Sunday, August 25, 2013

8-25-13 Sun.

8-25-2013 Sun. 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Weather: (1253) S17, G25, clear, 91˚. 30.07 falling
Water: 4.88 steady, 7.76 kcfs, 77-81 ˚, green to clear
Location: Mississippi river pool 7
Caught: LMB approx. 12 up to 19”, SMB (3) 12-13”, pike 6 up to 34”, crappies (6) 8”
Partners: none


It was my day to do some backwaters game fishing. I expected to catch some LMB, but I was very surprised as to how active the pike were. I had great action on both bass and pike. I even got a little crappie fishing in on a snag up by the spillway.
The bass and pike hit swim jigs, buzz baits, frogs and Senko’s. The small mouths hit Senko’s and crank baits. I started out fishing the gadwall hole and headed north from there. I pretty much found fish everywhere. The frog bite was very good, and it accounted for my largest couple of bass. I was surprised at one spot I frog fished at. It was very shallow and scummy and I did not think there would be a bass anywhere near here, but I managed to catch two and missed several others. The cover over the water was not duck weed but that scummy looking moss, which made it even more surprising that I caught a bass here.


The water is quite low and if it gets much lower it is going to get difficult to navigate the back waters. The rice out from the cut is in full bloom, but the rice up by Trempealeau is not.

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