Monday, November 12, 2012


10-28-2012 Sun 6:30 AM – 6:15 PM
Nice 35 ˚ AM 50 ˚ PM, light winds, clear
Jeremy Pank’s near Strum


It was only my second bow hunting outing of the season, and I made a day of it. Jeremy has been telling me he has been seeing lots of deer and that I should come up and hunt. I met him in his driveway before sunup with a game plan that I had hatched last year. I planned on hunting the ridge just to the south of his house. I had walked this area the previous year, and at that time I thought it looked promising.
I got to the top of the hill well before daylight and since I only knew the general area I wanted to hunt I waited for daylight to find my stand location. I got my tree steps attached to the tree and was just about to start the process of hanging my stand when off to my left about thirty feet away I saw it; the competitions tree stand. Not wanting to hunt next to someone else, I made the decision to find a new spot.
I moved to a spot to the east of the power lines and was set up and hunting about one hour after daylight. I did not see any deer during the first hour, but between 9 and 10:30 I saw eleven. I did not see anything huge, but I did have a fairly decent buck come within about forty yards of me. I also did have a small buck pass within about ten yards of my stand location.
In the afternoon I set up on the opposite side of the road and never did see a deer. Last year there was lots of sign on the west side of the road, but this year it was not very abundant. My theory was that there were no acorns here this year, and thus the deer were not staying in the area either.


I did not observe any real chasing activities, but from the reports that I have heard, it has started.

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