Sunday, May 20, 2018


5-20-18 10:45am-8:30pm with Scott
Where/What: Mississippi River pool 8 bass and pike fishing
Weather: Rain to sun, 54-64º 29.96 falling
H20: 63º, 8.22 falling, clear, 71 kcfs
Caught: Lots of bass and pike with a few dog fish and two small mouth bass caught by Scott

Observations: The water is still relatively high below the dam. Some of the trees are still flooded. Lily pads are starting to rest on the surface but other than that there is not much aquatic growth in this area.

The fishing was quite good today. The fish count between the two of us easily exceeded fifty fish, with the majority being large mouth bass. Numbers wise between the two of us we were pretty close to being even. Scott pretty much stayed with a chatter bait all day, whereas I changed up quite often. My two go to baits were an in line mepps spinner and a swim jig.


5-19-18 Lake Onalaska backwaters Pool 7, myself 730am-130pm
Weather: (1153) calm, overcast, 75º, 29.86 rising
H20: ?º, 8.5 falling, clear, 74 kcfs
Caught: A fair number of pike, 3 LMB, kept 4 pike, 1 LMB and 1 bluegill
Observations: The lilac and apple tree blooms are winding down. The river is rapidly falling and is extremely shallow behind my house. The aquatic vegetation is well under way.

My goal today was to catch some bluegills for and upcoming fish fry. It did not take me too long to realize that was an unreasonable goal. After about twenty minutes of fishing for gills I decided to concentrate on bass and pike. This fishing was not great but at least I did have some success.


5-17-18 Black River cat fishing with Scott 6pm-11pm
Weather: (1853) E10, clear, 79º, 30.01 rising
H20: ?º, 37.78 falling, clear, 1.58 kcfs
Caught: Bait and one channel cat (Scott)
Observations: The Black river had a little bit too much current for my liking. The mosquitoes and some other type of after dark nat size fly were incredible abundant and horrible.

The first cat fishing outing of the season was not a total bust, but it was not good either. Scott caught one channel cat and he had a couple of other bites. I believe our quarry the flat head catfish has not gotten active yet after a long winter of slumber.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


5-15-18 Lake Onalaska backwaters Pool 7, myself 715pm-830pm
Weather: (1953) W5, clear, 73º, 29.96 falling
H20: ?º, 9.21 falling, clear, 81 kcfs
Caught: Nothing
Observations: The apple trees and the tulips are both blooming. Seems a little odd as the tulips are usually early bloomers. The aquatic vegetation has just exploded in the last several days.

It was a brief after work fishing excursion. I had finished mowing the lawn for the first time this year and I still had daylight. I never did boat a fish. I did have about a half dozen feeble bites but the only fish I hooked was a dog fish and with one out of the water head shake it was gone. Honestly that did not bother me too much.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

5-11 thru 5-13-2018

5-11 thru 5-13–18 Mississippi River near Nelson, WI. Myself and Norm along with Scott, Tom, Andy, Jeremy, Eon, Colton, Dean and Adain.
Weather: From 37º - 58º, rain to overcast with mostly light to calm winds
H20: 54-58º, 11.03 to 10.64 falling, clear, 72 kcfs
Caught: Lots of pike and a few Large mouth bass. Scott had the biggest pike at a whopping 39.5”
Observations: The lilacs and the apple trees are starting to bloom. I did not see any submerging or emergent plant growth. There were lots of dead rice beds from the previous summer that caused some difficult fishing in some areas.

It was our annual spring fling pike fest, and this year did not disappoint. All fishermen caught an ample amount of the toothy critters. The weather was quite chilling and long underwear were in order everyday. The cold temperatures did not seem to effect the aggressiveness of our quarry.
Friday night I took some of the guys on a dinner and booze road trip. Scott had a case of self induced alcohol indigestion. I was happy the next morning that I was the sober driver that night.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


5-8-18 Lake Onalaska backwaters, myself 6pm-715pm
Weather: (1853) S6, clear, 78º, 29.92 falling
H20: ?º, 11.48 falling, clear, 114 kcfs
Caught: 2 , 2 LMB and 1 dog fish
Observations: The pear and plum trees are blooming and the apple trees cannot be too far off. The lily pads in the sheltered bays are now on the surface.

