9-5-14 Fri. Fishing Bear lake with Jeremy, Colton, Eon and myself 6-8PM
Weather: 66°, calm, clear
Where: Bear lake
Caught: Colton: 21" pike
I took Jeremy and his two boys out fishing tonight. The only reels and poles I had were bait casters, so lessons were in order before we hit the water. We started out with a few practice casts in the cabin yard, then we move to the lake.
We did have a few backlashes, but the boys did real well for their first experience with bait casters. Colton was the only one to catch a fish, but Eon and I had a strike or two.
The lake water is dark and very high. The wild rice is completely around the lake but it is not ripe.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
9-4-14 Thr
9-4-14 Thr. myself, bear hunting Moose Junction 4-7PM
Weather: 70°, calm, humid
Where: About one mile in on Fall road
Bagged: 229 male black bear
I could not decide where to hunt tonight, but I did finally settle on Fall road. The wind was out of the right direction or there was no wind most of the time. I was also afraid there would be more human activity in the vicinity to this bait tomorrow, so both of these factors were the overriding reason I hunted this spot tonight.
I was in the tree and ready to hunt shortly after 4PM. About 6:10PM I heard a bear behind me and saw it several minutes later. The bear was very nervous and came to the back side of the tree that I was perched in. It laid right below me for about a minute while trying to catch a scent of the intruder in the tree. The bear got up shortly after lying down and circled around to the front side of the bait and hung up about ten yards from the bait.
The bear finally got within a few feet of the bait, but still would not commit. It would sit down and then stand up. This happened several time, with it continuously trying to either catch a warning or an assurance scent.
Finally around 6:30PM the bear came to the bait and started eating. It took another few minutes for the bear to relax and give me the opportunity for a lethal shot. I was about twenty yards away and about fifteen feet up in a tree from the bear. I shot the bear perfectly in the chest as he was extending out his closest front leg to paw at the bait . The arrow passed completely through and I could actually see blood, fat and air escape through the two wounds.
The bear bolted off and I could hear it stop about fifteen yards away. I heard labored breathing and gurgling for about fifteen seconds. Then came the death moans, or I should say they were more like death wails. There was probably close to ten series of these wails. It was really quite sad. I was both elated and sad. Elated because I knew the bear was no longer alive and the recovery would be simple. But it was also quite sad to listen to this beautiful, majestic animal announce to all living things within hearing distance that its life was over!
Jeremy's son Eon also got his bear tonight. He got it behind the barn around 7PM and it weighed an impressive 269 lbs.
The area is quite saturated with all the recent rains. The path back to the cabin is quite rutted and wet. All five of the baits have been getting cleaned out daily. I believe baiting for the past four consecutive days before the opening of the season really made a difference.

Weather: 70°, calm, humid
Where: About one mile in on Fall road
Bagged: 229 male black bear
I could not decide where to hunt tonight, but I did finally settle on Fall road. The wind was out of the right direction or there was no wind most of the time. I was also afraid there would be more human activity in the vicinity to this bait tomorrow, so both of these factors were the overriding reason I hunted this spot tonight.
I was in the tree and ready to hunt shortly after 4PM. About 6:10PM I heard a bear behind me and saw it several minutes later. The bear was very nervous and came to the back side of the tree that I was perched in. It laid right below me for about a minute while trying to catch a scent of the intruder in the tree. The bear got up shortly after lying down and circled around to the front side of the bait and hung up about ten yards from the bait.
The bear finally got within a few feet of the bait, but still would not commit. It would sit down and then stand up. This happened several time, with it continuously trying to either catch a warning or an assurance scent.
Finally around 6:30PM the bear came to the bait and started eating. It took another few minutes for the bear to relax and give me the opportunity for a lethal shot. I was about twenty yards away and about fifteen feet up in a tree from the bear. I shot the bear perfectly in the chest as he was extending out his closest front leg to paw at the bait . The arrow passed completely through and I could actually see blood, fat and air escape through the two wounds.
The bear bolted off and I could hear it stop about fifteen yards away. I heard labored breathing and gurgling for about fifteen seconds. Then came the death moans, or I should say they were more like death wails. There was probably close to ten series of these wails. It was really quite sad. I was both elated and sad. Elated because I knew the bear was no longer alive and the recovery would be simple. But it was also quite sad to listen to this beautiful, majestic animal announce to all living things within hearing distance that its life was over!
Jeremy's son Eon also got his bear tonight. He got it behind the barn around 7PM and it weighed an impressive 269 lbs.
The area is quite saturated with all the recent rains. The path back to the cabin is quite rutted and wet. All five of the baits have been getting cleaned out daily. I believe baiting for the past four consecutive days before the opening of the season really made a difference.
9-3-14 Wed
9-3-14 Wed myself, bear hunting Moose Junction about one mile south of cabin. 4-5PM.
Weather: 70°, calm, started raining hard about 5PM
Where: About one mile south of the cabin off the logging road
Bagged: nothing
It was the first day of bear hunting and when I left for the woods and I was pretty certain I would not be getting a full evening hunt in. I was right; after about an hour the rain started falling quite hard and I left the stand for the comforts of the cabin and a mojito alcoholic drink.
It is very wet in the woods. The mosquitoes are present but not unbearable.
Weather: 70°, calm, started raining hard about 5PM
Where: About one mile south of the cabin off the logging road
Bagged: nothing
It was the first day of bear hunting and when I left for the woods and I was pretty certain I would not be getting a full evening hunt in. I was right; after about an hour the rain started falling quite hard and I left the stand for the comforts of the cabin and a mojito alcoholic drink.
It is very wet in the woods. The mosquitoes are present but not unbearable.
9-2-14 Tue
9-2-14 Tue 6-8PM myself musky fishing
Weather: 72°, sunny, N10
H2O: 72°, clear
Where: Amicon Lake
Caught: 1-21" pike and 1-38" musky
It was my second trip to Amicon and I caught my first musky on it. The musky was caught on a Top Raider after sunset. The fish just crushed the bait. The fish was in shallow water with lots of submergent vegetation.
The water is quite dark, but clear and there is abundant weed growth. The south end also had plenty of wild rice, with many ducks coming into and out of as I was fishing.
Weather: 72°, sunny, N10
H2O: 72°, clear
Where: Amicon Lake
Caught: 1-21" pike and 1-38" musky
It was my second trip to Amicon and I caught my first musky on it. The musky was caught on a Top Raider after sunset. The fish just crushed the bait. The fish was in shallow water with lots of submergent vegetation.
The water is quite dark, but clear and there is abundant weed growth. The south end also had plenty of wild rice, with many ducks coming into and out of as I was fishing.
9-1-14 Mon
9-1-14 Mon 5-8PM bass and pike fishing at cabin, myself
Weather: N10, clear, 72°
H2O: High, 72°, clear
Where: Bear track lake and the Gilmore Chain of Lakes
Caught: 1-12" LMB Bear Track, smaller LMB and pike on the Gilmore Chain
I fished Bear Track lake for about an hour and caught one bass, the water was high but clear.
I then moved to the Gilmore lakes and fished all three till dark. I caught smaller LMB and pike on all three lakes. Lower Gilmore had dingy water with lots of lily pads. Middle was deep and clear with submergent weeds around the sides. Upper was also clear but shallow and it also had lots of lilly pads.
The water levels were high on account of all the rain the past couple of days.
Weather: N10, clear, 72°
H2O: High, 72°, clear
Where: Bear track lake and the Gilmore Chain of Lakes
Caught: 1-12" LMB Bear Track, smaller LMB and pike on the Gilmore Chain
I fished Bear Track lake for about an hour and caught one bass, the water was high but clear.
I then moved to the Gilmore lakes and fished all three till dark. I caught smaller LMB and pike on all three lakes. Lower Gilmore had dingy water with lots of lily pads. Middle was deep and clear with submergent weeds around the sides. Upper was also clear but shallow and it also had lots of lilly pads.
The water levels were high on account of all the rain the past couple of days.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
8-23-14 Sat
8-23-2014 Sat 6PM - 1AM Scott and Myself
Weather: (2153), SE6, clear, 78°, 29.94↔
H2O: 5.44↑, 37 kcfs, 76°, green
Where: Mississippi R. upper pool 7
Caught: Bait, Me: 2 flats 8&35 lbs Scott: 2 flats 21 & 23 lbs
It was an early action night for us tonight. All the fish and the majority of the bites came in the first hour at our first spot. Our second spot produced a couple of lack luster bites but no fish. I am not sure if that was on account of it being a bad spot, or on account of our limited supply of bait and the size of that bait being in the jumbo category.
The rice is really starting to tassel and I think I was smelling it while cat fishing tonight.
Weather: (2153), SE6, clear, 78°, 29.94↔
H2O: 5.44↑, 37 kcfs, 76°, green
Where: Mississippi R. upper pool 7
Caught: Bait, Me: 2 flats 8&35 lbs Scott: 2 flats 21 & 23 lbs
It was an early action night for us tonight. All the fish and the majority of the bites came in the first hour at our first spot. Our second spot produced a couple of lack luster bites but no fish. I am not sure if that was on account of it being a bad spot, or on account of our limited supply of bait and the size of that bait being in the jumbo category.
The rice is really starting to tassel and I think I was smelling it while cat fishing tonight.

8-22-14 Fri
8-22-2014 Fri 530PM - 1AM
Weather: (2153), N6, clear, 76°, 29.97↑
H2O: 5.42↑, 37 kcfs, 76°, fairly green
Where: Mississippi R. middle pool 7
Caught: Bait, Me: 2 flats 8&27 lbs Ryan: 3 flats 5,8 & 50 lbs
It was the big flat tourney night and Ryan and I won it with a fifty pound flat. We had good action all night with five fish making it to our hands. We got a total of twelve bites, which made for an action packed night. Ryan caught the big fish of the night, but I just had to get a picture of myself holding such an impressive sized fish.
The flats seem to be on the main channel areas that have submerged wood. We fished depths between twelve and twenty-five feet.

Weather: (2153), N6, clear, 76°, 29.97↑
H2O: 5.42↑, 37 kcfs, 76°, fairly green
Where: Mississippi R. middle pool 7
Caught: Bait, Me: 2 flats 8&27 lbs Ryan: 3 flats 5,8 & 50 lbs
It was the big flat tourney night and Ryan and I won it with a fifty pound flat. We had good action all night with five fish making it to our hands. We got a total of twelve bites, which made for an action packed night. Ryan caught the big fish of the night, but I just had to get a picture of myself holding such an impressive sized fish.
The flats seem to be on the main channel areas that have submerged wood. We fished depths between twelve and twenty-five feet.

8-21-14 Thr
8-21-2014 Thr 6PM - 8PM
Weather: (21530, SE8, partly cloudy, 77°, 29.87↔
H2O: 5.47↓, 37.5 kcfs, 76°, fairly green
Where: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Shoe Slough
Caught: Bluegills and a few crappies
I have a small flat head fishing tournament on Friday, and I was out tonight pre-fishing for potential bluegill spots. I fished about a half dozen spots and found concentrations of bluegills in about three spots. All the fish seem to be relating to heavy timber with some current and depth also being a key ingredient.
The water by the boat landing is quite clear, but the main river areas are fairly green.
Weather: (21530, SE8, partly cloudy, 77°, 29.87↔
H2O: 5.47↓, 37.5 kcfs, 76°, fairly green
Where: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Shoe Slough
Caught: Bluegills and a few crappies
I have a small flat head fishing tournament on Friday, and I was out tonight pre-fishing for potential bluegill spots. I fished about a half dozen spots and found concentrations of bluegills in about three spots. All the fish seem to be relating to heavy timber with some current and depth also being a key ingredient.
The water by the boat landing is quite clear, but the main river areas are fairly green.
Monday, August 18, 2014
8-16-14 Sat
8-16-2014 Sat 1PM - 8PM
Weather: overcast, 74°, calm to 10-15 NW
H20: Bear: stained, 74°, St Croix Flowage: clear and weedy, 75°
Where: Bear Track lake and St Croix Flowage
Caught: Bear Track: 1 musky 28", 2 small pike, St Croix Flowage: small pike and small LMB
I was up north bear baiting and I decide to pull my small boat up and leave it there through bear season. Troy and I fished two lakes on Saturday: Bear Track and the St Croix Flowage.
