Day 127-238 to go
Weather: SE5, clear, 67°, 30.04 rising
Water conditions: 639.9 falling, 22.1kcfs, 72° clear
Fish caught
1. Bluegills 6-7” (5) jig and crawler
2. LMB 10", Senko
3. LMB 14", Senko
4. Flat head approx 7 lb, bluegill
5. Flat head approx 10 lb, bluegill
Area fished
Pool 7
Fishing Partners
Troy and I decided to go flathead fishing tonight. It had been some time since either of us had gone, so we were out testing the waters. We started the night with the chore of bait catching, and that went relatively easy. The next part of the night was bass fishing. We each caught a couple, but it was not fantastic.
The final part of the night was the flat head fishing, and this was the good portion. We combined for seven flat heads, with the largest one weighing in at twenty-six pounds. I just may have to get out again before the fall season gets here.
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