Day 130-235 to go
Weather: E7, Clear, 72°, 30.12 steady
Water conditions: 639.81’ steady, 20.4kfs, 69°, muddy
Fish caught
SMB 15”, 7:40PM, Chug Bug
LMB 10". 7:45PM, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7
Fishing Partners
It was a brief fishing excursion with the neighbor Cade. After about forty-five minutes I thought we were going to be fishless. Then, I decided it was time to hit the old reliable fishing hole. I was pretty amazed at Cade. Even though we went quit some time with no action, he never complained or gave up.
But when I hooked into the first fish of the night, did he ever come to life! It was great to see him get so pumped up. After I hooked two fish and let him real them in he decided it was time to do it all for himself. So I gave him my pole and let him prove himself. It wasn't three casts later that he hooked and landed his own bass. I can see him becoming quit a fisherman.
Just a little observation: I believe the panfish are starting to come off the main channel areas and move into the backwater spots.
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