Thursday, October 4, 2012

9-29-12 Sat

9-29-2012 Sat 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
calm, sunny, 79˚
4.59 steady, -999 kcfs, 58 ˚, clear
Mississippi river pool 7
4 LMB 10 – 13”


I started out fishing mid – morning, with the assumption that I would come back in around 3 and go back out towards evening. I was able to do the first part, but I never did get back out again that evening.
I stayed on and explored Lake Onalaska and it was once again the Dead Sea as it has been all summer. The lake in front of Clear Water resort and the dredge holes by Shaffer’s was exceptionally clear. I was actually doing some advanced spring bass scouting on account of the clarity. I was able to see the bottom in twelve feet of water and every time I saw a stump I entered the way point in my GPS.
I caught and was actually able to see bass in and along the weed edges by Shaffer’s, but they were all mostly small. I did go back into the dredge holes by Fishermen’s Road, but the water was relatively green and I did not catch anything.


The water clarity on the lake in front of Clearwater Resort and Shaffer’s is amazingly clear. There are also a few clumps of rice on the lake in front of Clearwater this summer, and that is the first that I have ever seen it there.

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