Day 330-35 to go
3-114-10 Sun
Weather: N3, partly cloudy, 63°, 29.96, rising
H2O: 5.94' rising, 41.3 kcfs, 15", clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 4 and 5 - Pontoon Slough and Monson's
1. Perch 7", orange rocker
2. Bluegills (15) 6-9", orange rocker (kept 7)
3. LMB 12 & 13", orange rocker
Jake T.
We left the north country at mid morning and headed for my home waters: the mississippi River. We were taking a chance on there being enough ice to support our slight weight. It did not take too long to determine Pontoon slough had no fish, so we packed our gear and headed south.
The next spot was Monson's. I had heard good things about this location all year, so now I was about to prove or disprove everything I had heard. It started out very slow, but steadily improved as the sun faded towards those western hills. The numbers were not fantastic, but the size was. I was disappointed I had not ventured this way north earlier in the season. I know for certain this and Robinson's Lake in Wabasha will be on my list next year.
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