Bear Track is my old reliable musky lake, and it did not disappoint this time either. Although the Musky and the pike were small at least I caught a musky. I have a suspicion the lake is getting lots of pressure.
We then fished the St Croix Flowage till dark and had fairly good action about the last hour of daylight. All the fish we caught were fairly small.
Bear Track has the most rice I have ever seen on it; the lake is completely ringed with it and very few lily pads are visible. The St Croix Flowage is very weed choked and it has rice on the Eastern side.
Weather: overcast, 74°, calm to 10-15 NW
H20: Bear: stained, 74°, St Croix Flowage: clear and weedy, 75°
Where: Bear Track lake and St Croix Flowage
Caught: Bear Track: 1 musky 28", 2 small pike, St Croix Flowage: small pike and small LMB
I was up north bear baiting and I decide to pull my small boat up and leave it there through bear season. Troy and I fished two lakes on Saturday: Bear Track and the St Croix Flowage.
Bear Track is my old reliable musky lake, and it did not disappoint this time either. Although the Musky and the pike were small at least I caught a musky. I have a suspicion the lake is getting lots of pressure.
We then fished the St Croix Flowage till dark and had fairly good action about the last hour of daylight. All the fish we caught were fairly small.
Bear Track has the most rice I have ever seen on it; the lake is completely ringed with it and very few lily pads are visible. The St Croix Flowage is very weed choked and it has rice on the Eastern side.
8-13-14 Wed.
8-13-2014 Wed 7PM - 1115PM
Weather: calm, clear, 62°
H20: 5.3↔, 35 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait, 2 flat heads 17 & 22 lbs
I was a loner tonight cat fishing. Bait catching was a little difficult on account of I stopped at a friends houseboat and had a beer with him, which limited my time in which to catch bait. I did catch some bait, but most of the bluegills and the one crappie were of the magnum size.
The first spot produced one fish before I had all three poles out. The same thing happened with the second spot. It seemed if the fish were there they were going to bite. I was planning on keeping a couple of fish for future meals, but both were too big to kill.
Weather: calm, clear, 62°
H20: 5.3↔, 35 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait, 2 flat heads 17 & 22 lbs
I was a loner tonight cat fishing. Bait catching was a little difficult on account of I stopped at a friends houseboat and had a beer with him, which limited my time in which to catch bait. I did catch some bait, but most of the bluegills and the one crappie were of the magnum size.
The first spot produced one fish before I had all three poles out. The same thing happened with the second spot. It seemed if the fish were there they were going to bite. I was planning on keeping a couple of fish for future meals, but both were too big to kill.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
8-10-14 Sunday
8-10-2014 Sun. 9AM - 11AM
Weather: E5, clear, 75°, 30.13 ↔
H20: 5.57↔, 39 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 2 LMB 13 & 16"
Yesterday I never left the house on account of a nasty cold, so I was going stir crazy and had to get out for at least a little while. I had a game plan in my head before I started, but that was soon shot to hell as soon as I saw everyone else had the same plan. I did some exploring a caught some fish, but all in all it was quite dismal.
The river is starting to get the late summer scum look!
Weather: E5, clear, 75°, 30.13 ↔
H20: 5.57↔, 39 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 2 LMB 13 & 16"
Yesterday I never left the house on account of a nasty cold, so I was going stir crazy and had to get out for at least a little while. I had a game plan in my head before I started, but that was soon shot to hell as soon as I saw everyone else had the same plan. I did some exploring a caught some fish, but all in all it was quite dismal.
The river is starting to get the late summer scum look!
8-7-14 Thursday
8-7-2014 Thr. 6 - 1115 PM, myself and Adam W.
Weather: E6, clear, 74°, 30.03 ↑
H20: 5.59↓, 39 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7, lower end
Caught: Bait, 1 flat heads 8lbs.
I was fishing with my friend Adam tonight. The fishing was not very good, we had several bites but only connected with one. The one fish we did catch was at a new spot down by the dam.
Weather: E6, clear, 74°, 30.03 ↑
H20: 5.59↓, 39 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7, lower end
Caught: Bait, 1 flat heads 8lbs.
I was fishing with my friend Adam tonight. The fishing was not very good, we had several bites but only connected with one. The one fish we did catch was at a new spot down by the dam.
8-5-14 Tuesday
8-5-2014 Tue. 7 - 1130 PM, myself and Troy
Weather: calm, clear, 60°
H20: 5.7↓, 40 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait, 4 flat heads 2 - 15lbs.
It was a flat head fishing trip with my friend Troy. Bait catching was relatively easy in the sloughs and we did manage to boat four fish. We did not catch anything big, but it was still a pretty good night.
The wild rice has really sprung up, but none of it has tasseled yet.
Weather: calm, clear, 60°
H20: 5.7↓, 40 kcfs, 79°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait, 4 flat heads 2 - 15lbs.
It was a flat head fishing trip with my friend Troy. Bait catching was relatively easy in the sloughs and we did manage to boat four fish. We did not catch anything big, but it was still a pretty good night.
The wild rice has really sprung up, but none of it has tasseled yet.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
8-3-14 Mon
8-3-2014 6 - 830 PM, myself
Weather: (1653) W9, clear, 84°, 30.05 steady
H20: 5.7↓, 36.1 kcfs, 80°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 6 LMB 15-17", 1 SMB 13", 4 pike 22 - 32"
It was a Sunday evening fishing trip and I was targeting bass. Even though I was fishing bass, I also caught plenty of pike. The largest pike in particular gave me a great thrill. The first time I saw it the fish had come completely out of the water when it tried to ambush my frog. On the next cast it was not quite so fortunate when it successfully grabbed the frog and I set the hook on it.
I used two baits tonight: a white frog and a swim jig. Each bait accounted for about half of the fish each.
The summer high water has filled in many portions of the back waters. It has also done considerable damage to the many islands.
Weather: (1653) W9, clear, 84°, 30.05 steady
H20: 5.7↓, 36.1 kcfs, 80°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 6 LMB 15-17", 1 SMB 13", 4 pike 22 - 32"
It was a Sunday evening fishing trip and I was targeting bass. Even though I was fishing bass, I also caught plenty of pike. The largest pike in particular gave me a great thrill. The first time I saw it the fish had come completely out of the water when it tried to ambush my frog. On the next cast it was not quite so fortunate when it successfully grabbed the frog and I set the hook on it.
I used two baits tonight: a white frog and a swim jig. Each bait accounted for about half of the fish each.
The summer high water has filled in many portions of the back waters. It has also done considerable damage to the many islands.

8-2-2014 Sat
8-2-2014 myself
Weather: (2053) calm, clear, 75°, 30.08 rising
H20: 5.76↓, 36.6 kcfs, 80°, semi clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: bait: bluegills and one crappie, 15 lb flat head
It was my first day back from vacation at Hayward and as tradition dictates when I get home I have to go out fishing to catch something. It is always nice to get back to the home waters.
Both the bluegills and the flat heads were utilizing the the wooded areas for both cover and food. The rock areas along the main channel were pretty much void of and bluegills. The deep scour hole areas along the main channel were also not holding any flatheads.
The reduced flow summer time conditions are starting to emerge with the exception of the bluegills on the rocks and the flat heads in the deep scour hole areas.
Weather: (2053) calm, clear, 75°, 30.08 rising
H20: 5.76↓, 36.6 kcfs, 80°, semi clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: bait: bluegills and one crappie, 15 lb flat head
It was my first day back from vacation at Hayward and as tradition dictates when I get home I have to go out fishing to catch something. It is always nice to get back to the home waters.
Both the bluegills and the flat heads were utilizing the the wooded areas for both cover and food. The rock areas along the main channel were pretty much void of and bluegills. The deep scour hole areas along the main channel were also not holding any flatheads.
The reduced flow summer time conditions are starting to emerge with the exception of the bluegills on the rocks and the flat heads in the deep scour hole areas.
7-27 through 8-1-2014 Treelands
7-27 through 8-1-2014 myself
Weather: Pleasant, average high 75°, some rain storms, generally light winds
H20: east side clear, west side some algae bloom, 72º
Where: Chippewa Flowage, Hayward, WI
Caught: large mouth bass, 1 small mouth bass, pike, one 25" musky
It was once again our family vacation time at Treelands Resort. Treelands is located on the Chippewa Flowage and about twenty minutes east of Hayward, Wisconsin.
The fishing was tough all week. I mainly targeted large mouth bass and pike, with a little musky fishing thrown in. The only pattern that developed was that the bass were not shallow and I did not know where they were.
I did take Brandon Swenson and his fried Dalton out one night casting. Dalton had never fished much before and he was excited when he caught a crappie on a crank bait. I also took a friend out that I had met at the resort. His name was Andy and he was from Rockford Illinois. Andy caught two pike and one crappie and I caught nothing.
This year I also booked a guided river float trip for muskies and small mouth bass. We were guided by Jason from West Fork Guide Service. I was also accompanied by my brother in law Dwayne Swenson. The fishing was not great, but the experience was enjoyable.
The flowage is pretty full of water and there are not too many exposed sand beaches. The water was pretty clear and the mill foil is almost non-existent this year.
Weather: Pleasant, average high 75°, some rain storms, generally light winds
H20: east side clear, west side some algae bloom, 72º
Where: Chippewa Flowage, Hayward, WI
Caught: large mouth bass, 1 small mouth bass, pike, one 25" musky
It was once again our family vacation time at Treelands Resort. Treelands is located on the Chippewa Flowage and about twenty minutes east of Hayward, Wisconsin.
The fishing was tough all week. I mainly targeted large mouth bass and pike, with a little musky fishing thrown in. The only pattern that developed was that the bass were not shallow and I did not know where they were.
I did take Brandon Swenson and his fried Dalton out one night casting. Dalton had never fished much before and he was excited when he caught a crappie on a crank bait. I also took a friend out that I had met at the resort. His name was Andy and he was from Rockford Illinois. Andy caught two pike and one crappie and I caught nothing.
This year I also booked a guided river float trip for muskies and small mouth bass. We were guided by Jason from West Fork Guide Service. I was also accompanied by my brother in law Dwayne Swenson. The fishing was not great, but the experience was enjoyable.
The flowage is pretty full of water and there are not too many exposed sand beaches. The water was pretty clear and the mill foil is almost non-existent this year.
7-25-2014 Friday
7-25-2014 (430-615PM) myself
Weather: (1753) S12, mostly cloudy, 78°, 29.83 steady
H20: 6.81↓, 51 kcfs, 76°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 2 LMB 14 & 15"
It was a quick outing before the start of our vacation in Hayward on Saturday. I was fishing for LMB in the slop using a rubber frog. I caught the two bass, missed several others and missed one pike.
The water is receding quickly and the clarity is starting to return. The weed growth out on the main lake is really starting to kick in.
Weather: (1753) S12, mostly cloudy, 78°, 29.83 steady
H20: 6.81↓, 51 kcfs, 76°, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 2 LMB 14 & 15"
It was a quick outing before the start of our vacation in Hayward on Saturday. I was fishing for LMB in the slop using a rubber frog. I caught the two bass, missed several others and missed one pike.
The water is receding quickly and the clarity is starting to return. The weed growth out on the main lake is really starting to kick in.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
7-23-14 Wed
7-23-2014 myself, Dick, Nora and Ike
Weather: (1853) NW9, clear, 80°, 30.14 steady
H20: 7.18↓, 56 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bluegills, catfish, carp, suckers, drum, small mouth bass
My brother Dick requested that I take him and his grand kids Nora and Ike out fishing, so I graciously agreed. From the smiles on their faces and the giggles in their voices I would have to say they had a good time.
