Day 323-42 to go
3-7-10 Sun
Weather: NNE4, mostly cloudy, 47°, 30.07 steady
H2O: 639.56' falling, 16.7 kcfs, 22", clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Half-Way Creek and
the areas south of
1. Crappies (15) 7-13", Lil Cecil, minnows (kept 7)
2. Bluegill (7) 5-7", Rat Finkee
3. Perch (5) 8-11", Minnows (kept 2)
Ty and Chris
I met Ty and his friend Chris out on the lake this afternoon. for some late season hard-water fishing. The fishing was not fantastic, but we did catch some fish. I did have much better action before Ty and Chris showed up and started drilling holes all around me. I am convinced that this definitely scares the fish off.
The most and best action came off my tip-downs baited with a minnow. I really enjoy this type of fishing. The fish I caught and kept were sent home with Ty so he and his family could have a good meal of panfish.
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