Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 18, 2016 Mon.

April 18, 2016 Mon. 6-830PM-bass and pike fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7 stump fields and mid lake areas
Weather: (1653) S8, mostly cloudy, 80°, 30.16
H2O: 6.46↓, 51 kcfs, 67 °, clear
Caught: 15 LMB 12-17”, 2 pike 20-25”, 1-20” dogfish

Observations: The tree buds are starting to pop and the bulb plants are profusely blooming. In certain areas there is lots of submergent plant growth. That same type of weed is littered all over the surface in some areas. I don’t know if it is because boat props had cut it or if it had just broken off from the main plant and floated to the surface. Also, I observed a pod of carp out on the lake spawning!
The fishing was not quite as hot as it was last night, but it was still good. I caught some of the bass where I caught them last night, but they were not there in the numbers as last night. As far as the pike fishing goes, it has not been good as of yet. I either have not been able to locate them or they just aren’t very active yet.

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