Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6-16-13 Sun

6-16-2013 Sun. 3:30 PM – 10:30 PM

(1853) NW6, clear, 81 ˚, 29.87 steady
8.19 falling, 73.9 kcfs, dingy, 75 ˚
Mississippi R. pool 7
approx. 20 LMB 12 – 19”, approx... 8 SMB 13 – 16”, 1 – 13” walleye, 4 bluegills, 1 perch, 1 crappie, 1 – 20” pike, 1 – 20 lb. flat head.


I started out bluegill fishing so I would have enough bait to go flat head fishing. I pretty much hit areas out on the lake, and it was tough. I did get some pan fish here and there, but it was a definite struggle.
I did try trolling for walleyes for about ten minutes and I caught one little one. I was targeting the back sloughs and trolling areas that averaged about six feet deep. It was pretty hard trolling on account of all the floating weeds and grass. Most of this debris is caused by the morons with the hyper drive motors that have to go blazing through anywhere there is enough water to float a boat.
For about the last hour of light I bass fished up in the big marsh area, and it was pretty much spectacular. The bass were feeding heavily on pike fry and there was a feeding frenzy happening. The go to bait was a small Pop-R.
Finally I ended the evening with about forty minutes of flat head fishing. I hooked a decent fish right away, but it got caught up in a snag, and I could not move it. I could tell the fish was still on, but it was tangled on the underwater object. I had three options: break the line, pull up the anchors and try to float over the snag and free the fish, or let it untangle itself. I went for the later and after about twenty minutes it had worked itself free and I was able to land it.

There are a ton of pike minnows in the back waters and the bass are heavily feeding on them. There is beginning to be lots of wild rice popping up in the back waters, but other types underwater vegetation seems to be sparse.

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