Wednesday, July 25, 2018


7-22-18 6am-2pm
Where/What: Mississippi R. pool 8 company bass fishing with co-worker Kevin Potts as my partner
Weather: Partly sunny to sunny, 81º, light winds
H20: 81º, mostly clear, 10 falling
Caught: Lots of LMB’s mostly between 12-13”, we weighed in four legal LMB’s

Observations: The river is still pretty high, and some of the lower lying woods are still flooded. This pool does not have the abundance of wild rice as there is on pool 7.

It was my first company bass tournament and actually the second annual. I was fishing with a co worker that had very little fishing experience. He did very well for himself, he ended up catching two or the four keepers that we weighed in. I caught a lot of bass but most were in the 12-13 inch range. We did get second in the tournament and ended up earning $100 for our efforts. After the fish weigh in we had a nice little get together and picnic.

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