 6:47PM, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-man made islands area
Fishing Partners
Well, I am still determined to catch pike. I did not do too well tonight on either pike or bass. I did learn that the fish are really relating to the eel grass. In fact, they are right in the stuff. Now, I just need to figure out the best way to fish them without getting a ball of weeds on the end of my line. I did have limited success with a Chug Bug, but it is a weed catcher. I also tried a fluke but the fish showed no interest in it.
Day 158-207 to go
5:30PM – 7:00PM
Weather: W5, overcast, 76°, 30.13 falling
Water conditions: 639.35’ steady, 12.0 kcfs, 74°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 29", 6:15PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 15", 6:19PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 13", 6:47PM, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-man made islands area
Fishing Partners
Well, I am still determined to catch pike. I did not do too well tonight on either pike or bass. I did learn that the fish are really relating to the eel grass. In fact, they are right in the stuff. Now, I just need to figure out the best way to fish them without getting a ball of weeds on the end of my line. I did have limited success with a Chug Bug, but it is a weed catcher. I also tried a fluke but the fish showed no interest in it.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
day 157 9-22-09 Tue
9-22-2009 Tue
Day 157-208 to go
5:30PM – 7:00PM
Weather: Calm, Fog/Mist, 67°, 29.99 rising
Water conditions: 639.31’ steady, 9.19 kcfs, 69°, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 13", 5:40PM, Spinner Bait
2. Northern, 27", 5:55PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 11", 6:00PM, Swim Jig
4. LMB 12", 6:19PM, Swim Jig
5. Northern 25", 6:37PM, Spinner Bait
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-dredge holes
Fishing Partners
This evening was very dark and dreary. The area I fished tonight was the dredge holes on the lake. I really have not caught much here this year, but I thought tonight would be different. I also figured with the weather conditions as they were fishing might be good.
I did catch some fish, but the action and size was rather poor. One thing I did see was lots of pan fish along the drops. I just may have to target them in the future.
Day 157-208 to go
5:30PM – 7:00PM
Weather: Calm, Fog/Mist, 67°, 29.99 rising
Water conditions: 639.31’ steady, 9.19 kcfs, 69°, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 13", 5:40PM, Spinner Bait
2. Northern, 27", 5:55PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 11", 6:00PM, Swim Jig
4. LMB 12", 6:19PM, Swim Jig
5. Northern 25", 6:37PM, Spinner Bait
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska-dredge holes
Fishing Partners
This evening was very dark and dreary. The area I fished tonight was the dredge holes on the lake. I really have not caught much here this year, but I thought tonight would be different. I also figured with the weather conditions as they were fishing might be good.
I did catch some fish, but the action and size was rather poor. One thing I did see was lots of pan fish along the drops. I just may have to target them in the future.
day 156 9-21-09 Mon
9-21-2009 Mon
Day 156-209 to go
5:40PM – 7:00PM
Weather: S5, overcast, 70°, 29.92 falling
Water conditions: 639.32’ steady, 9.37kcfs, 71°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 31", 6:00PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 11", 6:55PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 16", 7:00PM, Swim Jig
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska, Dakota
Fishing Partners
The game plan tonight was to see if I could catch some of the pike I had seen yesterday. Well, I did alright for myself. I did only catch one pike, but I missed several others. I still am having a hard time with my hook-up percentages.
Day 156-209 to go
5:40PM – 7:00PM
Weather: S5, overcast, 70°, 29.92 falling
Water conditions: 639.32’ steady, 9.37kcfs, 71°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern, 31", 6:00PM, Spinner bait
2. LMB 11", 6:55PM, Swim Jig
3. LMB 16", 7:00PM, Swim Jig
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska, Dakota
Fishing Partners
The game plan tonight was to see if I could catch some of the pike I had seen yesterday. Well, I did alright for myself. I did only catch one pike, but I missed several others. I still am having a hard time with my hook-up percentages.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
day 155, 9-20-09 Sun
9-20-2009 Sun
Day 155-210 to go
7:15AM – 12:30PM
Weather: SW3, clear, 68°, 30.10 falling (11:00AM)
Water conditions: 639.34’ steady, 9.75kcfs, 68°, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 12", 8:55AM, Swim Jig
2. Northern, 18", 9:15AM, Swim JIg
3. SMB 9", 9:55AM, Senko
4. Crappie 10", 11:10AM, Jig
5. Crappie 7", 11:13AM, Jig
6. LMB 11", 12:01 PM, Senko
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska, back sloughs and Trempeleau Lakes area
Fishing Partners
Terry C
My fishing
My partner for the day was Terry Campbell and old co-worker and friend. To say fishing was a non-event would be putting it mildly; it down right sucked. We fished hard and tried many different spots and had very limited success. We did see several large pike follow our baits, but they were not active enough to want our offerings.
Day 155-210 to go
7:15AM – 12:30PM
Weather: SW3, clear, 68°, 30.10 falling (11:00AM)
Water conditions: 639.34’ steady, 9.75kcfs, 68°, clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 12", 8:55AM, Swim Jig
2. Northern, 18", 9:15AM, Swim JIg
3. SMB 9", 9:55AM, Senko
4. Crappie 10", 11:10AM, Jig
5. Crappie 7", 11:13AM, Jig
6. LMB 11", 12:01 PM, Senko
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska, back sloughs and Trempeleau Lakes area
Fishing Partners
Terry C
My fishing
My partner for the day was Terry Campbell and old co-worker and friend. To say fishing was a non-event would be putting it mildly; it down right sucked. We fished hard and tried many different spots and had very limited success. We did see several large pike follow our baits, but they were not active enough to want our offerings.
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