We started out fishing for panfish and that was slow. we then went bottom fishing and we caught a multitude of different fish. Nora's main goal was to catch a catfish for a fish fry and we caught two for her to take home. Ike really enjoyed reeling in the fish and was a little hoggish on the bites. Nora seemed to enjoy other people catching fish even more than herself, which was very nice to see.
There was no sign of any fish flies tonight. The river continues to recede and the rice is starting to stand up.
Weather: (1853) NW9, clear, 80°, 30.14 steady
H20: 7.18↓, 56 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bluegills, catfish, carp, suckers, drum, small mouth bass
My brother Dick requested that I take him and his grand kids Nora and Ike out fishing, so I graciously agreed. From the smiles on their faces and the giggles in their voices I would have to say they had a good time.
We started out fishing for panfish and that was slow. we then went bottom fishing and we caught a multitude of different fish. Nora's main goal was to catch a catfish for a fish fry and we caught two for her to take home. Ike really enjoyed reeling in the fish and was a little hoggish on the bites. Nora seemed to enjoy other people catching fish even more than herself, which was very nice to see.
There was no sign of any fish flies tonight. The river continues to recede and the rice is starting to stand up.
7-21-14 Mon
7-21-2014 myself, Norm and Riley Jambois
Weather: (2153) SE9 overcast 83°, 29.93 falling
H20: 7.89↓, 64 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: all: bluebills, Riley: 3 flat heads 8-14 lbs.
I had a request from my old friend norm to take him and his daughter out flat head fishing. How could I refuse! From a past outing with Riley I knew she had a passion for fishing, and I can truthfully say that fire is still burning.
Riley got to handle all the flat head bites, and she did a good job of it. We had good action and three fish made it boat side.
The river is finally in good shape for flat head fishing. We were easily able to anchor on a main side channel next to the main navigation channel. A major fish fly hatch was taking place this evening out on the man made islands.
Weather: (2153) SE9 overcast 83°, 29.93 falling
H20: 7.89↓, 64 kcfs, 77°, fairly clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: all: bluebills, Riley: 3 flat heads 8-14 lbs.
I had a request from my old friend norm to take him and his daughter out flat head fishing. How could I refuse! From a past outing with Riley I knew she had a passion for fishing, and I can truthfully say that fire is still burning.
Riley got to handle all the flat head bites, and she did a good job of it. We had good action and three fish made it boat side.
The river is finally in good shape for flat head fishing. We were easily able to anchor on a main side channel next to the main navigation channel. A major fish fly hatch was taking place this evening out on the man made islands.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
7-18 through 7-20-14
7-18 through 20-2014 myself, Jeremy, Eon, Colton P. and Hilliard
Weather: Pleasant, sunny 72 - 78°
Where: Moose Junction, WI
It was a weekend of establishing and checking bear bait stations. We put a total of five out and had three get hit. We also ran bear with dogs on Saturday night with Pete. I could write a book on that expedition.
The woods are not as wet as a person would have imagined, but the mosquitoes and deer flies are quite bad.
Weather: Pleasant, sunny 72 - 78°
Where: Moose Junction, WI
It was a weekend of establishing and checking bear bait stations. We put a total of five out and had three get hit. We also ran bear with dogs on Saturday night with Pete. I could write a book on that expedition.
The woods are not as wet as a person would have imagined, but the mosquitoes and deer flies are quite bad.
7-16-14 Wed FRITZ
7-16-2014 Wed 2PM-9PM myself
Weather: N5, sunny, 76˚
Water: 8.83 ↓ 79kcfs, 72˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 7 Big Lake and Lake O.
Caught: Approximately 10LMB 12-19", 3 pike 22-26"
Today was a sad day of fishing, on account it was grief day. Fritz my faithful bird dog, hunting companion and buddy could no longer get around very well and life was becoming a burden on him. It is a very hard and emotional decision to end your dogs life, but a person usually waits too long and the dog needlessly suffers.
I got Fritz from my brother Dick when he was about three years old. His first two and one half years were spent with a wealthy family from the Chicago area. I am sure he probably spent the majority of his time cooped up in a portable kennel. Apparently Fritz was too wild for them and they sent him back to the kennel where he came from. Dick knows the owner of the kennel and that is where he came into the picture, he took Fritz hoping he could make a good bird dog out of him. Dick cared for him and trained him for about a year. I took Fritz up to he cabin one week in the fall and we never parted company after that.
I was very impressed by his pointing and hunting instinct; he had drive. Of course we had a few discipline issues from time to time, but we both worked through it. Fritz accounted for lots of ducks, grouse, woodcock, and pheasants. He even hunted coon and one fall and he recovered a bear that I had shot with my bow. Ducks were Fritz's favorite. He especially showed his displeasure when I missed, he would bark and get wild when the duck flew off unscathed.
In Fritz's later years he calmed down enough to make the move into the house from the outside kennel. This move did not happen overnight though, we had many instances where he made himself unwelcome in the house. Once he made the permanent move he was always underfoot or within sight of Karen or myself. Fritzy, buddy you are sadly missed but not forgotten.
The topwater action was pretty good tonight. The frog coaxed a lot of the bass out of their lairs. I did try one of my small mouth spots along the channel over on the Minnesota side but I did not catch a fish.
The high water is receding quickly and the rice is starting to stand up. There is a lot less aquatic vegetation this year, particularly the lily pads.

Weather: N5, sunny, 76˚
Water: 8.83 ↓ 79kcfs, 72˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 7 Big Lake and Lake O.
Caught: Approximately 10LMB 12-19", 3 pike 22-26"
Today was a sad day of fishing, on account it was grief day. Fritz my faithful bird dog, hunting companion and buddy could no longer get around very well and life was becoming a burden on him. It is a very hard and emotional decision to end your dogs life, but a person usually waits too long and the dog needlessly suffers.
I got Fritz from my brother Dick when he was about three years old. His first two and one half years were spent with a wealthy family from the Chicago area. I am sure he probably spent the majority of his time cooped up in a portable kennel. Apparently Fritz was too wild for them and they sent him back to the kennel where he came from. Dick knows the owner of the kennel and that is where he came into the picture, he took Fritz hoping he could make a good bird dog out of him. Dick cared for him and trained him for about a year. I took Fritz up to he cabin one week in the fall and we never parted company after that.
I was very impressed by his pointing and hunting instinct; he had drive. Of course we had a few discipline issues from time to time, but we both worked through it. Fritz accounted for lots of ducks, grouse, woodcock, and pheasants. He even hunted coon and one fall and he recovered a bear that I had shot with my bow. Ducks were Fritz's favorite. He especially showed his displeasure when I missed, he would bark and get wild when the duck flew off unscathed.
In Fritz's later years he calmed down enough to make the move into the house from the outside kennel. This move did not happen overnight though, we had many instances where he made himself unwelcome in the house. Once he made the permanent move he was always underfoot or within sight of Karen or myself. Fritzy, buddy you are sadly missed but not forgotten.
The topwater action was pretty good tonight. The frog coaxed a lot of the bass out of their lairs. I did try one of my small mouth spots along the channel over on the Minnesota side but I did not catch a fish.
The high water is receding quickly and the rice is starting to stand up. There is a lot less aquatic vegetation this year, particularly the lily pads.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
7-13-14 Sun
7-13-2014 Sun 5PM-630PM myself
Weather: (1753) W14, clear, 79˚, 29.90 ↓
Water: 9.64 ↓ 87.3kcfs, 72˚, dirty
Where: mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 1 perch 4", 1 bluegill 6"
The plan was to go out and catch a pile of bluegills, but guess what fishing sucked. The wind was howling and the water was dirty. I did not give the fishing much of a chance; I was just so discussded with the conditions both today and the past month or so.
The river is once again getting dirty on account of all the rain we had yesterday. The only bright spot I am seeing as a result of all the high water is the milfoil and the wild rice does not seem as prolific this year.
Weather: (1753) W14, clear, 79˚, 29.90 ↓
Water: 9.64 ↓ 87.3kcfs, 72˚, dirty
Where: mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 1 perch 4", 1 bluegill 6"
The plan was to go out and catch a pile of bluegills, but guess what fishing sucked. The wind was howling and the water was dirty. I did not give the fishing much of a chance; I was just so discussded with the conditions both today and the past month or so.
The river is once again getting dirty on account of all the rain we had yesterday. The only bright spot I am seeing as a result of all the high water is the milfoil and the wild rice does not seem as prolific this year.
7-12-14 Sat
7-12-2014 Sat 9AM-4PM myself and Scott
Weather: (1353) S9, heavy rain, 70˚, 29.99 ↓
Water: 9.86 ↓ 90.4kcfs, 72˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 8, Stoddard
Caught: Me: 9 bass, 2 pike, Scott: 13 bass, 2 pike, 1 eye, 1 white bass
I was hoping for an all day fishing trip today, but the weather cut those plans short. The morning started out with good action on both small mouths and large mouths. The best action came south of Stoddard fishing the rocks with stick baits. In the early afternoon we took a little lunch and beer break over at the Shell Horn bar just south of Brownsville. Once back on the water we were greeted with rain showers and downpours. we called the day short around 4PM on account of the rain and the nasty north west wins.
The current is still ripping along the channels and combined with all the floating weeds, fishing is rather difficult in areas of current. The water around the Stoddard bay is relatively clear, but over on the Minnesota side it is very dingy.
Weather: (1353) S9, heavy rain, 70˚, 29.99 ↓
Water: 9.86 ↓ 90.4kcfs, 72˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 8, Stoddard
Caught: Me: 9 bass, 2 pike, Scott: 13 bass, 2 pike, 1 eye, 1 white bass
I was hoping for an all day fishing trip today, but the weather cut those plans short. The morning started out with good action on both small mouths and large mouths. The best action came south of Stoddard fishing the rocks with stick baits. In the early afternoon we took a little lunch and beer break over at the Shell Horn bar just south of Brownsville. Once back on the water we were greeted with rain showers and downpours. we called the day short around 4PM on account of the rain and the nasty north west wins.
The current is still ripping along the channels and combined with all the floating weeds, fishing is rather difficult in areas of current. The water around the Stoddard bay is relatively clear, but over on the Minnesota side it is very dingy.
7-10-14 Thr
7-10-2014 Thr 730PM-1115PM myself and Adam W.
Weather: (2153) S7, clear, 76˚, 30.06 ↑
Water: 10.6 ↓ 103kcfs, 74˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait: bluegills, crappie, perch, rock bass, no flat heads
It was another big zero night fishing for the flat heads. I think that makes three outings in a row with neither a flat head or a channel cat coming boat side.
The only bright spot of the night was catching bait. That task was rather easy off the main made islands out in the lake.
The river is still roaring and quite dingy. The crops around the area are looking really on account of all the rain. I have even seen a large field of sweet corn that has started to tassel.
Weather: (2153) S7, clear, 76˚, 30.06 ↑
Water: 10.6 ↓ 103kcfs, 74˚, dingy
Where: mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Bait: bluegills, crappie, perch, rock bass, no flat heads
It was another big zero night fishing for the flat heads. I think that makes three outings in a row with neither a flat head or a channel cat coming boat side.
The only bright spot of the night was catching bait. That task was rather easy off the main made islands out in the lake.
The river is still roaring and quite dingy. The crops around the area are looking really on account of all the rain. I have even seen a large field of sweet corn that has started to tassel.
Monday, July 7, 2014
7-6-14 Sun
7-6-2014 Sun 4PM-9PM myself
Weather: (1853) thunderstorms in vicinity, E5, 80˚, 29.67 ↓
Water: 36.6 steady, .781kcfs, 72˚, semi clear
Where: Black River Flowage, Black River Falls, WI
Caught: 3 small mouths 12-16", no muskies
Today was another exploratory trip around the Black River Falls area. I was targeting both muskies and small mouth bass. I did not have any success on the muskies, but I did catch a few smallies.
This body of water was extremely beautiful, especially the upper portions where it was shallow and there were no dwellings. From the landing I headed upstream until it got too shallow for a normal boat, then I went upstream another half mile. All the bass I caught came upstream of the railroad bridge. The only muskie action I had was a possible follow (wake) that happened in the shallow upstream area.
