Day 112-253 to go
7:15 PM-8:35 PM
Weather: E 6, mostly cloudy, 84°, 29.79 rising
Water conditions: 639.84 rising, 28.7kcfs, 78° Clear
Fish caught
1. LMB 13", 7:17pm, Swim Jig
2. Northern 22", 7:23 pm Swim Jig
3. LMB 16.5", 7:26pm, Swim Jig
4. LMB 13.0", 7:53pm Chug Bug
5. LMB 15.0", 7:54pm Chug Bug
6. SMB 19.0", 8:05pm, Chug Bug
7. LMB 16.5", 8:24pm, Spinner Bait
Area fished
Pool 7 Lake Onalaska
Fishing Partners
Awesome, awesome, awesome, that is how I would describe the fishing on the Mississippi. After a week absence from the river I did not know what the fishing would be like. And, I was not disappointed with the bounty of the Mississippi. The fish were still relating to weed lines with some current, and they were very aggressive.
It was great to be back to what I missed: the smell of the river, the steady hum of the millions of emerging winged insects, and the occasional birds I could hear calling in the distance, and the fantastic fishing. Yes I was back where I belonged.
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