Day 332-33 to go
3-16-2010 Tue
Weather: NNW8, partly cloudy, 58°, 30.15, steady
H2O: 642.5' rising, 60 kcfs, 10", cloudy h20
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Fisherman's Road
1. Bluegills (18) 4-7" orange rocker with red worm
I do believe I am done ice fishing for the season. In order to reach the ice today I had to employ the aid of waders and walk about twenty feet through knee deep water. Then once I did get to the ice a delicate step was necessary to avoid going through soft spots.
The water was cloudy here but the current was absent. The bite was not too bad, except for the small size of the fish it was a good evening. Most remnants of snow are all but gone except for a disintegrating pile here or there. Ducks and geese are once again populating open water areas on the river. When I stand outside after dark I can hear the migrating waterfowls wingbeats in the still, crisp night.
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