This flowage is not very wide but it is fairly deep and protected by high rocky banks. The scenery is very beautiful and very pristine in the upper shallow stretches.
Weather: (1853) thunderstorms in vicinity, E5, 80˚, 29.67 ↓
Water: 36.6 steady, .781kcfs, 72˚, semi clear
Where: Black River Flowage, Black River Falls, WI
Caught: 3 small mouths 12-16", no muskies
Today was another exploratory trip around the Black River Falls area. I was targeting both muskies and small mouth bass. I did not have any success on the muskies, but I did catch a few smallies.
This body of water was extremely beautiful, especially the upper portions where it was shallow and there were no dwellings. From the landing I headed upstream until it got too shallow for a normal boat, then I went upstream another half mile. All the bass I caught came upstream of the railroad bridge. The only muskie action I had was a possible follow (wake) that happened in the shallow upstream area.
This flowage is not very wide but it is fairly deep and protected by high rocky banks. The scenery is very beautiful and very pristine in the upper shallow stretches.

7-3-14 Thr
7-3-2014 Thr. 730PM-1130PM myself and Scott
Weather: W5, clear, 75˚
Water: 13.32 falling, 165kcfs, 74˚, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: Bait: bluegills, no flat heads
Scott had the idea for a flat head fishing trip and I went along with it. I had told myself a couple of days earlier that I was not going to go out flat head fishing again until the river stage was below ten feet. But, an invite change that attitude.
I was not expecting to catch any flat heads, and that is exactly what happened. Scott did have one bite, but he missed that fish. We were able to catch our bait out on the man made islands, and we were thankful for that.
The river has finally crested and is now slowly receding. The destruction out on the islands from all the high water is easily visible in the form of all the new trees that are in the process or have already fallen into the swollen river.
Weather: W5, clear, 75˚
Water: 13.32 falling, 165kcfs, 74˚, dingy
Where: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: Bait: bluegills, no flat heads
Scott had the idea for a flat head fishing trip and I went along with it. I had told myself a couple of days earlier that I was not going to go out flat head fishing again until the river stage was below ten feet. But, an invite change that attitude.
I was not expecting to catch any flat heads, and that is exactly what happened. Scott did have one bite, but he missed that fish. We were able to catch our bait out on the man made islands, and we were thankful for that.
The river has finally crested and is now slowly receding. The destruction out on the islands from all the high water is easily visible in the form of all the new trees that are in the process or have already fallen into the swollen river.
Monday, June 30, 2014
6-29-14 Sun
6-29-2014 Sun 130PM-9PM myself and Scott
Weather: (1755) S9, light rain with storms in area, 73˚
Water: stained but clear, 74˚
Where: Potters Flowage, Black River Falls, WI
Caught: Me: 1 LMB 12", 1 Musky 25", Scott: 2 LMB 14"
It was an exploratory trip to Potters Flowage in Jackson County. This body of water is stocked with muskies, plus it also has some LMB. From the results of our fishing I would almost have to say it is easier to catch muskies than Large Mouth bass. I threw everything and anything at the bass and only caught one. Scott was able to catch two and both his and my fish came off Senko type worms.
I did catch the only musky of the day and that was caught on a yellow and orange buck tail. I also lost a pretty decent size one on the same bait. It is probably a good thing the big musky got off, because I had forgotten to bring a net. Scott had no musky action at all.
This is nice remote body of water with lots of structure. The largemouth bass are very hard to come by, but they muskies seem to be abundant. We saw four other boats musky fishing, so I think the lake gets lots of musky fishing pressure.
Weather: (1755) S9, light rain with storms in area, 73˚
Water: stained but clear, 74˚
Where: Potters Flowage, Black River Falls, WI
Caught: Me: 1 LMB 12", 1 Musky 25", Scott: 2 LMB 14"
It was an exploratory trip to Potters Flowage in Jackson County. This body of water is stocked with muskies, plus it also has some LMB. From the results of our fishing I would almost have to say it is easier to catch muskies than Large Mouth bass. I threw everything and anything at the bass and only caught one. Scott was able to catch two and both his and my fish came off Senko type worms.
I did catch the only musky of the day and that was caught on a yellow and orange buck tail. I also lost a pretty decent size one on the same bait. It is probably a good thing the big musky got off, because I had forgotten to bring a net. Scott had no musky action at all.
This is nice remote body of water with lots of structure. The largemouth bass are very hard to come by, but they muskies seem to be abundant. We saw four other boats musky fishing, so I think the lake gets lots of musky fishing pressure.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
6-25-14 Wed
6-25-2014 Wed 6PM-830M myself
Weather: (1853) NW10, clear, 79˚, 29.88 rising
Water: 12.23 rising, 138 kcfs, 76˚, clear to dirty with lots of floating debris
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 1 pike 22", 1 LMB 14"
It is very hard to get motivated and go out and fish the river during these high water conditions, but I cannot go to long without fishing so I just had to get out. With the conditions as they were I figured if I caught a fish it would be a bonus, I actually had two bonuses.
I started out fishing the lower stretches of the Black River near Hammond Chute and had absolutely no luck there. the last area I fished was Lake O and I caught a pike at Ashley Point and a bass on the norther most island. Both fish were caught on a buzz bait.
The water is very high and getting higher and my dock is totally submerged. There are quite a few big bunches of cattails floating around on the lake; they look like tiny islands and are about the size of large bathtubs.
Weather: (1853) NW10, clear, 79˚, 29.88 rising
Water: 12.23 rising, 138 kcfs, 76˚, clear to dirty with lots of floating debris
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: 1 pike 22", 1 LMB 14"
It is very hard to get motivated and go out and fish the river during these high water conditions, but I cannot go to long without fishing so I just had to get out. With the conditions as they were I figured if I caught a fish it would be a bonus, I actually had two bonuses.
I started out fishing the lower stretches of the Black River near Hammond Chute and had absolutely no luck there. the last area I fished was Lake O and I caught a pike at Ashley Point and a bass on the norther most island. Both fish were caught on a buzz bait.
The water is very high and getting higher and my dock is totally submerged. There are quite a few big bunches of cattails floating around on the lake; they look like tiny islands and are about the size of large bathtubs.
Monday, June 23, 2014
6-21-14 Sat.
6-21-2014 Sat. 1PM-130AM myself, Pete and Todd
Weather: (2353) calm, clear, 66˚, 29.90 steady
Water: 11.4 rising, 120 kcfs, 76˚, dirty with lots of floating debris
Where: Mississippi R. pool 8
Caught: All: bait, Pete: 2 lb. channel cat
It was the second day of flat head fishing with Pete and Todd and my confidence level was very low. Today I was changing it up a bit by fishing the La Crosse area and pool eight.
I had brought some bait casters along so we could start out fishing bass and pike. We started out fishing Lawrence Lake, mainly because I thought the water would be a little cleaner down there. The water was cleaner but the fish did not cooperate.
we then headed north and caught our bait for the evening in Dresbach Bay. The bluegill fishing was pretty good there, but the bait was much bigger than I like to have for this early in the year.
After catching an ample supply of bait we docked at one of the bars on French Island so we could quench our thirst and fill our bellies.
We fished till 1:30AM again, but this time we had nothing to show for our efforts. We never even had a bite!
The water is very high, dirty and fast and there was an enormous amount of weeds and debris fouling our lines.
Weather: (2353) calm, clear, 66˚, 29.90 steady
Water: 11.4 rising, 120 kcfs, 76˚, dirty with lots of floating debris
Where: Mississippi R. pool 8
Caught: All: bait, Pete: 2 lb. channel cat
It was the second day of flat head fishing with Pete and Todd and my confidence level was very low. Today I was changing it up a bit by fishing the La Crosse area and pool eight.
I had brought some bait casters along so we could start out fishing bass and pike. We started out fishing Lawrence Lake, mainly because I thought the water would be a little cleaner down there. The water was cleaner but the fish did not cooperate.
we then headed north and caught our bait for the evening in Dresbach Bay. The bluegill fishing was pretty good there, but the bait was much bigger than I like to have for this early in the year.
After catching an ample supply of bait we docked at one of the bars on French Island so we could quench our thirst and fill our bellies.
We fished till 1:30AM again, but this time we had nothing to show for our efforts. We never even had a bite!
The water is very high, dirty and fast and there was an enormous amount of weeds and debris fouling our lines.
6-20-14 Fri.
6-20-2014 Fri. 7-130AM myself, Pete and Todd
Weather: (2353) SE5, clear, 73˚, 29.89 falling
Water: 10.9 rising, 110 kcfs, 76˚, muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bait, Pete: 15 lb. flat head
I had a couple friends from the Baldwin area down for the weekend flat head fishing. We have always talked about them coming down to fish but this was the first time that we were to do it. Our original plans were for them to come down in July, but because they are big bear hunters and they hunt bear every year, June just was a better choice. However, it sure was not the best choice for fishing flats. With the water being extremely high, I knew it wold be tough.
Our first spot was the best and only spot that we had any action at. Pete caught the one 15 pound flat and Todd missed one. Our two spots after that were a total bust.
When we got back to the landing Scott was waiting for us. He had also been out fishing with a buddy and they got three, but he was not there to tell us that. Someone had ran into the fender on his trailer and bent the bracket into the tire, and he was unable to move the trailer on account of this. Luckily Pete was along and with his ingenuity he was able to rectify the situation.
The water is still rising and very muddy. All our bait came from along the railroad tracks just downstream from the airport lights.
Weather: (2353) SE5, clear, 73˚, 29.89 falling
Water: 10.9 rising, 110 kcfs, 76˚, muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bait, Pete: 15 lb. flat head
I had a couple friends from the Baldwin area down for the weekend flat head fishing. We have always talked about them coming down to fish but this was the first time that we were to do it. Our original plans were for them to come down in July, but because they are big bear hunters and they hunt bear every year, June just was a better choice. However, it sure was not the best choice for fishing flats. With the water being extremely high, I knew it wold be tough.
Our first spot was the best and only spot that we had any action at. Pete caught the one 15 pound flat and Todd missed one. Our two spots after that were a total bust.
When we got back to the landing Scott was waiting for us. He had also been out fishing with a buddy and they got three, but he was not there to tell us that. Someone had ran into the fender on his trailer and bent the bracket into the tire, and he was unable to move the trailer on account of this. Luckily Pete was along and with his ingenuity he was able to rectify the situation.
The water is still rising and very muddy. All our bait came from along the railroad tracks just downstream from the airport lights.

6-19-14 Thr
6-19-2014 Thr. 8-11PM myself
Weather: (2253) SE5, mostly cloudy, 69˚, 29.96 steady
Water: 10.48 rising, 102 kcfs, 76˚, muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Nothing
I was out on a pre scouting trip for the upcoming weekend, and I was disappointed with the results. I never caught a channel cat or a flat head and I only had one bite.
The water is on the rise and very muddy.
Weather: (2253) SE5, mostly cloudy, 69˚, 29.96 steady
Water: 10.48 rising, 102 kcfs, 76˚, muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Nothing
I was out on a pre scouting trip for the upcoming weekend, and I was disappointed with the results. I never caught a channel cat or a flat head and I only had one bite.
The water is on the rise and very muddy.
6-17-14 Tues
6-17-2014 Tues. 7-1130PM myself & Scott
Weather: (2253) E6, a few clouds, 76˚, 29.82 falling, storms in area
Water: 9.85 rising, 92.1 kcfs, 73˚, getting muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Me: 1-8lb. flat head, 1-8lb. snapping turtle, bait
Scott: 2 flat heads 8 & 42 lbs., bait
It was definitely a Scott night. He was able to catch his personal best tonight; a forty-two pound giant.
We fished multiple spots tonight and caught fish at each one. Unfortunately the river is on the rise on account of all the precipitation the water shed has received the last week or so.
