Sunday, December 25, 2011

12-21-2011 Wed

12-21-2011 Wed
2:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Weather: Calm, clear, 41˚, four inches of ice
Location: Fort McCoy – North Flowage
Bagged/caught: Approx. 30 bluegills (kept 10 nice gills, two bass 14 and 12 inches

Partners: Scott


Scott and I made the trip to the North Flowage of McCoy today. I was hoping to get some decent size bass on tip-ups; however we only caught a fourteen incher on the tip-ups. The action on both the jig poles and the tip ups was very slow. But then around the last thirty minutes of light the fish became very active. I drilled many, many holes, but had very little action until the sun was far in the western sky. I never marked many fish on the locator nor did Scott see many on the Marcum camera.
However near the end of the day, it was hard to keep the fish off the hook. The locator was always filled with fish and the fish were very active. I feel the fish were always there; however they were not very active until the end of the day.


The ice thickness was around four good inches of ice. The fish that I kept and cleaned were very heavily peppered with the black parasite spots.

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