5-30-2010 Sun
8:00 AM-10:45 AM (Derek and Mark)
6:00 PM-12:00AM (Jake and Mark)
Weather: S9, partly sunny, 76°, 29.88 falling (9:05AM)
NW21, cloudy, 73°, 29.85 rising (10:05PM)
H2O: 64.15 falling, 36.6 kcfs, clear - Lake Onalaska
5.88 steady, 34.3 kcfs, clear - Winona
Caught : 1) Bluegills (6) 5-8", kept for flat head bait
2) Flatheads 10 lb - live bluegills
3) Channel Cat 6 lb, cut bait
4) Soft Shell Turtle - cut bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Mississippi R. Pool 6
Derek and Mark C.
Jake and Mark T.
The day started out with me taking my nephews Derek and Mark out bluegill fishing. And we were very successful at it! The bluegills were in full spawn and very easy to locate and catch. I hope both boys had a good time. I really enjoy taking kids out and showing them what the river has to offer.
Later that day I went out cat fishing with co-worker Jake and his son Mark. The fishing was not fantastic but it was okay. It is a good thing I have started using a couple poles baited with cut bait instead of live bluegills, because all our fish came on cut bait. Also, tonight was the first time I have caught a feisty turtle.