Weather: (2253) E6, a few clouds, 76˚, 29.82 falling, storms in area
Water: 9.85 rising, 92.1 kcfs, 73˚, getting muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: Me: 1-8lb. flat head, 1-8lb. snapping turtle, bait
Scott: 2 flat heads 8 & 42 lbs., bait
It was definitely a Scott night. He was able to catch his personal best tonight; a forty-two pound giant.
We fished multiple spots tonight and caught fish at each one. Unfortunately the river is on the rise on account of all the precipitation the water shed has received the last week or so.
6-16-14 Mon
6-16-2014 Mon. 7-8PM myself
Weather: (1953) E7, cloudy (storms close by), 81˚, 29.75 falling
Water: 9.69 rising, 89.7 kcfs, 73˚, clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7 Lake Onaslaska
Caught: Approximately 15 bluegills and 2 rock bass
It was a quick panfishing trip out to the man made islands on the lake. I did have pretty good success on the front side of the north island.
Weather: (1953) E7, cloudy (storms close by), 81˚, 29.75 falling
Water: 9.69 rising, 89.7 kcfs, 73˚, clear
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7 Lake Onaslaska
Caught: Approximately 15 bluegills and 2 rock bass
It was a quick panfishing trip out to the man made islands on the lake. I did have pretty good success on the front side of the north island.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
6-13-14 Fri.
6-13-2014 Fri. 730PM-1130PM myself and Scott
Weather: (2053) SE5, clear, 67˚, 29.95 rising
Water: 72˚, clear, Black: 4.08 falling, 1.54kcfs Miss.: 10.35 falling, 100 kcfs
Caught: Me: 1 flat 8 lb., Scott: 1 channel 8 lb.
Tonight's success was somewhat limited. We had quite a few mediocre bites, but only connected on two fish.
The Mississippi River has backed the Black River up and consequently there is not much flow in the Black. There was a lot of surface chasing going on up the Black tonight.
Weather: (2053) SE5, clear, 67˚, 29.95 rising
Water: 72˚, clear, Black: 4.08 falling, 1.54kcfs Miss.: 10.35 falling, 100 kcfs
Caught: Me: 1 flat 8 lb., Scott: 1 channel 8 lb.
Tonight's success was somewhat limited. We had quite a few mediocre bites, but only connected on two fish.
The Mississippi River has backed the Black River up and consequently there is not much flow in the Black. There was a lot of surface chasing going on up the Black tonight.
6-12-14 Thr.
6-12-2014 Thr. 4PM-730PM myself
Weather: (1653) W18 G23, overcast, 70˚, 29.85 rising
Water: 10.4 rising, 72˚, clear off of Black but dirty otherwise, 101 kcfs
Caught: Approx. 12 LMB 10-18", 2 pike 20 & 22"
It was a thursday. It was very windy and hard to fish, but there were not many people out, so it was very relaxing. Fishing was very tuff, but I did alright fishing the lower deltas of the Black.
The Black is full of minnows right now, and I suspect they are pike fry.
Weather: (1653) W18 G23, overcast, 70˚, 29.85 rising
Water: 10.4 rising, 72˚, clear off of Black but dirty otherwise, 101 kcfs
Caught: Approx. 12 LMB 10-18", 2 pike 20 & 22"
It was a thursday. It was very windy and hard to fish, but there were not many people out, so it was very relaxing. Fishing was very tuff, but I did alright fishing the lower deltas of the Black.
The Black is full of minnows right now, and I suspect they are pike fry.
6-11-14 Wed
6-11-2014 Wed. 7PM-11PM myself & Troy
Weather: (2053) SE5, clear, 73˚, 29.72 falling, moonrise 8PM
Water: 10.34 rising, 72˚, clear, 100 kcfs
Caught: me: 1 flat head 25 lbs, 2 channel cats 6-8 lbs
Troy: 1 flat head 12 lbs
I have not fished with Troy for awhile and it was good to get out with him again. The fishing was pretty good, and we had consistent action. We were fishing up the Black River a little ways.
The water is still very high, but a least in the back slough areas the water is still very clear. There is a lot of wild rice laying on the surface, but none of it has stood up yet.
Weather: (2053) SE5, clear, 73˚, 29.72 falling, moonrise 8PM
Water: 10.34 rising, 72˚, clear, 100 kcfs
Caught: me: 1 flat head 25 lbs, 2 channel cats 6-8 lbs
Troy: 1 flat head 12 lbs
I have not fished with Troy for awhile and it was good to get out with him again. The fishing was pretty good, and we had consistent action. We were fishing up the Black River a little ways.
The water is still very high, but a least in the back slough areas the water is still very clear. There is a lot of wild rice laying on the surface, but none of it has stood up yet.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
6-9-2014 Mon.
6-9-2014 Mon. 7PM-830PM myself
Weather: (1953) E3, clear, 72˚, 29.94 steady
Water: 10.21 rising, 74 ˚, semi-clear, 97.5 kcfs
Caught: Approximately 25 bluegills 4-7.5”
I plan to do some catfishing in the next two weeks, so I needed to get out and see if I could find some bluegills. The water is quite high and fairly dirty, so I was not overly optimistic. I did not find a large concentration of gills, but overall I did find a fair number. The average size was about six inches and most had not yet spawned. I fished the man-made islands and did the best on the rock face of the northern most one.
The black flies were bad tonight and of course so were the mosquitoes. The irises are in full bloom along with the peonies and the wild rice is now lying on top of the surface.
Weather: (1953) E3, clear, 72˚, 29.94 steady
Water: 10.21 rising, 74 ˚, semi-clear, 97.5 kcfs
Caught: Approximately 25 bluegills 4-7.5”
I plan to do some catfishing in the next two weeks, so I needed to get out and see if I could find some bluegills. The water is quite high and fairly dirty, so I was not overly optimistic. I did not find a large concentration of gills, but overall I did find a fair number. The average size was about six inches and most had not yet spawned. I fished the man-made islands and did the best on the rock face of the northern most one.
The black flies were bad tonight and of course so were the mosquitoes. The irises are in full bloom along with the peonies and the wild rice is now lying on top of the surface.
Monday, June 9, 2014
6-6&7-2014 Fri/Sat
6-7-2014 Sat 1PM-8:30PM myself & Scott, St Croix Flowage and Bear Lake
Weather: 6-6(1355) Duluth W12, sunny, 79˚, 29.90 rising
6-7(1330)Danbury NE8, overcast, 55 ˚, 30.02 rising (it rained all night and most of the morning).
Water: St Louis R, 72-74 ˚, dirty and high
St Croix Flowage clear, very weedy, 68 ˚
Bear stained, high, 66 ˚
Caught: St. Louis: 1-41.5” musky, 3 small pike
St Croix Flowage: lots of small pike with one 28” and some decent largemouth bass
Bear Lake: 1-42” musky, several small pike
It was my annual spring fishing trip up to the cabin. Unfortunately we did not hit the small mouths up in Ashland, but instead concentrated on musky fishing. Friday we spent the day up in Duluth fishing the St Louis River. If it would not have been for Scott catching a musky on his third cast it would have been a bust. The water was very dirty and high and too warm for the pike to be active.
Saturday we fished the St Croix Flowage. I mainly fished for pike while Scott punished himself searching for muskies. We both caught lots of small pike and I also caught some largemouth bass, but no muskies were caught. This was a new body of water for us to fish and it has a ton of weeds almost everywhere.
We finished off Saturday night fishing my favorite musky lake not too far from the cabin. We both caught small pike and I also caught the one decent musky.
I also set out a bear bait behind the barn and had a bear on the camera ten hours later.
The area up here had been buried by snow all winter and now this spring it had been drenched by the rains. Unfortunately the road into the cabin is soup and the mosquitoes are absolutely the worst I have ever experienced. The lilacs are blooming up here, and the weed growth in the St Croix flowage is already quite extensive. We saw lots of wildlife this trip and it included: deer, bear, coyote, fox, skunk, porcupine, turkey and an unidentifiable black critter about the size of a medium dog.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
6-1-14 Sun.
6-1-2014 Sun. 615PM-815PM myself
Weather: (1853) S6, scattered rain, 72˚, 29.76 falling
Water: clear, 74 ˚, 8.94 rising, 79.6 kcfs
Caught: 3 pike 20-28”, 5 w bass 14-16”, 3 lmb 13-15”, 2 smb 12-14”
Tonight was a fish for whatever bites night. I had seen fish chasing minnows the other night at one particular spot, so that spot was definitely on my radar. I started out fishing for bass and pike and had limited success. I then tried for some walleyes and had no success with them.
Finally, I settled in to a white bass on top water action spot, which resulted in some pretty fun action. You just cannot beat fishing for white bass using top water baits.
The river has stopped receding and is heading back up. The locust trees are now blooming.
Weather: (1853) S6, scattered rain, 72˚, 29.76 falling
Water: clear, 74 ˚, 8.94 rising, 79.6 kcfs
Caught: 3 pike 20-28”, 5 w bass 14-16”, 3 lmb 13-15”, 2 smb 12-14”
Tonight was a fish for whatever bites night. I had seen fish chasing minnows the other night at one particular spot, so that spot was definitely on my radar. I started out fishing for bass and pike and had limited success. I then tried for some walleyes and had no success with them.
Finally, I settled in to a white bass on top water action spot, which resulted in some pretty fun action. You just cannot beat fishing for white bass using top water baits.
The river has stopped receding and is heading back up. The locust trees are now blooming.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
5-30-14 Fri
5-30-2014 Fri. 7PM-11PM myself
Weather: (1955) SE5, clear, 79˚, 30.07 rising
Water: clear, 74-82 ˚, 9.46 falling, 85.2 kcfs/Black R. 5.79 falling, 3.2 kcfs, clear
Caught: Bait: some very nice bluegills, no flats or cats
I was flying solo on the catfish tonight. I started out trying to catch bait on the south end of the channel, but that was a dead end. I then made my way out to the man-made islands, and my fortunes increased. There were lots of big bluegills out there and they were into the spawn. Catfishing was very uneventful, I had one bite and that was it.
The mosquitoes were absolutely and totally horrendous! The purple flowers over the dog’s graves are blooming along with the irises. My red but tree did not have much for blooms this year and now it is beginning to leaf out.
Weather: (1955) SE5, clear, 79˚, 30.07 rising
Water: clear, 74-82 ˚, 9.46 falling, 85.2 kcfs/Black R. 5.79 falling, 3.2 kcfs, clear
Caught: Bait: some very nice bluegills, no flats or cats
I was flying solo on the catfish tonight. I started out trying to catch bait on the south end of the channel, but that was a dead end. I then made my way out to the man-made islands, and my fortunes increased. There were lots of big bluegills out there and they were into the spawn. Catfishing was very uneventful, I had one bite and that was it.
The mosquitoes were absolutely and totally horrendous! The purple flowers over the dog’s graves are blooming along with the irises. My red but tree did not have much for blooms this year and now it is beginning to leaf out.
5-28-14 Wed
5-28-2014 Sun 8:30AM-5:30PM myself
Weather: (1253) NW6, clear, 67˚, 30.07 rising
Water: 10.99 falling, 76.7 kcfs, 72 ˚, clear but got very muddy
Caught: 12 pike 12-36”, 16 LMB 14-16”, 1 walleye 15”
Since I had such good luck up the river last Sunday, I was hoping for a repeat. Of course it did not happen, but I still did catch plenty of fish.
I did have an interesting moment with the largest pike of the day. When I picked the fish up and slid my fingers under its gill plate, I hooked myself on the lure that was in the fish’s mouth. I was pretty nervous until I was able to free my finger from the grip of the lure. That fish was rather large and powerful and if it would have started to thrash, I would have been in big time trouble. I somehow did manage to free my finger, remove the hook and release the fish and escape with only a couple small punctures to my finger.
There is still not too much for aquatic vegetation up here, but the water has been so high for so long that I think it has slowed the growth of the plants.
Weather: (1253) NW6, clear, 67˚, 30.07 rising
Water: 10.99 falling, 76.7 kcfs, 72 ˚, clear but got very muddy
Caught: 12 pike 12-36”, 16 LMB 14-16”, 1 walleye 15”
Since I had such good luck up the river last Sunday, I was hoping for a repeat. Of course it did not happen, but I still did catch plenty of fish.
