Sunday, June 17, 2012

6-14-12 Thr

6-14-2012 Thr
6:30 PM – 10:15 PM
Weather: NE 20 G 30, thunder storm, 70˚, 29.97 rising
Water: 7.63 falling, 66.5 kcfs, 75 ˚, cloudy
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: LMB (10) 10 – 17”, pike (4) 18 - 19”, Bluegills and perch (bait)
Partners: myself and Scott


The trip last night was very interesting. I was concerned about the possibility of storms, but the weather reports stated no storms till after 1am. The trip started out with a pretty rough ride on the main channel on account of some very strong south winds. The first priority was catching some pan fish for the flat head fishing we were going to do after dark. This task proved very easy with both perch and bluegills being readily available and some nice sized one to boot.
Next on the trip agenda was largemouth bass. This again proved quite easy and fun. Tonight was the first time this season for top water frog action, and it was a blast. The bass easily succumbed to both frogs and swim jigs.
Finally the third leg of the trip was flat head fishing, and this is where the weather deteriorated rapidly. As we were finishing up with our slop bass fishing we could see some rather impressive lightning far to the north. A quick glance of the radar showed some nasty looking storms to the north and one little band of showers heading our way. Before we even got to our flat head spot, we were donning rain gear and preparing for a brief shower. Poles were baited with lively bluegills and cast to their respective spots. We caught one flat head about 10 pm, with the rain never letting up. A quick look at the radar now showed plenty of yellows and greens overcoming us with no relief in sight. Then the wind kicked in from the east and it was decided to head to in the safety of the landing. Once we left the shelter of the sloughs we were greeted with some rather impressive waves and practically no visibility from the horizontal rain out on the big lake. I was very thankful I had a twenty foot boat and that my side imaging unit had GPS with some past trails on it. Weather wise I have definitely had some challenges this year, but I am hopeful the thunderstorm season will mellow out.


The weather has started to try my patience. We have had high water, wind and rain, I am getting frustrated. I told Scott I am going to have to quit fishing and become a gamer!

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