Day 113-252 to go
Weather: E 6, mostly cloudy, 84°, 29.79 rising
Water conditions: 639.84 rising, 28.7kcfs, 78° clear
Fish caught
1. SMB 18.5", 5:55am, Chug Bug
2. LMB 13.5", 6:02am, Chug Bug
3. LMB 17.0", 6:05am, Chug Bug
4. SMB 19.5", 6:09am, Chug Bug
5. LMB 15.5", 6:12am, Chug Bug
6. LMB 16.5", 6:18am, Chug Bug
Area fished
Pool 7 Lake Onalaska
Fishing Partners
Today I had lots going on and a very small window for fishing. I actually got on the water before sunrise, which has to be a first for me. It was great seeing and hearing the marsh come to life: the lone quack of the lost mallard, the obnoxiously raucous call of the sand hill cranes, and the unmistakable putrid dead fish smell of the pelicans all added to the moment.
Fishing was non-existent before daylight illuminated the calm dark surface of the water.
Then steadily and more frequently baitfish began their daily survival routine. These batfishes’ were breaking the waters surface in a desperate attempt to elude the jaws of their pursuers.
Fishing was good, very good. Oh what a way to start the day!
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