I did have an interesting moment with the largest pike of the day. When I picked the fish up and slid my fingers under its gill plate, I hooked myself on the lure that was in the fish’s mouth. I was pretty nervous until I was able to free my finger from the grip of the lure. That fish was rather large and powerful and if it would have started to thrash, I would have been in big time trouble. I somehow did manage to free my finger, remove the hook and release the fish and escape with only a couple small punctures to my finger.
There is still not too much for aquatic vegetation up here, but the water has been so high for so long that I think it has slowed the growth of the plants.
5-26-14 Mon
5-26-2014 Mon. 6PM-11PM myself
Weather: (2053) S13, mostly cloudy, 80˚, 29.86 steady, storms in area
Water: clear, 72 ˚, 10.86 falling, 107 kcfs/Black R. clear, 6’ falling, 3.53 kcfs
Caught: 4 channel cats 4-10 lbs. 1-10 lb. flat head
I did not have much ambition today, so I pretty much did nothing around the house. This evening however the conditions looked and felt right for a good night to get out and try catfishing for the first time this season. The bite was surprisingly good, I actually ran out of bait before I was ready to quit.
The weather has definitely turned summer like, but the water is still quit high.
Weather: (2053) S13, mostly cloudy, 80˚, 29.86 steady, storms in area
Water: clear, 72 ˚, 10.86 falling, 107 kcfs/Black R. clear, 6’ falling, 3.53 kcfs
Caught: 4 channel cats 4-10 lbs. 1-10 lb. flat head
I did not have much ambition today, so I pretty much did nothing around the house. This evening however the conditions looked and felt right for a good night to get out and try catfishing for the first time this season. The bite was surprisingly good, I actually ran out of bait before I was ready to quit.
The weather has definitely turned summer like, but the water is still quit high.
Monday, May 26, 2014
5-25-14 Sun
5-25-2014 Sun. 8:30AM-7:30PM myself & Scott
Weather: (1335) SE8, partly cloudy, 81˚, 30.02 falling
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.85 falling, 93 kcfs
Caught: Me: 19 pike 13-39.5”, 11 LMB 12-16”, 1 SMB 15”
Scott: 27 Pike 15-36”, 18 LMB 12-18”, 1 walleye 26”
It was another spring time excursion up to the big waters of the Mississippi river near Wabasha. The trip was by far the best trip of the year up to this area; we caught the most and the biggest pike of the year.
The day started out with small fish, but then we moved to bigger waters and the size structure dramatically increased. Scott was hesitant to move far away from the numbers game in exchange for the possibility of bigger and better fish. He also constantly back boated me and I wanted to get out of areas with defined borders. Back boating is basically moving parallel and in close proximity to some structure while fishing. This gives the guy who is running the trolling motor almost all the water to fish, but it gives the guy in the back very little area between the boat and shore line and structure.
I fished a myriad of baits today which included a: spinner bait, buzz bait, swim bait, senco, rattle trap and in line spinners. The bait that gave me the best success on the larger fish was a Bucher Buck Tail in an orange and yellow combination. Scott basically fished one bait; the old reliable spinner bait. I think I am going to have to call him spinner bait Scott.
The water is still very high up here, but it is clear. There is not a lot of aquatic growth yet, except for some lily pads in the more sheltered bays. My red bud tree has finally started to bloom.
Weather: (1335) SE8, partly cloudy, 81˚, 30.02 falling
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.85 falling, 93 kcfs
Caught: Me: 19 pike 13-39.5”, 11 LMB 12-16”, 1 SMB 15”
Scott: 27 Pike 15-36”, 18 LMB 12-18”, 1 walleye 26”
It was another spring time excursion up to the big waters of the Mississippi river near Wabasha. The trip was by far the best trip of the year up to this area; we caught the most and the biggest pike of the year.
The day started out with small fish, but then we moved to bigger waters and the size structure dramatically increased. Scott was hesitant to move far away from the numbers game in exchange for the possibility of bigger and better fish. He also constantly back boated me and I wanted to get out of areas with defined borders. Back boating is basically moving parallel and in close proximity to some structure while fishing. This gives the guy who is running the trolling motor almost all the water to fish, but it gives the guy in the back very little area between the boat and shore line and structure.
I fished a myriad of baits today which included a: spinner bait, buzz bait, swim bait, senco, rattle trap and in line spinners. The bait that gave me the best success on the larger fish was a Bucher Buck Tail in an orange and yellow combination. Scott basically fished one bait; the old reliable spinner bait. I think I am going to have to call him spinner bait Scott.
The water is still very high up here, but it is clear. There is not a lot of aquatic growth yet, except for some lily pads in the more sheltered bays. My red bud tree has finally started to bloom.
5-23-14 Fri
5-23-2014 Fri. 10AM-6PM myself
Weather: (1353) NW7, clear, 74˚, 30.20 steady
Water: clear to turbid, 62-65 ˚, 630.65 falling, 116 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 3 pike 18-20”, 30 LMB 12-17”
I had the day off and I was fishing solo, it could not get any better. What better way to take advantage of the situation then to explore. I put the boat in at the Genoa landing and headed across the river to explore the side channels and marshes of the Minnesota side.
All I can say is wow! This area is huge and it was all flooded. I don’t think there was one speck of dry land anywhere in the bottoms. I estimate there was three to four feet of water in the woods. This is one big area and with all the water it was a daunting task finding the fish.
Almost all the fish I caught came from the way upper end just off the dike or railroad tracks. I was totally amazed at the amount of carp I saw just leisurely swimming around without much caution. Most of the bass came from shallow back bay areas. I suspect most were males moving in to find nesting areas.
There was not much for new aquatic weed growth; I think the water was just too high for it to get enough sunlight and warmth. The carp are very close to their yearly spawning frenzy. The lilac and apple trees are at full bloom, but my red bud tree is not.
Weather: (1353) NW7, clear, 74˚, 30.20 steady
Water: clear to turbid, 62-65 ˚, 630.65 falling, 116 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 3 pike 18-20”, 30 LMB 12-17”
I had the day off and I was fishing solo, it could not get any better. What better way to take advantage of the situation then to explore. I put the boat in at the Genoa landing and headed across the river to explore the side channels and marshes of the Minnesota side.
All I can say is wow! This area is huge and it was all flooded. I don’t think there was one speck of dry land anywhere in the bottoms. I estimate there was three to four feet of water in the woods. This is one big area and with all the water it was a daunting task finding the fish.
Almost all the fish I caught came from the way upper end just off the dike or railroad tracks. I was totally amazed at the amount of carp I saw just leisurely swimming around without much caution. Most of the bass came from shallow back bay areas. I suspect most were males moving in to find nesting areas.
There was not much for new aquatic weed growth; I think the water was just too high for it to get enough sunlight and warmth. The carp are very close to their yearly spawning frenzy. The lilac and apple trees are at full bloom, but my red bud tree is not.
5-22-14 Thr
5-22-2014 Thr. 6PM-8:30PM, myself and Scott
Weather: N13, clear, 71˚, 30.11 rising
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.02 falling, 110 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 1 pike 20”, 3 LMB 14-15”
Scott: 3 pike 20-27”, 4 LMB 14-16”
It was a bass and pike trip with Scott tonight after work. My left arm was still pretty sore from our marathon fisheree last Sunday, so I took it easy tonight. The fish were not in much of a feeding mood tonight. Most of the fish we caught tonight were in sheltered bays relating to some type of dead emergent vegetation.
The water is still very high, but it has begun to drop. The growing season is in full swing, but my red bud tree is still not showing much of a sign of life.
Weather: N13, clear, 71˚, 30.11 rising
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.02 falling, 110 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 1 pike 20”, 3 LMB 14-15”
Scott: 3 pike 20-27”, 4 LMB 14-16”
It was a bass and pike trip with Scott tonight after work. My left arm was still pretty sore from our marathon fisheree last Sunday, so I took it easy tonight. The fish were not in much of a feeding mood tonight. Most of the fish we caught tonight were in sheltered bays relating to some type of dead emergent vegetation.
The water is still very high, but it has begun to drop. The growing season is in full swing, but my red bud tree is still not showing much of a sign of life.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
5-20-14 Tue
5-20-2014 Tue
Weather: (1853) NW 5, clear, 79˚, 29.81 steady
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.59 falling, 122 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 3 pike 20-33”, 4 LMB 12-17”, 1 W. Bass 15”
It was an evening fishing trip by myself. I had two goals this evening: test the go devil and catch some fish. I have been having some electrical start issue with the engine, so I replaced the solenoid and the switch. I seemed to have succeeded in fixing the problem, now the engine starts with ease.
Fishing tonight was okay. The fish did not seem to be overly aggressive. I missed just as many as I caught. With the water continuing to drop the fish seem to be somewhat scattered. However, the fish I did catch were pretty tight some sort of cover and out of the current.
I can once again see my dock. The lily pads in back bay locations are popping up and everywhere and some are fully expanded and on the surface. The milfoil in the upper end of the lake has exploded and covers the surface in some areas. The lilacs are not quite to full bloom yet and it seems as if the trees have leafed out over the past couple of days.
Weather: (1853) NW 5, clear, 79˚, 29.81 steady
Water: clear, 62 ˚, 11.59 falling, 122 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 3 pike 20-33”, 4 LMB 12-17”, 1 W. Bass 15”
It was an evening fishing trip by myself. I had two goals this evening: test the go devil and catch some fish. I have been having some electrical start issue with the engine, so I replaced the solenoid and the switch. I seemed to have succeeded in fixing the problem, now the engine starts with ease.
Fishing tonight was okay. The fish did not seem to be overly aggressive. I missed just as many as I caught. With the water continuing to drop the fish seem to be somewhat scattered. However, the fish I did catch were pretty tight some sort of cover and out of the current.
I can once again see my dock. The lily pads in back bay locations are popping up and everywhere and some are fully expanded and on the surface. The milfoil in the upper end of the lake has exploded and covers the surface in some areas. The lilacs are not quite to full bloom yet and it seems as if the trees have leafed out over the past couple of days.
Monday, May 19, 2014
5-18-14 Sun
5-18-2014 Sun
Weather: (1253) W10 G20, partly cloudy, 72˚, 30.11 steady
Water: clear, 56 ˚ am 58 ˚ pm, 12.83 falling, 118 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 18 pike 18-36”, 8 LMB 15-19”, 1 SMB 18”
Scott: 18 pike 18-26”, 8 LMB 15-18”
It was my annual pike fishing trip up to Nelson with Scott, and it ended up being a marathon. We casted and fished very hard for almost twelve hours without a break.
As usual our fishing trips are very competitive. This trip I was looking for larger sized pike and Scott appeared to be trying to catch as many fish as possible. I caught almost all my fish on swim baits and Scott caught most of his on a spinner bait.
In the morning the fish did not seem to be nearly as aggressive, and the slower presentation of the swim bait definitely out fished the spinner bait. But, as the day progressed and the water temperature got warmer the spinner bait accounted for more fish, but not bigger fish.
The water is still very high, but it has reached its peak and will slowly start to fall. There was very little sign of new aquatic plant growth. The apple, lilac and bleeding hearts are starting to bloom.
Weather: (1253) W10 G20, partly cloudy, 72˚, 30.11 steady
Water: clear, 56 ˚ am 58 ˚ pm, 12.83 falling, 118 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 18 pike 18-36”, 8 LMB 15-19”, 1 SMB 18”
Scott: 18 pike 18-26”, 8 LMB 15-18”
It was my annual pike fishing trip up to Nelson with Scott, and it ended up being a marathon. We casted and fished very hard for almost twelve hours without a break.
As usual our fishing trips are very competitive. This trip I was looking for larger sized pike and Scott appeared to be trying to catch as many fish as possible. I caught almost all my fish on swim baits and Scott caught most of his on a spinner bait.
In the morning the fish did not seem to be nearly as aggressive, and the slower presentation of the swim bait definitely out fished the spinner bait. But, as the day progressed and the water temperature got warmer the spinner bait accounted for more fish, but not bigger fish.
