Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12-1 thru 12-5 2015

12-1 thru 5 -2015 Up to the cabin Muzzleloader hunting and hare hunting with Jake and his friend Cory and Dick and my beagle Zeta.

Weather: The weather was decent, we had about one inch of snow cover and the highs were around 30 degrees

Location: Moose Junction, WI

Bagged: one grouse and two snow shoe hares

It was suppose to be a muzzleloader and hare-hunting trip with Jake, but to my disdain it didn’t turn out that way. It was Jakes idea to come up muzzleloader hunting and hare hunting and I thought that sounded like a good idea. I did have some spare vacation to burn and why not use it on hunting trip. Well when I get there on Tuesday I find out Jake and his buddy Cory are hard- core trapping. With them spending most of their free time trapping it does not leave much if any time for us to muzzle load hunt and hare hunt together. If Dick would not have come up I would not have even gotten a chance to muzzle load hunt.
I did get some grouse and hare hunting in. We all hunted hares on Friday and it did not go too good. Jakes dog Lucky acquired a nose for deer last year and he continued on with the deer chasing this year. In a half-day of hare hunting we had two deer chases and at least one of the chases but probably both could be attributed to Lucky.
I never really blame a dog for bad behavior; it is mostly the owners’ responsibility to correct bad or mis-guided behavior in their dog. I had done some deer breaking on Zeta this fall, but of course Jake had done none with his dog Lucky. I am thinking Jake and I are not too compatible as hunting partners and anyway I usually prefer to do most of my hunting alone.

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