Sunday, May 19, 2013

5-18-13 Sat

5-18-2013 Sat (am) 10 -12 myself // (pm) 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM Will & Leasel

(1053) calm, sunny, 69 ˚, 30.01 steady// (1653) S12, sunny, 82 ˚, 29.88 falling
8.38 falling, 75.4 kcfs, 65 - 70 ˚, clear to dingy
Mississippi River Pool 7
Myself (am) approx. 4 LMB and 4 pike///Will approx. 2 LMB and 2 pike, Leasel 1 LMB and 1 pike
Will and Leasel


In the am I went out and did some pre-scouting for a guided trip this afternoon. I went up to the big marsh area of Trempealeau and found a good number of pike and bass holding along the edges of dead canes.
In the pm I met up with Will and Leasel and we headed up to the Big Marsh area of Trempealeau. We found a fish or two here and there but we did not have a lot of action. In the evening towards the end of the trip we headed back to the upper reaches of the stump fields closer to the landing and we did have a little flurry of activity at the end. I was disappointed in the number of fish that were caught, but if we would have caught every fish that was hooked today would have done been pretty well. Will and Leasel moved from Oregon to Rochester about one year ago and have never experienced the beauty of the back waters of the Mississippi River. I believe they were impressed just as I am each and every day I am on its waters.


The water is still dropping rather quickly, and the water temperate continues to go up. My red bud tree is in full bloom and the dandelions are blooming, but my lilacs are still not blooming.

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