The water is still very high, but it has reached its peak and will slowly start to fall. There was very little sign of new aquatic plant growth. The apple, lilac and bleeding hearts are starting to bloom.
5-16-14 Fri.
5-16-2014 Fri
Weather: (1853) overcast, W7, 51˚, 30.04 steady
Water: clear, 56 ˚, 12 rising, 131 kcfs
Who: Myself and Mark S.
Caught: Total: about 3 pike and 4 bass, nothing huge
I was fishing the lake by the house with co-worker Mark Sampson. We were targeting LMB and pike, and we were somewhat successful.
The water continues to rise and it just hit flood stage today. Even though it is very high it is still very clear. We still have not had many days of really seasonally warm weather; in fact tonight some locations around here may see some frost by morning.
Weather: (1853) overcast, W7, 51˚, 30.04 steady
Water: clear, 56 ˚, 12 rising, 131 kcfs
Who: Myself and Mark S.
Caught: Total: about 3 pike and 4 bass, nothing huge
I was fishing the lake by the house with co-worker Mark Sampson. We were targeting LMB and pike, and we were somewhat successful.
The water continues to rise and it just hit flood stage today. Even though it is very high it is still very clear. We still have not had many days of really seasonally warm weather; in fact tonight some locations around here may see some frost by morning.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
5-14-2014 Wed
Weather: (1753) NE 6, clear, 57˚, 30.10 falling
Water: 59 ˚, clear, 11.41 rising, 118 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 3 LMB 14”, 2 pike 22-28”
Scott: 4 pike 20-33”, 4 LMB 13-16”
It was an evening fishing trip with Scott, with pike and bass on the radar. The conditions were more in line with being pleasant for fishing, but not for catching. I did not think the bite would be as good as last night, and I was right!
The fish seem to be more scattered and harder to find the higher the water goes. Most of the fish we caught were quite tight to some type of dead emergent vegetation.
The dandelions in the yard are blooming, and the rhubarb is getting quite large. The bleeding heart plant on the north side of the house is now about twelve inches tall. I have still not seen any life from my red bud tree, and I am afraid it has not survived the brutal winter.
Weather: (1753) NE 6, clear, 57˚, 30.10 falling
Water: 59 ˚, clear, 11.41 rising, 118 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 3 LMB 14”, 2 pike 22-28”
Scott: 4 pike 20-33”, 4 LMB 13-16”
It was an evening fishing trip with Scott, with pike and bass on the radar. The conditions were more in line with being pleasant for fishing, but not for catching. I did not think the bite would be as good as last night, and I was right!
The fish seem to be more scattered and harder to find the higher the water goes. Most of the fish we caught were quite tight to some type of dead emergent vegetation.
The dandelions in the yard are blooming, and the rhubarb is getting quite large. The bleeding heart plant on the north side of the house is now about twelve inches tall. I have still not seen any life from my red bud tree, and I am afraid it has not survived the brutal winter.
5-13-14 Tue
Weather: (1753) overcast, 54˚, NW16, 30.08 rising
Water: clear, 59 ˚, 11.09 rising, 112 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 6 LMB 12-18”, 7 pike 19-39”, 1 walleye 12”
It was a loner fishing trip that was meant to expand on my fishing outing with Oaty the other day. I had some pretty great pike action on that outing and I was hoping I could have the same results today. I did find some very active pike and was lucky enough to tie into the one big one.
I covered a lot of water in three hours and when I put the pole down for the night I was satisfied with the results.
The water is still on the rise and will be above flood stage in a couple of days. My dock is about six inches above the water at this time. I noticed some lilacs in La Crosse that are very close to blooming. The orioles are very abundant and active at the feeder.
Weather: (1753) overcast, 54˚, NW16, 30.08 rising
Water: clear, 59 ˚, 11.09 rising, 112 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 6 LMB 12-18”, 7 pike 19-39”, 1 walleye 12”
It was a loner fishing trip that was meant to expand on my fishing outing with Oaty the other day. I had some pretty great pike action on that outing and I was hoping I could have the same results today. I did find some very active pike and was lucky enough to tie into the one big one.
I covered a lot of water in three hours and when I put the pole down for the night I was satisfied with the results.
The water is still on the rise and will be above flood stage in a couple of days. My dock is about six inches above the water at this time. I noticed some lilacs in La Crosse that are very close to blooming. The orioles are very abundant and active at the feeder.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
5-11-14 Sun
5-11-2014 1:30PM – 8PM, myself and Kyle S.
Weather: rain, overcast, 64˚, E9, 29.86 falling
Water: clear, 56-60 ˚, 11.08 falling, 112 kcfs
Who: Myself and Kyle
Caught: Me: multiple nice pike, some LMB
Kyle: mostly LMB
I was invite to do a little pre-tournament bass fishing with Kyle (Oaty) tonight, and I eagerly accepted. We do not fish together more than once or twice per year, but I enjoy it because I get to see what a tournament bass angle is using for baits and gear.
One thing about Oaty, he is always about fishing for bass, whereas I am about fishing for most any type of game fish as long as that species is biting. Right from the get go we ran into a pretty good bunch of LMB and pike. Oaty did not want anything to do with the pike, which was oaky with me. I was able to put a whopping on some nice sized ones while he targeted his bass. I tried to encourage him to put on a bright and shiny spinner bait so he could partake in some of the pike goodness, but he declined.
Some submergent vegetation is starting to appear; both milfoil and underwater pads are now visible in the quite clear water.
Weather: rain, overcast, 64˚, E9, 29.86 falling
Water: clear, 56-60 ˚, 11.08 falling, 112 kcfs
Who: Myself and Kyle
Caught: Me: multiple nice pike, some LMB
Kyle: mostly LMB
I was invite to do a little pre-tournament bass fishing with Kyle (Oaty) tonight, and I eagerly accepted. We do not fish together more than once or twice per year, but I enjoy it because I get to see what a tournament bass angle is using for baits and gear.
One thing about Oaty, he is always about fishing for bass, whereas I am about fishing for most any type of game fish as long as that species is biting. Right from the get go we ran into a pretty good bunch of LMB and pike. Oaty did not want anything to do with the pike, which was oaky with me. I was able to put a whopping on some nice sized ones while he targeted his bass. I tried to encourage him to put on a bright and shiny spinner bait so he could partake in some of the pike goodness, but he declined.
Some submergent vegetation is starting to appear; both milfoil and underwater pads are now visible in the quite clear water.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
5-7-14 Wed
5-7-2014 2PM – 8PM
Weather: 1553, E15 G23, overcast, 65˚, 29.75 falling
Water: clear, 56 ˚, 6.56 falling, 4.2 kcfs
Who: Myself
Where: Black River, Highway 93 Landing
Caught: 3 pike 20 – 27”, 1 LMB 13”, 1 SMB 14”
Every year I wait for certain river conditions on the Black River to fish for pike. The water cannot be too high, because if it is the fish will not be where I fish. But if it is too low I am unable to navigate to the lake on account of there is not enough water to float a boat into the lake. The lake is off a side channel of the Black, and usually a chain saw is needed to make the passage. This year was no exception, some braches needed to be removed from my path.
The lakes fishing quality has deteriorated over the years from sedimentation and an increase of water flow into it from its source. Today I only managed one twenty inch pike from the lake, whereas last year I caught more than twenty. It is possible the fish are not yet there or they just were not biting. I did hit some other back bay area’s off the river, with limited success.
It is still quite cold and the seasonal growing season has once again been retarded. I noticed my first oriole at the feeder on Monday, and yesterday I saw my first ever red breasted grosbeak there. The magnolia bushes are now blooming.
Weather: 1553, E15 G23, overcast, 65˚, 29.75 falling
Water: clear, 56 ˚, 6.56 falling, 4.2 kcfs
Who: Myself
Where: Black River, Highway 93 Landing
Caught: 3 pike 20 – 27”, 1 LMB 13”, 1 SMB 14”
Every year I wait for certain river conditions on the Black River to fish for pike. The water cannot be too high, because if it is the fish will not be where I fish. But if it is too low I am unable to navigate to the lake on account of there is not enough water to float a boat into the lake. The lake is off a side channel of the Black, and usually a chain saw is needed to make the passage. This year was no exception, some braches needed to be removed from my path.
The lakes fishing quality has deteriorated over the years from sedimentation and an increase of water flow into it from its source. Today I only managed one twenty inch pike from the lake, whereas last year I caught more than twenty. It is possible the fish are not yet there or they just were not biting. I did hit some other back bay area’s off the river, with limited success.
It is still quite cold and the seasonal growing season has once again been retarded. I noticed my first oriole at the feeder on Monday, and yesterday I saw my first ever red breasted grosbeak there. The magnolia bushes are now blooming.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
5-4-14 Sun
5-4-2014 1015AM – 6PM
Weather: clear, 53˚, W9, 30.08 falling
Water: clear, 49-54 ˚, 11.89 rising, 129 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 10 LMB 13-17”, 1 pike 26”
Scott: 8 LMB 14 – 20.5”
The water is almost at flood stage now, which makes locating the fish very difficult. All of our fish except one came from the south side of the lake. Most of my fish came on a rattle trap and Scott caught most of his on a spinner bait.
There is some aquatic vegetation beginning to push through the river bottom. On several occasions my bait would come back fouled with bits and pieces of arrowhead leaves. The water is very high; almost to flood stage, yet it is quite clear. The periwinkle plants are starting to bloom, but that is the only plants I have seen blooming yet this year.
Weather: clear, 53˚, W9, 30.08 falling
Water: clear, 49-54 ˚, 11.89 rising, 129 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 10 LMB 13-17”, 1 pike 26”
Scott: 8 LMB 14 – 20.5”
The water is almost at flood stage now, which makes locating the fish very difficult. All of our fish except one came from the south side of the lake. Most of my fish came on a rattle trap and Scott caught most of his on a spinner bait.
There is some aquatic vegetation beginning to push through the river bottom. On several occasions my bait would come back fouled with bits and pieces of arrowhead leaves. The water is very high; almost to flood stage, yet it is quite clear. The periwinkle plants are starting to bloom, but that is the only plants I have seen blooming yet this year.
5-2-14 Fri
Weather: rain, 51˚, SE7, 29.61 falling
Water: clear, 48 ˚, 11.05 rising, 111 kcfs, lots of floating debris
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 8 LMB 13-17”, 1 pike 25”
Scott: 7 LMB 14 – 18”
It was Friday, the weather was miserable and I did not expect us to catch too many fish, but we did not care; we were fishing. It was rainy, cold, the water was high and cold, and not exactly the perfect conditions to catch fish in. Surprisingly the fish were very active and charging our baits. We were able to put a respectable amount of fish into the boat in a very short period of time.
The water is still on the rise and will be above flood stage in a couple of days. My dock is about six inches above the water at this time.

Weather: rain, 51˚, SE7, 29.61 falling
Water: clear, 48 ˚, 11.05 rising, 111 kcfs, lots of floating debris
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 8 LMB 13-17”, 1 pike 25”
Scott: 7 LMB 14 – 18”
It was Friday, the weather was miserable and I did not expect us to catch too many fish, but we did not care; we were fishing. It was rainy, cold, the water was high and cold, and not exactly the perfect conditions to catch fish in. Surprisingly the fish were very active and charging our baits. We were able to put a respectable amount of fish into the boat in a very short period of time.
The water is still on the rise and will be above flood stage in a couple of days. My dock is about six inches above the water at this time.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Weather: light rain, 43˚, calm, 29.70 steady
Water: clear, 44 ˚, 10.26 rising, 96.8 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 2 LMB 13-14”, 1 pike 24”
Tonight was an after work fishing trip to expand upon last night’s outing. I started out fishing Black Deer’s, and quickly caught my two LMB’s there. I then went exploring and headed south of the channel and pounded the shoreline with repeated casts. About half way down towards Ashley Point is where I connected with the pike.
Not too much has changed since yesterday, except for the temperatures being a few degrees colder.