I had told Karen I was going to exercise for thirty minutes ( fish). I hit the exercising a little harder than I had planned, I guess exercising is not so bad! The river is my gym and playground, especially this time of year when the bass and pike are so easy to come by. It is so amazing how quickly things change on the river. Just two days ago I was fishing the same spots with Scott and we had very good action. Tonight I caught some fish, but it was no where near as good as it was then. In fact one of the best spots we had fished and did well at held no fish tonight.

Monday, May 7, 2018


5-7-18 Lake Onalaska backwaters, myself 6pm-830pm
Weather: (1853) W8, clear, 81º, 30.01 falling
H20: ?º, 11.77 falling, clear, 120 kcfs
Caught: 8 pike and 7 LMB
Observations: My red bud tree has started to bloom and I encountered my first mosquito of the season.

Another after work fishing trip is here and gone. Fishing was again very good. I had an even mixture of pike and bass. I had taken four pre-rigged poles with different baits, but I only needed to use the old reliable spinner bait.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


5-6-18 Lake Onalaska backwaters with Scott, 5:15-8:30pm
Weather: (1753) clear, N16 G23, 75°, 30.07 rising
H20: 62°, clear, 11.9’ falling, 124,000kcfs
Caught: Me: 20, approx. 15 pike and 4LMB and 1 dogfish
Scott: 18, approx. 11 pike and 7 LMB
Observations: My red bud tree is about to bloom and dandelions are blooming. I did see a few lily pads in the back bays. They have not yet reached to surface but they are trying.

The weather tonight was again great. I did notice the insects are starting to show up, sure doesn’t take life long to start up once winter has passed. The trip tonight was very good! The pike were very aggressive and numerous. The fish we caught were mostly in that 26-28 inch range. The biggest pike was a 32 incher that I had caught last Thursday. How do I know it was the same fish you might ask? Well its head was a different shade of green/olive than a normal fish; it had a yellow tinge to it. Also on top of its back near its head was a round wound from where I had removed a lamprey just a few days prior. I caught all my fish on an inline spinner and spinner bait. Scott caught his on a spinner bait and swim bait.


5-5-18 Genoa backwaters with Norm Jambois, 2pm-7pm
Weather: (1553) clear, NE5, 82°, 29.93 steady ↓
H20: 62°, clear, 631.72↑, 133,000kcfs
Caught: one LMB apiece
Observations: Everything is flooded in the backwaters. The trees are starting to leaf out. The rhubarb in the backyard is the size of a small washtub and the red bud tree is close to blooming.

The weather was beautiful today, although it was actually hot on the water on account of a lack of any sort of breeze. A good friend Norm and myself were scouring the backwaters in search of bass and pike. We were targeting area just south of the spillway on the Iowa side of the river. Fishing was very unproductive; to say it was slow was an understatement. I never have very good success during periods of flooding. When there are several feet of water in the trees there is just an unlimited amount of areas where those fish can be. I just have not been able to figure out how to catch them in those conditions. The only dry ground in the area was either along the railroad tracks or the dike of the dam. The amount of eagle’s nests in this area is just incredible. I would have to say we saw at least twenty of them.


5-3-18 Lake Onalaska back waters, myself, 1730-1930
Weather: (1753) rain, calm, 67°, 29.82 ↓
H20: °?, clear, 12↑, 124,000kcfs
Caught: approx 6 pike and 3 bass
Observations: Spring has finally started, the magnolia tree are in bloom

It was an after work trip to the stump fields close to the house. The fish I did catch were in a shallow back bay with an absence of current. It has been a very late spring this year and none of the trees have started to leaf out.