Weather: light rain, 43˚, calm, 29.70 steady
Water: clear, 44 ˚, 10.26 rising, 96.8 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 2 LMB 13-14”, 1 pike 24”
Tonight was an after work fishing trip to expand upon last night’s outing. I started out fishing Black Deer’s, and quickly caught my two LMB’s there. I then went exploring and headed south of the channel and pounded the shoreline with repeated casts. About half way down towards Ashley Point is where I connected with the pike.
Not too much has changed since yesterday, except for the temperatures being a few degrees colder.
Weather: cloudy, 48˚, E 10-20
Water: clear, 49 ˚, 11.01 falling, 77.1 kcfs
Who: Scott, Jeremy, Dean, Chuck and myself
Caught: approx. Me: 8 pike (20-30”) Scott: 3 pike (23- 25”) Chuck 2 pike (22-24”). Jeremy 1 Pike 30”, Dean 1 pike 25”.
It was our second day of our weekend getaway and the temperatures had dropped and the winds had increased and change direction and were now blowing from the east. Today we added three fishermen to the group: Jeremy and his friend Dean, and Scott’s friend Chuck. We fished hard all day and except for a lunch break at our cabin at the Red Cedar Resort, there was no down time. The most consistent action we had was at the end of the day right in front of the resort. My boat accounted for about fifteen fish today and Dean and Jeremy in another boat only managed two fish.
There is lots of migrating waterfowl around today. The upper end of Big Lake is very difficult to fish on account of all the dead rice stalks.
Weather: cloudy, 48˚, E 10-20
Water: clear, 49 ˚, 11.01 falling, 77.1 kcfs
Who: Scott, Jeremy, Dean, Chuck and myself
Caught: approx. Me: 8 pike (20-30”) Scott: 3 pike (23- 25”) Chuck 2 pike (22-24”). Jeremy 1 Pike 30”, Dean 1 pike 25”.
It was our second day of our weekend getaway and the temperatures had dropped and the winds had increased and change direction and were now blowing from the east. Today we added three fishermen to the group: Jeremy and his friend Dean, and Scott’s friend Chuck. We fished hard all day and except for a lunch break at our cabin at the Red Cedar Resort, there was no down time. The most consistent action we had was at the end of the day right in front of the resort. My boat accounted for about fifteen fish today and Dean and Jeremy in another boat only managed two fish.
There is lots of migrating waterfowl around today. The upper end of Big Lake is very difficult to fish on account of all the dead rice stalks.
Weather: light rain, 43˚, N 7, 29.62 rising
Water: clear, 44 ˚, 10.0 rising, 92.5 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 1 LMB 14”
It was a spur of the moment fishing trip after work tonight. I really did not expect to catch anything, but I told myself you never know! I missed a pike right off the bat at the mouth of the stump fields, and then right at dark I caught a LMB in Black Deer’s on a Senco.
The water is very cold for this time of year and has dropped around ten degrees since Friday. There are still lots of waterfowl around. I did see a few aquatic plants starting to liberate themselves from the river bed. The water is high and going higher, but it still is very clear.
Weather: light rain, 43˚, N 7, 29.62 rising
Water: clear, 44 ˚, 10.0 rising, 92.5 kcfs
Who: Myself
Caught: 1 LMB 14”
It was a spur of the moment fishing trip after work tonight. I really did not expect to catch anything, but I told myself you never know! I missed a pike right off the bat at the mouth of the stump fields, and then right at dark I caught a LMB in Black Deer’s on a Senco.
The water is very cold for this time of year and has dropped around ten degrees since Friday. There are still lots of waterfowl around. I did see a few aquatic plants starting to liberate themselves from the river bed. The water is high and going higher, but it still is very clear.
Weather: cloudy, 41˚, E 17 G25, 29.87 falling
Water: clear, 11.06 rising, 77.6 kcfs
Who: Scott and myself
Caught: Nothing
The weather had turned horrible overnight, and there was only Scott and I left. It was extremely windy and heavy rains were imminent. The only fishing we did was about thirty casts from shore in front of the resort.
On the trip home we encountered some pretty fierce storms that produced very have down pours and strong winds. I have a cooler in the back of my boat that is used mainly for dry storage, and unfortunately the wind from the movement of the vehicle traveling down the road along with the strong winds from the storms, opened the lid on the cooler. Normally it would not be a big deal, but all the lighter items that I had stored in there basically got sucked out and were lost somewhere along the road. What really upset me were my nice Cabelas Guide Wear bibs. Losing something that you paid $300 for does not make for a very good day.
Today there were lots of minnows along the shoreline, but there were no predators chasing them.
Weather: cloudy, 41˚, E 17 G25, 29.87 falling
Water: clear, 11.06 rising, 77.6 kcfs
Who: Scott and myself
Caught: Nothing
The weather had turned horrible overnight, and there was only Scott and I left. It was extremely windy and heavy rains were imminent. The only fishing we did was about thirty casts from shore in front of the resort.
On the trip home we encountered some pretty fierce storms that produced very have down pours and strong winds. I have a cooler in the back of my boat that is used mainly for dry storage, and unfortunately the wind from the movement of the vehicle traveling down the road along with the strong winds from the storms, opened the lid on the cooler. Normally it would not be a big deal, but all the lighter items that I had stored in there basically got sucked out and were lost somewhere along the road. What really upset me were my nice Cabelas Guide Wear bibs. Losing something that you paid $300 for does not make for a very good day.
Today there were lots of minnows along the shoreline, but there were no predators chasing them.
4-25-14 Nelson, WI
Weather: sunny, 62˚, W 8-22
Water: clear, 11.08 steady, 77.9 kcfs
Who: Scott and myself
Caught: approx. Me: 4 pike (20-32”) and 2 LMB (14”) Scott: 2 pike approx. 24”
It was our first annual overnight pike fishing trip to Nelson. Today was pretty much a dud compared to other years. I blame our poor results on account of the cold spring which resulted in cooler water temperatures. We fished many spots and we fished hard, but action was hard to come by. All the fish we caught were caught on spinner baits.
The spring is again late this year. The rhubarb in the backyard is starting to leaf out, but the leaves are about the size of cantaloupe. I have yet to see any flowering plants, even the tulips have not bloomed yet. There appears to have been a huge growth of wild rice last summer in the areas we fished. The dead stalks and roots made fishing extremely difficult in some of my favorite spot of prior years. The water is extremely clear in the back waters.
Weather: sunny, 62˚, W 8-22
Water: clear, 11.08 steady, 77.9 kcfs
Who: Scott and myself
Caught: approx. Me: 4 pike (20-32”) and 2 LMB (14”) Scott: 2 pike approx. 24”
It was our first annual overnight pike fishing trip to Nelson. Today was pretty much a dud compared to other years. I blame our poor results on account of the cold spring which resulted in cooler water temperatures. We fished many spots and we fished hard, but action was hard to come by. All the fish we caught were caught on spinner baits.
The spring is again late this year. The rhubarb in the backyard is starting to leaf out, but the leaves are about the size of cantaloupe. I have yet to see any flowering plants, even the tulips have not bloomed yet. There appears to have been a huge growth of wild rice last summer in the areas we fished. The dead stalks and roots made fishing extremely difficult in some of my favorite spot of prior years. The water is extremely clear in the back waters.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Recap of fall 2013 and winter 2014
Recap of fall 2013 through winter of 2014
It has been many, many days and months since my last entry, so I am writing a quick recap to my best recollection of what I remember.
I did a little fall walleye fishing up by Trempealeau and did okay, unfortunately Scott out fished me the couple of times we went.
My annul fall bow hunt / bird hunting trip up to the cabin was both a success and lots of fun. The bird hunting was not that great, but it never is when you are dog less. However I did manage to bad a couple of grouse. I was joined by Jake and one of his friends from Galesville. Jake’s friend had a wolf tag, so they mainly concentrated on wolf trapping. They did get a wolf along with a few coyotes and one bobcat that was released unharmed. All three of us managed a deer with our bows. This was quite a feat on account of everyone was telling us there were no deer around. We found plenty of deer, but we had to travel away from the cabin to areas that had been recently clear cut. I shot a spike and both each shot does. I did not get a great hit on my, so it took me till the next morning to recover it.
Gun season saw myself, Jake, Mark Sr., and Mark Jr., plus Donny; Jake’s father in law hunting the first five days at the cabin. As usual it was a good time, but the deer were not very numerous. Jake and Mark senior each shot does. Dick and I came back up after Thanksgiving and made lots of one on one drives. I did connect with spike two of the season on one of the drives. On the way home on Monday we stopped near Alma and muzzleloader hunted the refuge. I had one decent buck slip by me, but Dick was able to shoot a very, very little fawn. In fact it was one of the two I had let go on the previous drive on account of their small size.
The winter season was brutal this year; quite a bit of snow and very cold temperatures. I am generally a fan of the winters but this one sucked! I was able to get a few rabbit hunting trips in but not many on account of the terrible conditions. I had given Dick a beagle (Lacey) for his retirement gift and we were not able to utilize her gift for chasing rabbits very much. I think I shot a total of three rabbits this year.
The ice fishing season was also brutal on account of the frigid conditions. The weather was so cold, that I never even took the airboat out. In fact since I had not used it much the past couple of years I decided to sell it towards the end of winter. The majority of my ice fishing was done after work below the Dresbach Dam fishing for walleye and sauger. It was a very good year for walleyes through the ice; in fact I don’t think I was skunked on any outings. I also caught a few pike and pan fish during the season, but it was nothing too exciting. I did venture north a few miles and fished Merrick State Park and Buffalo City, I will be back to these locations next year.
That was the short and not too detailed recap of my fall and winter ventures!
Recap of fall 2013 through winter of 2014
It has been many, many days and months since my last entry, so I am writing a quick recap to my best recollection of what I remember.
I did a little fall walleye fishing up by Trempealeau and did okay, unfortunately Scott out fished me the couple of times we went.
My annul fall bow hunt / bird hunting trip up to the cabin was both a success and lots of fun. The bird hunting was not that great, but it never is when you are dog less. However I did manage to bad a couple of grouse. I was joined by Jake and one of his friends from Galesville. Jake’s friend had a wolf tag, so they mainly concentrated on wolf trapping. They did get a wolf along with a few coyotes and one bobcat that was released unharmed. All three of us managed a deer with our bows. This was quite a feat on account of everyone was telling us there were no deer around. We found plenty of deer, but we had to travel away from the cabin to areas that had been recently clear cut. I shot a spike and both each shot does. I did not get a great hit on my, so it took me till the next morning to recover it.
Gun season saw myself, Jake, Mark Sr., and Mark Jr., plus Donny; Jake’s father in law hunting the first five days at the cabin. As usual it was a good time, but the deer were not very numerous. Jake and Mark senior each shot does. Dick and I came back up after Thanksgiving and made lots of one on one drives. I did connect with spike two of the season on one of the drives. On the way home on Monday we stopped near Alma and muzzleloader hunted the refuge. I had one decent buck slip by me, but Dick was able to shoot a very, very little fawn. In fact it was one of the two I had let go on the previous drive on account of their small size.
The winter season was brutal this year; quite a bit of snow and very cold temperatures. I am generally a fan of the winters but this one sucked! I was able to get a few rabbit hunting trips in but not many on account of the terrible conditions. I had given Dick a beagle (Lacey) for his retirement gift and we were not able to utilize her gift for chasing rabbits very much. I think I shot a total of three rabbits this year.
The ice fishing season was also brutal on account of the frigid conditions. The weather was so cold, that I never even took the airboat out. In fact since I had not used it much the past couple of years I decided to sell it towards the end of winter. The majority of my ice fishing was done after work below the Dresbach Dam fishing for walleye and sauger. It was a very good year for walleyes through the ice; in fact I don’t think I was skunked on any outings. I also caught a few pike and pan fish during the season, but it was nothing too exciting. I did venture north a few miles and fished Merrick State Park and Buffalo City, I will be back to these locations next year.
That was the short and not too detailed recap of my fall and winter ventures!
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